The Sioux

Betty Marcks impresses me with the amount of up to date information she squeezes into 32 pages about the Sioux native people. The Sioux call themselves The People of the Seven Council Fires and are composed from three cultural groups: Lakota ,Dakota, and Nakota from the United States and Canada. Marcks shares the early history of the Sioux, their first encounters with white culture, the native uses of their resources, how they continue their cultural traditions, and their current Sioux government.

The book includes a timeline, glossary, a student safe internet site – FACTSURFER.COM, and an index.

Submitted by Mary Pong

The Legend of Greyhallow

by Summer Rachel Scott

Legend of Greyhallow, by Summer Rachel Short
Ainsley and Tobin have moved into a wonderful old house with their parents to make it into a bed & breakfast in the small town famous for its connection to a beloved fantasy film and filmmaker.  In fact, the house used to belong to the vanished director himself. When the siblings discover some magical movie making equipment in the attic, they quickly discover that they can enter the movie and become a part of its world – dangerous monsters, villains, and all! Unfortunately, some of the danger can also get out into the real world. What follows is a crazy magical adventure as they try to save the movie world and their own while attempting to not be killed. I liked that everything was not easy and that the children really had to be creative problem-solvers when the events became pretty dire. I also enjoyed the mixing of realities. It reminded me of  Inkdrinker, by Cornelia Funke, or Between the Lines, by Jodi Picoult, with the boundaries of the story breaking and allowing it to mix with our world – like breaking the 4th wall in theater. It’s a perfect book for anyone who wishes they could disappear into their favorite movie world – both a fun and cautionary tale. I’m not sure it needed the sub-plot of Ainsley’s crumbling friendship with Charlotte, but it did allow for another person to see & come to believe that magical crossover was real. I think upper elementary & middle school students will enjoy this fantasy novel as much as I did.

Bone Smith

by Nicki Pau Preto

Bonesmith (House of the Dead Duology)

Wren Graven is a bone smith valkyr – a ghost-fighting warrior.  She’s determined to prove that she’s got what it takes. When she gets banished,  she has to go to the extreme and work with one of her people’s greatest enemies in hopes of  saving the golden prince. In the process, she learns about her past. This book was a great and interesting read. The fantasy and enemies-to-lovers storyline made it a great plot twister and a fun read. She has to work with Julian, her sworn enemy, who has kidnapped the golden prince. It has a  dramatic twist all throughout the book. I highly recommend this book to people who like fantasy romances and who aren’t afraid of a few ghosts. I love the details, and how the author really put thought into the scenes in the book. I like Wren’s personality and courage. There were a couple parts of the book that were a little unclear. Like for example, it was talking about a boy with the same ring as the one Wren had, and then something about the wren on the ring being Wren and the other bird being the kid.  I didn’t understand until later it was her brother.  I wished it would have been a little clearer with that scene.  Overall, I absolutely loved it and can’t wait for the author’s next book of the series to come out.

Review by 7th grader, Addison K., Komachin Middle School

The Cherokee

I am impressed with how up to date this book on the Cherokee native people is. I reached out to my Native friend and former colleague after reading author Betty Marcks statement, ” I am a white women of European descent. As such, I can claim no direct lived experience of being a Native American…” My friend is very impressed with Marcks’ writing.

Marcks has included the importance of the Cherokee language, the Cherokee make up of three tribes, the early history of the Cherokee with white culture, the native uses of resources, continuing cultural traditions, and the current Cherokee government.

The book includes a timeline, glossary, a student safe to use internet site, and index.

Submitted by Mary Pong

The Blackfeet

I am impressed with how up to date this book on the Blackfeet native people is. I reached out to my Native friend and former colleague after reading author Betty Marcks statement, ” I am a white women of European descent. As such, I can claim no direct lived experience of being a Native American…” My friend is very impressed with Marcks’ writing.

Marcks has included the importance of the Blackfeet language, the confederacy of four nations, the early history of the Blackfeet with white culture, the native uses of resources, continuing cultural traditions, and the current Blackfeet government

The book includes a timeline, glossary, a student safe to use internet site, and index.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Gilly’s Monster Trap

Young Gilly lives on the coast of Lighthouse Bay where she spends most of her time in the water until an unseen monster arrives one day. The monster makes things disappear, like: snapper, prawns, and a wooly sweater, but it isn’t too serious until it snatches one of Gilly’s beloved flippers right off of her foot as she sits on the end of a dock. Rumors begin to fly around the little coastal town about the monster. Then one day, the monster grabs Gilly’s other flipper! That does it! Gilly will trap this monster to get her flippers back. The town helps Gilly set a trap. Nothing happens, until one day the monster is struggling out in the water caught in a fishing net. It could drown. Gilly convinces the town to help rescue the monster or else they won’t get their missing things back. In the end, Gilly needs rescuing from the monster trap she has fallen into. ‘ “Hey, you’re not a rotten monster– you’re a sneaky walrus!” ‘ The town folk get their items back and become friends with the walrus.

Cyndi Marko’s illustrations make me want to go find this lovely quaint little seaport in Northern British Columbia or southern Alaska surrounded by snow capped mountains. I loved the humorous pictures of Gilly’s pet gold fish who goes everywhere with Gilly ( in and out of its goldfish bowl).

Marko includes an entire page full of walrus facts and over 1 1/2 dozen websites for those who will want to learn even more about walrus.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Also by E. B. Goodale

This intergenerational book invites the reader to be present in the now and reflect on what loved ones experienced in the past. The young character can see her family’s remembrances as if through a mirror, a window, or a sliding glass door – learning more about herself, her family, and the world. Also use the book to highlight the use of description to bolster the retelling of small moments of time.

Colorful illustrations catch the eye to show the child’s present. Purply two-tone illustrations are used on the pages that describe the memories. A small, bright red bird can be found on every page, tying the past and present together.

Finch House

Twelve year old Micah discovers the old dilapidated Victorian house her grandfather (Poppop) makes her promise she will never go near has been repaired and has people living in it. Micah knows this because she has just met Theo, the boy who lives there, outside in his yard. That is one promise she has broken to her dear Poppop.

Micah’s curiosity about Finch House grows the more Poppop refuses to talk about the house. Finch House has drawn many children into itself over the decades, so many that these missing children no longer make the news. Poppop’s sister Jenn was one of them. Little by little Micah is drawn into Finch House, literally. That is another promise Micah has broken to her Poppop. Curiosity has trumped Micah’s rational behavior. Will Micah be able to escape the hold her great aunt Jenn has on her and escape Finch House? Or will Micah be trapped inside Finch House forever?

This book draws the reader into itself much like Finch House does to the children (now ghosts) that live within it.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Why are We Afraid?

When the light go out “after the clap of thunder” Max asks his father ‘ “Dad, have you ever been afraid?” ‘

So begins this conversation starter book on a story about fear. Fear can be about the: unknown, shadows, words or blows, lonely or alone, real monsters, freedom, falling short, free-falling, fading away, and/or the armor will crack open.

Older children will see or may need help seeing the symbolism both in the words and in the illustrations. Fear is pictured as a black hole in the sky on the front end cover and as a black oval shape that can carried around through the story pages.

The adult sharing this book may want to read the last two pages first – SHINING A LIGHT ON FEAR. They include: the original fear, the types of fear, the lessons behind our fears, the masks of fear, and the appeal of fear. Plus, two activities.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Does a bear Poo in the Woods?

Shy Barry the bear seeks some privacy when he does his ‘ “First job of the day.” ‘ Barry treks through the woods avoiding the woodpeckers, skunks, and moose until finally his old friend Brenda Bigpaw tells him of a place up stream. Lucky for Barry, he finds the cabin before the burly woodsman returns there to do his business on the “POO THRONE”.

Cute, humorous illustrations with a nice rhyme scheme.

Submitted by Mary Pong

A Consuming Fire by Laura E. Weymouth

Reviewed by OHS Substitute

Readers who enjoy Fantasy Adventure will love this book! The characters are very intriguing, especially since one is even an all-consuming evil God.

“Love requires nothing by gives everything.” Anya, the main character, sets off to kill the unappealing, all-consuming evil God after the demise of her twin sister Ilya. On her quest she finds a love and strength that she has never before known, making her feel invincible. Anya embodies a powerful force that aids her in conquering evil raised against her.

The characterization is the books strong suit; characters are very well developed with strength, forgiveness, mercy, and perseverance.

The only downside was that at times the dialogue was difficult to follow.

Friends by Daniela Sosa

Friends brings both joy and struggle to childhood. In the book, Friends, Daniela Sosa invites the reader to reflect on the who, what, where, why, and how of friends.

Some friends are there from the start. Others come exactly when you need them.
Some friendships last only a few moments. Others last a lifetime.
Friends can be very close or far away.

The experiences and interactions in the book are those that all young children experience at one time or another. Use Friends to support Social Emotional Learning goals or as comforting reminder to celebrate friendship in all its forms.

Character illustrations include age and racial diversity. There is little evidence of diversity in social economic or children of differing abilities.

Burmese Python vs. Sun Bear by Nathan Sommer

Burmese Python vs. Sun Bear is part of the Animal Battles series. In this series, two animals face off against each other. Each book starts off with a description of the two competitors, their attack moves, their secret weapons and then finally the battle. The narrative text at the end describes the fight scene and will certainly catch the reader’s attention. The book has 4-5 sentences per page for each animal and color photographs.

Text features such as bold words, text boxes, maps, a table of contents, glossary and an index are incorporated to aid the readers. Profiles of animal statistics include the height and weight as well as the physical advantages of each animal and habitat.

In Burmese Python vs. Sun Bear, the phyton prepares to ambush the sun bear. Each animal’s unique characteristics could lead to it winning this face-off. Which animal will come out on top?

Arctic Fox vs. Snowy Owl by Nathan Sommer

Arctic Fox vs. Snowy Owl is part of the Animal Battles series. In this series, two animals face off against each other. Each book starts off with a description of the two competitors, their attack moves, their secret weapons and then finally the battle. The narrative text at the end describes the fight scene and will certainly catch the reader’s attention. The book has 4-5 sentences per page for each animal and color photographs.

Text features such as bold words, text boxes, maps, a table of contents, glossary and an index are incorporated to aid the readers. Profiles of animal statistics include the height and weight as well as the physical advantages of each animal and habitat.

In Arctic Fox vs. Snowy Owl, the reader learns that a snowy owl may challenge an Arctic fox for its food. Each animal’s unique characteristics could lead to it winning this face-off. Which animal will come out on top?

Harpy Eagle vs. Ocelot by Nathan Sommer

Harpy Eagle vs. Ocelot is part of the Animal Battles series. In this series, two animals face off against each other. Each book starts off with a description of the two competitors, their attack moves, their secret weapons and then finally the battle. The narrative text at the end describes the fight scene and will certainly catch the reader’s attention. The book has 4-5 sentences per page for each animal and color photographs.

Text features such as bold words, text boxes, maps, a table of contents, glossary and an index are incorporated to aid the readers. Profiles of animal statistics include the height and weight as well as the physical advantages of each animal and habitat.

In Harpy Eagle vs. Ocelot, the reader learns both animals have excellent eyesight. A Harpy Eagle can see small prey and ocelots can see well in the dark. Each animal’s unique characteristics could lead to it winning this face-off. Which animal will come out on top?

Crocodile Monitor vs. Southern Cassowary by Nathan Sommer

Crocodile Monitor vs. Southern Cassowary is part of the Animal Battles series. In this series, two animals face off against each other. Each book starts off with a description of the two competitors, their attack moves, their secret weapons and then finally the battle. The narrative text at the end describes the fight scene and will certainly catch the reader’s attention. The book has 4-5 sentences per page for each animal and color photographs.

Text features such as bold words, text boxes, maps, a table of contents, glossary and an index are incorporated to aid the readers. Profiles of animal statistics include the height and weight as well as the physical advantages of each animal and habitat.

In Crocodile Monitor vs. Southern Cassowary, a large crocodile monitor stalks a southern cassowary. Each animal’s unique characteristics could lead to it winning this face-off. Which animal will come out on top?

Kaboom! A Volcano Erupts by Jessica Kulekjian

A sleeping volcano begins to stir and eventually erupts. This engaging informational picture book is told from the perspective of the volcano and follows the volcano as it goes from dormant to active. The main text from the volcano is large and one sentence to a page, attainable for young readers. The reader learners more scientific information from a bird on each page of the book. The reader is introduced to scientific vocabulary through the bird’s narration. The cartoon illustrations are colorful and vibrant. The back matter contains phases of a volcano, anatomy of a volcano, common types of volcanoes, and resources.

Awe-some Day: Poems about the Jewish Holidays by Marilyn Singer

This collection of poetry follows that Jewish year, highlighting important holidays. Starting with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, each holiday has a poem from the point of view of a young girl. The poems incorporate the experiences, rituals, and feelings of a child celebrating each holiday. The facing page then explains the origin and significance of the holiday as well the different ways it is celebrated.

The majority of the holidays are based in the religious celebrations of the Jewish faith. The secular holidays included are Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) and Yom Ha Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day).

Awe-some Days will resonate with the experiences of Jewish children, but can also act as a introduction for non-Jewish readers. The format makes it easy to see connections across beliefs.

Lamborghini Huracan

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.

Lamborghini Sian

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.

Ferrari 812 Superfast

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.

Ferrari F8 Tributo

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.

Porsche Taycan

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.

McLaren 720S

This review applies to all of Bellwether’s Epic Cool Cars series. I like this series. It’s a solid choice for any library with patrons with limited reading ability and an interest in high-end sports cars. They provide a solid amount of information in a predictable format, with a lot of supports for those who may struggle with reading: the photos and diagrams support the text; vocabulary words from the glossary are highlighted in green; glossary definitions are clear and specific to the context. The topic will be of interest to a lot of readers. Even as someone not particularly interested in sports cars, I can declare I found them interesting and informative. The Diamondback binding is sturdy enough to stand up to extensive library wear. The graphics and design add appeal to the target audience without distracting from the content. My only criticism is directed at the marketing blurb in the front of each book opposite the the Table of Contents: in proclaiming in advance that Epic books “burst with intense action, high-speed heroics, and shadows of the unknown,” they rather over-sell themselves unnecessarily. I didn’t notice much in the way of heroics or action or shadows of the unknown, but I did find a lot of solid and interesting information.