This fact-filled book describes the top dangerous things that can harm (or, more likely, kill) you. Each one is detailed on a single page with photos, risk and survival ratings, “What to do” section and text boxes with extra fun facts. The book is divided into two sections – natural dangers and human dangers. Natural dangers is then further divided by the type of danger (natural disasters, dangerous weather, lost in the wild and dangerous animals).
This book is attractively laid out and will, no doubt, be of great interest to its target audience. I am concerned that there is nothing noted about where the information comes from and how the risk and survival rates are determined. While it is packed with information about what to do in case one of these awful things occurs, it leaves out a pretty significant piece of information – where did they find out all this stuff? That being said, I don’t plan to go anywhere near a pyroclastic flow, which has a survival rating of 10%. I’ll take a dingo attack (95% survival rating) over that any day. Why take chances?