In my opinion, Wild Dreamers is an amazing book. It’s about a Cuban American girl named Ana, she and her mother have been living out of their car after her father’s name popped up on the FBI’s most wanted list. They were hiding her from her father after he was wanted for domestic terrorism. But, wild dreamers is a story of two teens, both of which are facing significant challenges in their lives. Leonardo and his family escape Cuba on a raft but he struggles with panic attacks ever since his father drowned on their journey. When Ana and Leondardo meet it’s like a Kindle being lit, but meeting again feels uncertain. When they join new schools -the same school- they bond on their mission to save animals, including Pumas. Overall, Wild Dreamers is a sad story with sparks of hope. The writing is lyrical and magical, benefiting this novel in verse. – 9th grade THS student