This is a story of things lost and found, although sometimes by someone else. It begins with a girl walking her dog, who is grasping stick in his mouth. He notices a squirrel nearby and breaks free to chase it. The girl loses her dog and her hair ribbon. The dog loses his stick and the squirrel loses his acorn. The hair ribbon is found by a bird, who adds it to his nest. A child watching the bird drops his teddy bear. And, so the story continues, finally coming to an end when the girl finds her dog and the squirrel finds his acorn.
This is a circular story that comes to an end near the beginning. It is gently written and illustrated, with the lost things bearing a similar color. The story shows us that sometimes lost things can be found and treasured by others who might need them. The story moves through the community and the characters are hinted at in the pages preceding their active participation. There is so much to see and notice in a book with few words and spare illustrations. It’s a gentle, lovely story that will encourage much discussion.