Freedom Of The Press by Duchess Harris is a very informational book about the first amendment. It tells about important things the press has covered and things they weren’t allowed to cover. There is a part about crimes committed at Watergate that eventually caused a president to resign from office. There was information about several different people’s ideas on whether or not newspapers should be censored. There was a section about libel and what it is. There were parts about freedom and protecting people’s rights now as well as in the future. The book has many features including a table of contents, a timeline, a facts page, a glossary, an additional resources page, a source page and an index. It also had a bunch of pictures and was written in a way that made the book easy to read. The book seemed very accurate and thorough and had a lot of important information and text features. It had a bunch of call out boxes and information about the smaller topics that were mentioned. If you like learning about rights throughout history I would recommend this book to you.
Review by Janelle