Middle School ; Hard Cover, Realistic, Sports ; Highly Recommended

May the Best Player Win

by Kyla Zhao

May Li loves to play chess. After a competition where she won a trophy at the California State Middle School Chess Championship for being the top female up-and-coming player, winning and being on top gets a whole lot more stressful. Her school’s chess club has their sights set on Nationals, her teammate suddenly becomes her rival, and life gets more complicated when she becomes friends with a soccer player. May has to find her love of the game again and not just her nerves about always being on top. This sweet story is not only for those interested in chess, but also for anyone who puts too much pressure on themselves to meet others’ perceived expectations of us. I liked that May found balance in her life as she learned to re-embrace the sport she had loved since she was young. For those who also play chess, there is plenty of chess play, vocabulary and strategy in the pages of this book, too. The book confronts sexism in sports – both chess and soccer – and reminds readers that gender has nothing to do with whether or not you can play chess well or kick soccer goals! A great addition to a middle school library.