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Chavela and the Magic Bubble

The rich and vibrant colors in the illustrations, along with the swirly track of the print will catch students eyes and invite them into the story, but the story is not as developed as I wish it were to give it a true “recommended” rating.  It tells of a girl who loves chewing bubble gum.  One day while out and about with her grandmother, who tells her stories of growing up in Mexico with a father who is a chiclero (harvester of chicle from the sapodilla tree), little Chavel finds a package of Magic Chicle in a local market.  When she chews it, she blows a giant bubble and the wind picks her up and carries her to the jungles of the Yucatan where she meets people still carrying on the old traditions.  She spends one day with them and then chews some more gum to return to her grandmother.  I wish there had been more to tell about her adventures on her journey — as it is, it seems a little anti-climactic.