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Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

A great book for getting kids interested in our legal system, and setting them up to become fans of John Grisham’s adult books. At first I was skeptical of the idea of a “kid lawyer,” as not being realistic, but the title character actually comes across as both believable and likable.  Of course not actually a lawyer himself, Theodore is the only son of two lawyers, fascinated with the law himself, planning a future as either a lawyer or a judge, and friends with all the folks in and around the courthouse in his small hometown.  Well-known by his peers as someone knowledgable about the law, he does have friends and acquaintances approaching him for varied legal advice, but the bulk of the story centers around a big murder trial. Theodore becomes privy to some information that could be crucial to the outcome of the case, but he must find a way to let it be known without betraying the confidence of a friend.  Keeping in mind the youth of the target audience, who might not be completely familiar with various aspects of the legal system, the author manages to incorporate a bit of legal instruction in very understandable terms. I’m wondering whether this will be strictly a stand-alone novel or if it will be the beginning of a series — would love to read further adventures of this great character. Highly Recommended.