This series focuses on four friends and their adventures as Critter Club members, who care for and find homes for pets. They operate a volunteer pet rescue center with help from Amy’s mom, Dr. Purvis, a veterinarian.
In this book, Ellie can’t wait for her cousin’s wedding, but she becomes even more excited when Hailey asks her to be the flower girl! To add to the excitement, the Critter Club girls (Ellie, Amy, Marion and Liz) get a cute bulldog puppy that needs a home. Ellie’s enthusiasm turns to dismay when she ruins her flower girl’s dress with paint. How will she fix this and can they find a home for Lulu, the bulldog puppy? Fortunately, things seem to work out for the Critter Club!
This series is a great one for early chapter book readers. The combination of cute animals and the diverse girls who help them is a winner and the accompanying illustrations are quite charming. The stories are relatable and the language is appropriate. Pick this book up for your primary students – it will fly off the shelf.