A small boy and his tiny pet elephant are turned away from the Pet Club. There’s even a sign that specifically states “Strictly No Elephants” (No se permiten elefantes). They walk away sadly, only to come upon a dejected girl and her pet skunk, who were also turned away (“He doesn’t stink” she says). Together they form an inclusive Pet Club at a tree house and make it official with a sign that says “All Are Welcome”. And, others come with their unusual pets, like a bat, giraffe, armadillo and tiny narwhal.
Text is simple and illustrations are warmly detailed using block print, Photoshop and colored pencils. Observant readers will notice that the boy, girl and their pets are colorful, while everything else in the background is teal and black on one double page spread. They might also notice a few unusual pets peeking out windows as they walk by on their way to start their new club.
This is a message of inclusion and caring friendship. Characters and pets are diverse. The boy and his elephant have a special bond as noted when the boy helps the tentative elephant over cracks – “I always go back and help him over. That’s what friends do: lift each other over the cracks.” “Siempre regreso y lo ayudo. Eso es lo que hacen los amigos: apoyarse en medio de las grientas.”
This is a lovely book with a wonderful message. It may lead to some great discussions about what friendship looks like for children and what it means to be included. Highly recommended.