Multicultural Day is coming and the teacher has assigned a project. Students will make something that tells the story of who they are. Kids begin cutting, pasting, drawing and planning. But, there is one student that is struggling. Does she highlight her mom’s German culture or her dad’s Indian heritage? What about her American roots? All are integral to who she is as a person. After much thought, the child displays items from all three cultures. She doesn’t have to be one or two cultures. She is all three, “telling the story of who she is”. And, guess what? Other students come forward to share their multicultural stories, too!
This important book will lead to some wonderful conversations about who we are – a marvelous combination of those that come before us! Proudly embracing our cultural heritage is told in simple language with beautifully rendered illustrations. In a day and age when we are even more a mix of so many vibrant cultures, this book is a winner. Share it with everyone!