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Washington readers, please note, the content consultant for this book  is from the Burke Museum at the University of Washington.

Following the format of “A TRUE BOOK” this book begins with “Find the Truth!” A challenge to see which of the two statements is true or false as you read through the book’s five chapters.

Not all fossils are of dinosaurs. Examples of fossils found in hard rock: footprints, bones- though rarely a complete skeleton, worm tracks, scaly skin texture, amber. Examples of fossils found trapped in tar, ice, or sticky tree sap: hair, skin, bones, muscles, and internal organs. Many animals did not become fossils because conditions were not correct or their bodies did not have “hard parts to leave behind[ slugs, jellyfish].”

Includes a “Timeline of Life on Earth” on pages 34-35. This would have been visually helpful when reading pages 12-14, perhaps a cross reference could be added for this.