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Laurie is a young girl who is not like other children.  She has difficulty hearing.  Because many students do not understand, they tease or feel uncomfortable around her.  Laurie finds comfort with her dog, Laika, with whom she communicates just fine.  Her mother took her to the doctor to check her hearing. He gives her hearing computers (hearing aids).  She can control the volume to hear when she wants to, or turn them down or off when she doesn’t.  Now, instead of feeling lonely, Laurie feels lucky.  Eline van Lindenhuizen’s simple, colorful illustrations are rosy and soft.  She was inspired by children in a deaf school in Romania.  Author Elfi Nijssen also writes from experience, as she was also a young girl with hearing problems.  The point of view from which Laurie was written may help others understand difficulties posed when one is hearing impaired.  Published in 2009 in Dutch and 2010 in English.