by Margarita Engle
Oriol, an 11 year old Cuban immigrant lives in California with her veterinarian parents is a thoughtful, somewhat lonely girl. Things change for her when she meets Gabriela Mistral, the first Latin American winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Oriol shares her world of words and learns that in order for change to happen, one must open up and share those words like her new friend. She discovers the strength to do so when a baby elephant that her parents care for is in danger of being sold away from its mother into a life with someone who just wants to use it for entertainment and money. Oriol mobilizes the community with her words and discovers friendships and confidence along the way.
This lyrical story, told in verse form is a beautifully written and carries a message that even the youngest citizens can help the world be a better place. People just need to listen to the words.