In this classic nursery rhyme, the gingerbread boy escapes from the oven and runs away from the old woman, old man, cow, horse, threshers, and mowers, until finally outwitted by the fox and ends up as all good gingerbread boys do. I hadn’t read this book for many years, at least 15, and I wish that the illustrations had been updated prior to its re-release. For instance, the old man and old woman are wearing such outdated clothing–kids think they are pilgrims. Then, who’s heard of a thresher and a mower–the non-motorized kind, that is. Stopping to explain to kids that people used to do this work using old-fashioned tools and no machines was a history lesson in itself. In the gingerbread boy’s chant, I changed the word boy in the fourth line to man, so that it would rhyme. It sounds awkward. Kids are still fond of the story.