A collection of 13 poems about bugs. “Tiny living beings [with] a beauty and mystery all their own” is Yolen’s apt description of the insects featured in this
book. Jason Stemple uses macro photography to capture fascinating and interesting detail. From the facets on a fly’s eye, to the divisions of a dragonfly’s wing, the details are intriguing. Each insect is highlighted on a two page spread – one side for the full color photograph, the other side for a witty poem from Jane Yolen accompanied by a non-fiction paragraph that gives the scientific order of each insect and an interesting factoid. For example: Did you know that ants are found everywhere in the world except Antarctica and that not all ladybugs have spots?
“An Army of Ants” has a nice cadence to it, “POP Goes the Tick ” has the gross factor and “The No-Spot Ladybug in Court” is a trial case that is fun to read.