Torrey Maldonado

A short, quick read in an authentic voice, this book really packs a punch – all while wondering how hands CAN be a powerful force in the world without them getting him into trouble. Trev faces a number of challenges in this story, but the central problem is how to keep all the promises he’s made to people he loves. This comes down to how he’s going to use his hands – to fight off his stepfather’s potential abuse of his mom once he’s out of jail for hitting her OR trust the adults around him to protect his family and use his hands for their other promise & potential, drawing. He trains to become strong, but using his hands to fight will have consequences that will limit his other strengths. I really liked the dialogue in the book. It sounds real. It’s the short, choppy sentences of Trev’s real language that give the book so much authenticity. Every chapter is extremely short (1-3 pages) which should help get this book read by students who may not love to read but will love Trev’s story. The end feels incomplete-ish, but I think that’s deliberate. We know what Trev decides he’s going to do at the end, but the events that will put him to the test have not happened yet. We must trust, like he must, in the people around him. Perhaps there will be a sequel, but I think it’s okay if there is not. I highly recommend this book!