Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th ; Hard Cover, Nonfiction, Picture Book ; Highly Recommended

Fungi Grow

WOW! written on two levels one simple and one complex, the world of fungi is amazing and will blow your mind! AND I’m not talking about ‘magic mushrooms’ .

This book is fun to share with young children using only the two larger sizes of words and the intricate illustrations of over fifty fungi, as a mature mushroom releases its spores to travel and reproduce. The small cursive font names the illustrated fungi. The small (half the size of the large font) print font explores the world of fungi on a biological study level.

DO NOT SKIP the three additional information pages at the end of the book concluding with the diagram of ‘Fungi Life Cycle’. “How Fungi Heal and Help’ includes information on how some fungi can break down plastics and other petroleum products. Some fungi can help decrease the use of chemical pesticides. And some fungi connect trees underground to where information can be passed from tree to tree. This is simply fascinating.

There are two or three Pacific Northwest connections to this book in the types of fungi mentioned and in where the field of study (mycology) is taking place.

Submitted by Mary Pong