This slim, yet informative biography details the life and career of movie star, Chris Pratt. We learn that he was born in Minnesota and grew up in WA State, dropped out of college his freshman year and lived in his van, working at restaurants until his movie career took off. From there, we learn about his movie and television career and his legacy in public service, specifically his volunteerism with terminally ill children.
One of Abdo Zoom’s Star Biography series, it has all the typical nonfiction features – table of contents, index, glossary, further internet information and a nice mixture of color photographs and short paragraphs (unfamiliar words in red). The text is fairly simple, and the content is engaging for the older elementary/middle school reader. So, this is a good purchase for struggling readers as well as other fans. While I typically don’t buy many ‘trendy’ biographies, I would pick this one up for its local connection, since he grew up in the Lake Stevens area and the fact that he appears to be continuing his rise in fame.