Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd ; Hard Cover, Picture Book, Humor ; Recommended

The Truth About the Couch

By Adam Rubin. Illustrated by Liniers

From the author of “Dragons Love Tacos” we have another funny addition to children’s literature. Did you know there are FURNITURE POLICE?!? Well YES! there are! They are the “secret elite enforcement squadron that ride dinosaurs and lasso runaway couches with barbed wire”. Apparently there are those that don’t believe this though and want to stop our main character from letting us, the readers, learn more. Our main character, Fox, proceeds to tell us the supposed history of the couch but the Possum does not believe him. Possum soon tries to put black tape on all of Fox’s pictures and argues that he is just making it up. Possum is concerned about the well being of readers and that Fox is filling their minds with nonsense. Is that true? This book is a humorous book about couches, dinosaurs, lion kings, aliens and so much more. But the question is…..what is the truth about the couch?

I highly recommend this silly and humorous book for all elementary libraries.