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Ever the Brave

Ever the Brave is the second installment in the Class of Kingdoms fantasy series.  Summerill constructs a world of adventure, political struggle and mysticism. Britta is back and is learning to live with her newly discovered gifts; however, she must keep her gifts a secret as witchcraft is outlawed in Malam kingdom. Keeping her powers secret proves a challenging task when she is bound to King Aodren.  This connection, unwanted and dangerous, risks her relationship with the King’s Hunter, Cohen. Amidst the tangle of feelings and interactions with King Aodren, Britta also learns that she is connected to the treacherous villain Cohen is hunting. When he returns from the hunt in the neighboring kingdom empty handed, he must fight for his King, his country and his true love.  A page turner, fantasy lovers will not want to put this book down.