How validating it is to see a book that depicts all bodies. Bodies not only with all levels of melanin but also with scars, ostomy bags, diabetic pumps, stretch marks, wheelchairs, spots, dots, hair, tattoos – everything!
This body positive book has one simple message repeated on each page – “Bodies are cool!”
In an elementary school, you are bound to get some giggles as people are in their swimsuits and underwear in some of the illustrations, and there are nursing moms throughout, but what a great opportunity to reinforce the message of the book. We all have bodies, all of our bodies are different, and all of our bodies are cool.
The illustrations in the books show everyone, I mean EVERYONE! Each time I read the book I find another person I hadn’t noticed the time before. Tyler Feder gives us a great opportunity to sit and look at differently abled bodies and talk about them, and our own if we feel comfortable. It is perfectly normal to notice differences – let’s teach our kids how to accept all the differences and how to be respectful about them.
I would encourage everyone to purchase this book so that students and families know that everyone is beautiful and that it is ok to talk about how are bodies are different, especially if we have tubes in our bellies, pumps on our arms, or a prosthesis.