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Kindergartners are introduced to scientific investigations in this new Foss related series , Investigate Materials.  In this title, learners find the answers to…What is cotton?…Where does cotton come from?…How is Cotton made into fabric?…What does cotton look like?…How does cotton feel?…Why do we use cotton?…What do You have that is made from cotton?  Each two page spread includes fun, engaging photographs of age appropriate, multiracial kids responding to the distilled, two sentence text and colorful photographic visuals about cotton.  However, I do question whether because cotton is soft, it makes “you feel happy!”  Interesting fact…”Old denim from blue jeans is even used to make dollar bills.”  Includes Challenge Words, listed upfront with the Contents.   Other titles in the series…Nylon, Silk, Wool.  Overall, a well executed investigative series for the very young.