Zia Angelis loves words and stories, especially her mother’s funny little “lightning bugs”, stories that make her feel better. Zia also makes up words like “grizzy” (Greek + frizzy), “weirsh” (weird + wish), or “Shadoom” (a room full of shadows). It’s the Shadoom that causes Zia so much trouble in this story as she tries to solve the problem of it opening up inside of her by using a magical eraser in her Yiahyia’s special dictionary, the C.Scuro Dictionary, to get rid of the words that she thinks are causing the problem. Erase the word with a special eraser and the actual thing in the world also disappears. The book includes many pages that mimic actual dictionary pages – something readers today may be less familiar with. I liked that some of the definitions were real & many seemed to be written just for Zia. While the story seems magical in some ways, it really tackles some serious, important issues like depression, anxiety, dementia, poverty, and finding one’s own power to speak up. And while it is never easy to face the darker sides of life, Zia learns that without the dark, the light is not possible. I think this book will speak to students, many of whom struggle to speak about what scares them inside. The book includes an author’s note at the back with some resources for students struggling with depression and mental health.