Rory Tiger and Sheldon Turtle are getting ready for Christmas, when they change into their super hero gear to help out the woodland animals from Grumpus Bear. Grumpus Bear has been taking bees’ honey, rabbit’s carrots and squirrel’s nuts. Rory and Sheldon start by doing research on the internet and in books and discover, “I think I know the reason Grumpus didn’t hibernate. His red coat is so big and warm and puffy…”, says Rory. Sheldon finishes, ” …he doesn’t REALIZE that it’s wintertime!”
Rory and Sheldon decide to trick Grumpus into hibernating by offering a free show in a heated tent with free candy. Once inside the tent, the usher (AKA Rory) takes Grumpus’ coat, as “Operation Bear-in-Underwear is about to get underway.” First comes the dancing squirrels, then the magic show with a disappearing tent and heater, followed by, “You are getting very sleepy… Hush, little baby… Time to take a beary long nap!” Mission accomplished.
The graphic science novel ends with a “Super-Duper Animal Fact” about bears hibernating.
Story by Henri Meunier/ Illustrations by Nathalie Choux/ Adapted by Liza Charlesworth by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt / first published in FranceĀ