The Not-So-Brave Little Lion

The illustrations are cute and sweet and will draw young readers in. The rhyming text reads smoothly and tells the story of a young lion too full of various anxieties to run and play with the big lions who are rougher and tougher. Instead he hangs out with friend and watch the big lions in hopes that someday they’ll grow up and be ready to join in. When little Bird hops to the top of a tree, and calls out in fear because she’s too afraid to jump since she doesn’t know how to fly, the big lions try to help, but they’re too big to climb the tree. In putting concern for his friend ahead of his own fears, Little Lion finds his brave and climbs up to rescue his friend. In finding his brave, he inspires little bird to be brave too, finally stretching her wings to fly. I like the message of finding one’s brave by putting the needs of others first, and I think it’s delivered effectively without being preachy. The cute pictures simply need to be shared with readers young enough not to know much about actual lions, like that manes are only on adult male lions, and that adult male lions don’t hang out together, but are either solitary or surrounded by a pride of females and young (maneless) cubs.

Babo: a tale of Armenian rug-washing day

We talk about books being both mirrors to reflect our own experiences, as well as windows to show us a world beyond our own experiences. This book has the potential to serve as both for many children. On the one hand, it offers a glimpse of Armenian language and traditions to students who may not be familiar with this culture (or a mirror to those who come from this background). As a story about a young girl celebrating family run-washing day as her favorite day of the year, it simultaneously gives readers the opportunity to reflect on their own family chores that can be turned into fun. I really like when a book serves as both window and mirror, because it helps young readers find connection with those that may at first seem different and unfamiliar. The world needs us all to be able to find more connection.

Countries of the World: Ukraine

By Monika Davies

Ukraine covers basic information of the country. It has appealing images and maps as well as words in bold that correlate to a Glossary at the end of the book. Readers will be interested in the unique geographical features including the Dnieper River as well as some of the exotic animals of the country: gray wolves, steppe polecats and wood grouse. It shows the vibrancy of life in the country as wells as popular sports: soccer, volleyball and swimming and favorite foods: borscht, holubtsi, and verguny. This book does not mention the war that is currently occurring in Ukraine and thus is general enough to be a basic resource in the library for many years. This book is recommended for any library where students at a young age do country research or for English language learners.

The Blastoff! Readers Countries of the World series contains many informational chapters including but not limited to: All about the country, land and animals, life for the people, and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades 1-3. They are at “Level 2 which offers early readers a bit more challenge through varied sentences, increased text load, and test-supportive special features.”

Countries of the World: Thailand

By Monika Davies

Thailand covers basic information of the country. It has appealing images and maps as well as words in bold that correlate to a Glossary at the end of the book. Thailand is one of the most visited countries in the world and thus readers will be interested reading this book. There are unique geographical features including: the Chao Phraya River. Included is an explanation of the weather in Thailand well as some of the exotic animals of the country: clouded leopard, Asian elephant, and the Irrawaddy dolphin. It shows the vibrancy of life in the country as wells as popular sports: Muay Thai, and swimming, and favorite foods: pad thai, som tam and kluai khaek. This book is recommended for any library where students at a young age do country research or for English language learners.

The Blastoff! Readers Countries of the World series contains many informational chapters including but not limited to: All about the country, land and animals, life for the people, and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades 1-3. They are at “Level 2 which offers early readers a bit more challenge through varied sentences, increased text load, and test-supportive special features.”

Countries of the World: South Sudan

By Monika Davies

South Sudan covers basic information of the country. It has appealing images and maps as well as words in bold that correlate to a Glossary at the end of the book. At the publishing of this book, South Sudan is the youngest nation in the world as it became a country in 2011. Readers will be interested in the unique geographical features including: the White Nile River, the Boya Mountains and the Sudd of the South Sudanese country as well as some of the exotic animals of the country: African savanna elephants, shoebills, and Nile lechwe. It shows the vibrancy of life in the country as wells as popular sports: wrestling, basketball or soccer, and favorite foods: kisra asida and ful. This book is recommended for any library where students at a young age do country research or for English language learners.

The Blastoff! Readers Countries of the World series contains many informational chapters including but not limited to: All about the country, land and animals, life for the people, and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades 1-3. They are at “Level 2 which offers early readers a bit more challenge through varied sentences, increased text load, and test-supportive special features.”

Countries of the World: Peru

By Monika Davies

Peru covers basic information of the country. It has appealing images and maps as well as words in bold that correlate to a Glossary at the end of the book. Readers will be interested in the unique geographical features including: Rainbow Mountain, Atacama Desert and the Andes Mountains of the Peruvian country as well as some of the exotic animals of the country: humboldt penguins, scarlet macaws and black caimans. It shows the vibrancy of life in the country as wells as popular sports, and favorite foods. This book is recommended for any library where students at a young age do country research or for English language learners.

The Blastoff! Readers Countries of the World series contains many informational chapters including but not limited to: All about the country, land and animals, life for the people, and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades 1-3. They are at “Level 2 which offers early readers a bit more challenge through varied sentences, increased text load, and test-supportive special features.”

Happy Holidays!: Cinco de Mayo

By Betsy Rathburn

Cinco de Mayo is a fun holiday celebrated yearly on May 5th. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations of this Mexican holiday that many others join in as well. This book explains the history behind the day and how a a battle was fought in Puebla, Mexico. It shows what students do in school to appreciate and better understand this celebration of Mexican heritage. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays celebrated as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

Happy Holidays! Groundhog Day

By Rebecca Sabelko

Groundhog Day is a fun holiday that helps our country decide when the Spring season begins. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations of the official location of the event that happens on February 2nd. This book explains the history behind the day and how a groundhog is used to guess what the weather will be. It shows what students do in school to appreciate and better understand this celebration welcoming Spring. It introduces Phil, the famous groundhog who sees his shadow or not. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays celebrated as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

Happy Holidays! Holi

By Betsy Rathburn

Holi is a little know holiday to the average American student. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations representing a diverse population at the age of the recommended readers. This book explains the history behind the day and where Holi is mostly celebrated in the world, when it is celebrated annually and why it is an important holiday. It shows what students do in school to appreciate and better understand this celebration welcoming Spring and how people celebrate using colored powder, bonfires and what is traditionally cooked. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays celebrated throughout the world as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

Happy Holidays! Memorial Day

By Rebecca Sabelko

Memorial Day is recognized as a national holiday in all public schools. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations representing a diverse population at the age of the recommended readers. This book explains the history behind the day, when it is celebrated annually and why it is an important holiday. It shows what students do in school to appreciate and better understand this celebration honoring our fallen soldiers and what people do to commemorate the day. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays in the United States as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. Being that many of my students are children of active servicemen/women and veterans this book was a wonderful addition to my library. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

Happy Holidays! Presidents’ Day

By Rebecca Sabelko

Presidents’ Day is a valuable and historical holiday in our country. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations representing a diverse population at the age of the recommended readers. This book explains the history behind the day, when it is celebrated annually and why it is celebrated in February. It shows what students do in school to appreciate and better understand this celebration of our past U.S. leaders and what people do to commemorate the day. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays in the United States as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

Happy Holidays! Valentine’s Day

By Betsy Rathburn

Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday in our country. This title is a good introduction to what the day means with basic concepts for better understanding. The graphics are vibrant and colorful. Each page has one to three simple sentences. What I appreciated about this title is that there are many illustrations representing a diverse population. This book explains what children can do on this day. It gives the date the holiday is celebrated on annually and a basic history and what people do on the day to show others they love. This book would be a good supplement to support the variety of holidays in the United States as it is extremely simplified and allows for readers to get the basic information they need in order to broaden understanding and appreciation in the future. It is recommended for libraries where there is a need for lower reading level books about holidays such as this one.

The Blastoff! Beginners Happy Holidays! series contains informational chapters including but not limited to: simple information about what individuals do for the holiday, when the holiday is and what it is about, the importance of the holiday and facts. These books also include a glossary with terms and definitions that are in bold throughout the book as well as an index and a section with links and books to learn more about the country. These books are recommended for grades Pre-K to 3rd. They are at “Level 1″ which offers early readers information through simplified sentences for better understanding.

The Shawnee

The Shawnee people are keeping their culture alive. The Shawnee originally lived in the Ohio Valley and today their reservations are in Oklahoma.

Sonneborn writes about the Shawnee’s contact with early Europeans. Sonneborn continues with their life today with their traditions seen especially during Pow Wows. The Shawnee are in a fight to keep their language alive. They have developed a language app and a website. This fight began during the days when native children where taken away to boarding schools.

The book ends with a glossary, index, and the child safe website – where the official Shawnee websites are linked.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Happy Spark Day!

by Shane Richardson & Sarah Marino

It’s a special day in Ember City! Young dragons will learn what their “Spark” (special power) is at the Spark Day Ceremony. Among them are Li, Runa and Drake, who are three best friends. At the Ceremony, they see the beautiful disco ball that was created by dragons on the very first Spark Day. During the party after receiving their Sparks, Drake and another dragon, Fizz, get into a bit of tussle and break the special disco ball, ending the Spark Day festivities. Each of the young dragons tries to fix the broken disco ball with disastrous results. Suddenly, Drake remembers something that the mayor said, “Our Sparks shine their brightest when we use them to help one another”. They follow this advice and not only fix the broken disco ball but make it more special, alight with rainbow colors. They had learned a valuable lesson and saved Spark Day!

Brightly colored cartoon-like illustrations in a graphic novel/early chapter book style make this a nice introduction to the genre for young readers. It is not text-heavy and there is a lot of white space on the pages, which makes it even more accessible. The story moves along and the dragons are fun and a little silly. Kids will love it!

The Revenge of Magic

by James Riley

Monsters! Magic! Mystery!

While on a trip to the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., Forsythe Fitzgerald, known to his family and friends as Fort, watches as his father is snatched and pulled underground by a long clawed monster hand. Desperate to rescue his father, he is stopped by a voice in his head telling him to run. Six months later, a depressed Fort is invited to attend a special school to help him overcome the mysterious loss of his father. The school is out in the middle of no where, looks like an army camp and is heavily guarded by armed soldiers. Fort meets other students and instructors and learns that the school is not an ordinary one but one in which to learn magic to defend against the beings that control the monster hands that took his father. He also learns that several different types of magic books have been unearthed and only people no older than Fort can learn and work magic. Fort wants to learn “destructive” magic to get revenge for the taking of his father. Instead he is assigned to learn “healing” magic and has only three days to learn three spells to catch up with the other students or be sent home!  The other students took months to learn just one spell and adults can’t learn any, so how can he possibly learn three in three days? He gets help from an unexpected source…the voice he heard in his head so many months before. This mysterious voice enables Fort not only to learn his three spells but also to master several advanced ones as well. His sudden possession of arcane spells earns him the begrudging respect and the animosity of some of  the more accomplished students as somehow their skills are transferred into Fort. With the help of his new allies, he begins to search for the source of this strange voice despite foot dragging by some of them. Eventually his friends and he uncover the source not only of his mysterious voice but also to whom the books of magic originally belonged and why they want them back. Without revealing any spoilers, Fort discovers the true magic power of healing and that cooperation with others is the real strength of leadership. Does he rescue his father and thwart the aliens controlling the monster hands? Well, those answers and other adventures are in the sequels to The Revenge Of Magic. You’ll just have to read those to find out.

-guest reviewer, Bill Pfender

The Dos and Donuts of Love

The Dos and Donuts of Love

This sweet (pun intended) read is perfect for fans of the Great British Baking show. Shireen, the protagonist, is trying her best to save her family’s donut shop and navigate a love triangle between her ex girlfriend and her new crush. Shireen is Bangledeshi and living in Ireland, which adds an interesting perspective and point of view for young American readers.

Like Jiagirdar’s previous work, it involves queer relationships but is much more lighthearted and moves past acceptance to just pure love and fun; homophobia or intolerance does not have a central place in the story which is refreshingly hopeful.

This is light on romance, more heavily focused on teen drama, and would therefore might be more suitable for middle grade than high school readers who might find the wholesome narration a little childish. But, overall, a light and happy read with a unique perspective and a fun premise!

by Emma-Kate Schaake @hiketothelibrary

In Between by April Pulley Sayre

April Pulley Sayre uses poetic language to describe both the physical between, between as a description of time and motion, and between as symbol of change.

Sayre’s breathtaking photographs show change, movement, and the potential found in nature. Even for children who are not yet able to understand complexities of the at times abstract “in between” described in words, the photographs will elicit excitement and curiosity.

Our Blue Planet

The Earth’s “ONE OCEAN” is explored by five bio-zones in this take off from the BBC television show OUR BLUE PLANET. The five bio-zones sections: The Deep, Life in the Lost City, Life in the Balance, Superhero, and Worlds Colliding are explored with the hope the reader will become so enthralled they will join in the fight to protect THE OCEAN which is so important to our existence on this planet.

The five bio-zones are described by area/location, then stories of the life from the zone are shared, followed by inhabitants of the zone beginning with the deepest zone going to the shallowest zone. The author’s use of figurative language makes this more for entertainment than for a reference piece. “In the MIDNIGHT ZONE there are creatures that wouldn’t be out of place in your nightmares…” ( 6). The text in each section goes from giant titles, to regular size 12-ish print, to size 8-ish print. The smaller the font the more specific the information.

There is no Index or Glossary to help with animal and plant names in bold set type through out the book. The world map on pages 3-4 shows seven specific locations marked with a red dot, but only six of them are mentioned by name within the book. If I were the red dot for the ‘Mariana Trench’ I would feel slighted because its name could so easily have been mentioned in the section “THE DEEP”.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Sparrow Being Sparrow

Fourth grader, Sparrow, has a way of getting carried away that leads to problems. I kept thinking about a very young Maria Van Trapp from the SOUND OF MUSIC in How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria when reading this book. Like Maria, Sparrow does not go looking for trouble, she is just exuberant and ‘problems’ happens. Sparrow’s parents are trying their best using “Positive Parenting” skills and key phrases without getting too upset, but Sparrow finds this frustrating because often she is only looking for answers to life’s immediate situations.

Sparrow and her parents have just moved into a duplex style house. Their elderly neighbor Mrs. LaRose enjoys caring for Sparrow for the short hour while both of Sparrow’s parents are at work. Mrs. LaRose and Sparrow are outside watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis. “Unfortunately, when Sparrow got excited, things tended to go wrong.” (4)The two of them were doing a dance of the butterflies in the backyard, when they crashed into each other. Mrs. LaRose falls to the ground breaking her hip. The story begins with the sound of sirens as the ambulance arrives for Mrs. LaRose. Mrs. LaRose’s only immediate concern is for her seven cats. Sparrow promises to take care of the cats. AND the domino effect has begun. How will Sparrow care for the seven cats when the first day of school is tomorrow? What will the consequences be when Sparrow tells her new classmates the seven cats are hers? Who will watch Sparrow after school until her parent gets home now that Mrs. LaRose is in the hospital? How will Sparrow be able to keep Mrs. LaRose’s daughter from taking the cats to the animal shelter?

Life’s situations have a way of working out. Sparrow’s situations are realistically normal and readers will be able to see this, and perhaps even be able to identify with them.

The chapters range from five to eight pages in length with twenty-five pencil illustrations sprinkled throughout the story. The illustration of Sparrow and her mother in a loving embrace on page 170 will warm your heart in this heartfelt moment of connection between mother and daughter.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Kin: Rooted in Hope

by Carole Boston Weatherford

Kin: Rooted in Hope

This beautiful, haunting verse novel tells the story of the author’s journey of discovering her ancestors. The author says she asked her ancestors to speak their experiences through her which is what these poems do. The reader is taken back in time through the history of a place that housed slaves and slavers. The building speaks. The ancestors speak through the generations. Some famous people of the day speak, including Frederick Douglas. The people who owned the house and all its horrible wealth speak. The dog speaks.  The key to the house speaks and the cemetery too.  It is a patchwork quilt of images through time and the imagined stories of what life would have been like from all these perspectives. The drawings throughout the book are line drawings or etchings, mostly white lines on black background. The detail is beautiful even when the images are sad or harsh. Students who want a story with a basic plot line may be confused because the timeline jumps around a bit. The multiple perspectives may challenge some readers. And it is a topic that is harsh and raw and often untold. It should be read. 

Retro by Sofia Lapuente & Jarrod Shusterman

Reviewed by OHS Substitute, Megan C.

This is a fast paced thrill-ride where main character Luna competes in a competition to live without technology in exchange for a cash prize that her struggling family needs desperately. As the competition continues the stakes become high when Luna’s classmates begin disappearing. Worried for her safety, Luna must decide to continue with the competition or give up the potential cash prize.

In addition to the fast pace, I appreciated the reference to 80s/90s music. This book also highlights the role of social media in our lives and encourages readers to question it’s value.

This would be a great addition to any high school library.

Granny Left Me a Rocket Ship

“When Granny died, there was a hole in our family. Remembering her helped us fill it.” So begins this loving story of how a young boy uses the cane once used by his Granny to keep her close to him.

Ashley Barron’s layered cut paper images show how the young boy uses his imagination and the cane to create a tent, a butterfly net, a beach umbrella, a fishing rod, a stick horse, a flagpole, a knight’s sword, a flying broomstick, a sea monster, and a rocket ship all with Granny looking on. “When Granny died, she left me a world of adventures…”

Submitted by Mary Pong

Take a Chance

Bob, the cardinal, has anxiety about trying new things until Eagle confides “He can take mini chances!” Bob decides to follow Eagle partway up the mountain. Little by little, Bob stopping several times, deciding to go a little farther each time, until Bob arrives at the top of the mountain. “The view is out of this world.” Now, Bob decides he will go back and try each of the activities he passed on with his friends Flamingo, Pigeon, and Crow.

Bob discovers, “Sometimes you don’t know what you’re missing… until you take a chance.”

Submitted by Mary Pong

Cat Sees Snow

written by Laura Gehl and illustrated by Fred Blunt

Cat, Dog and Pig approach the snow in a variety of ways and all enjoy the cold, white stuff by the end. This bright and cheery story is perfect for the brand new reader. The repeated text and short length (less than 100 words), makes this book very accessible for young students. The colorful line drawn illustrations complement the story and move it along. The notes to parents/guardians at the beginning of the book are quite helpful. This is a solid choice for new readers, who will cheer on the characters and cheer for themselves after reading a book!

I Love My Magic!

by Kelly Leigh Miller

Willow LOVES her magic. It is what makes her a witch and she uses it for absolutely everything. After using it at a soccer game and getting a ton of goals, her (mummy) teacher takes away her wand and tells her she’ll get it back at the end of the day. Willow is devastated! How can she function without her wand? Yet, she manages very well and understands that there is magic inside her in the form of her own abilities- she doesn’t have to use a wand for everything!

Bright illustrations and friendly looking monsters add to a simple story about valuing yourself without all the extra ‘stuff’. The message is sweet and, with discussion, is a good lesson for all.