Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America

The book explained the Bubonic Plague, and how it happened really well. The author really went in depth on how the plague affected the world, how the rats had spread the disease, and how the scientists figured out how to deal with it.

The writing style the author had used was really interesting, one thing that confused me was the time jumps. The author skipped to different times in the book. It took me a while to figure out why I kept getting lost. So I had to go back and re-read some of the parts in the book, but I eventually figured it out. If you like science and/or history this book is definitely for you. Watch out for the time jumps though.


Examining Pandemics

The book Examining Pandemics catches attention because of the bright colors on the front and outside of the book, also the variety of pictures throughout the book when looking through. The book talks about the top 10 deadliest diseases and more. The book goes into detail of where they start, and what scientists or doctors are doing to help prevent them.  I liked how the book stayed on the topic, went by smoothly, and was easy to understand most parts. It had a few spots in the context and graphs that were harder to understand for those who do not already know about the subject. I recommend that anyone who is curious about illnesses or wants to become a doctor or scientist reads this. All in all, this book was very informative about the illnesses it included.
