Here is a book for young students needing to find information about a foreign country for a school report. The table of contents lists: Munich Marvels, location, landscape and climate, wildlife, people, communities, customs, school and work, play, food, celebrations, timeline, Germany facts, glossary to learn more, and index.
Having never been to Europe, let alone Germany, I asked a school parent from Germany what she thought of this book. Here is her edited reply,
“Oh Mrs. Mary, I’m loving this read. So, so true.
Little things have changed, like the weather, in the
mean time we do have pretty warm summers.
Also, we have lots of immigrants now, because of our
great health care system. Community and customs
are right on point. We do take our time building
friendships for sure …
And we do love order and structure. School, work
and play, absolutely right about all of it. And so
funny, I totally forgot about this childhood game,
eating chocolate : ))
Oh, and the food and celebrations, …
I think it’s a wonderful book to add to your library…” (A. C.)
Neither of us liked the timeline’s format on pages 26-27 . The three red lines running from the ‘index card’ to the place on the timeline are not user friendly.
The website ( listed in the TO LEARN MORE section had two good sites for more information or information stated slightly differently. Neither of the two sites agreed with the book or each other on the area or the population of Germany.