Bilingüe, superhéroe: Bilingual, Superhero

written by Jorge Argument and illustrated by Elizabeth Gómez

Gerónimo Pérez, aka “Bilingual”, embraces his effortless ability to switch back and forth between English and Spanish. He says “…I can change from English to Spanish, easy as pie, so smooth, so cool, so beautiful, suuuuper sweet.” This is his superpower and he uses it for good, as a superhero should. When his grandma or mother need help with translation of a doctor’s instructions or the bus driver’s announcement of a route, Bilingual is there to help. At school, this superhero acts as the intermediary between his English speaking teacher and Spanish speaking classmates, which helps everyone immensely. He is happy with his ability to speak, sing and dream in both languages. What a wonderful superpower to have!

Gerónimo, like many children of non-English speakers, is often called upon to translate for the adults around him. This is such a valuable ability and one that should be celebrated. Students like Gerónimo are often summoned and are willing to translate for their classmates and teachers, which is so appreciated (I speak from experience). This book celebrates this gift and superpower in a way that shows Gerónimo’s intuitive use of both languages at times when it is most needed. His pride in his “bilingual-ness” is well-deserved and all students with this ability should see this book and recognize those unique gifts.

Text is written in both English and Spanish with accompanying illustrations, vibrantly painted and filling the pages with exhilaration, while conveying the impact of the words. The parrots in each illustration appear to denote the English and Spanish parts of Gerónimo in a playful way and seem to remind us that they are part of his daily life. The text is accessible and lyrical. Younger readers will enjoy the story, which would be a great read-aloud or partner read for those students that don’t read both languages.

This book is a wonderful ode to bilingual speakers, especially children, and should be shared with kids whether they can speak two languages or not. To see this superpower exhibited in a story will empower bilingual speakers and give monolingual readers a peek into their lives. It’s a lovely book.


by Lisa Owings

“Let’s Get Outdoors” is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Fishing shares information about an activity that is varied and exciting. Different types of fishing are described as well as equipment and safety needs. Catch and release as well as keeping the fish to eat are mentioned and photos show diverse people and places to fish from, including creekside, boats and ice fishing. This book will interest newer readers that want to learn about this outdoor activity.


by Lisa Owings

Blastoff! Readers Level 2: Let’s Get Outdoors is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Camping shares the many parts of the camping experience from campfires to extra activities that go along with being outdoors. Readers learn about gear and safety needs as well as the different types of outdoor living experiences from tents to trailers. Diverse campers including those with disabilities show the reader that this is accessible to many people. Bright photographs and engaging text make this book a great choice for younger readers.


by Lisa Owings

Blastoff! Readers Level 2: Let’s Get Outdoors is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Biking is a great introduction to an activity that can a slower- paced or fast and adrenaline rushing. People are shown biking along trails, the roads and doing tricks or racing. I like that there is a photo of an adaptive bike rider, showing that it is an accessible outdoor activity. Safety and gear needs are noted and the reader learns that most bike friendly city in the world is Copenhagen – a fun fact to round out a nice introduction to this outdoor sport.


by Lisa Owings

Blastoff! Readers Level 2: Let’s Get Outdoors is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Kayaking describes the fun and adventure of the outdoor sport, whether it’s a gentle paddle in a lake or the more exhilerating whitewater version. Gear and safety needs are noted. People of all sorts are out paddling together and smiling as they do so, which shows the reader that this is something worth trying out. Vibrant photographs and accessible text make this a great choice for newer readers.


by Lisa Owings

Blastoff! Readers Level 2: Let’s Get Outdoors is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Hiking shows all the different kinds of hikes that people can do – from mountaineering, to orienteers to backpackers to your basic “walk in the woods”. Safety equipment and gear needs are described and readers discover that the Appalachian Trail is the longest walking only trail in the world! There’s lots to learn in this book for early readers, who just might decide to give a hike a try.


by Lisa Owings

Blastoff! Readers Level 2: Let’s Get Outdoors is a ten book series that is written in a format that is appropriate for young readers that are ready for a bit more complexity in sentence structure. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, index, glossary, labeled diagrams and illustration, headings and bold typed words. Each book has high interest photos and details an outdoor activity/sport. Gear lists and safety equipment/protocol are addressed. A diverse array of people are shown participating in each activity. Readers will see themselves out there having fun with theses book. Add this series to your library for those newer readers that are ready for something more.

Canoeing is all about getting out on the water and enjoying the outdoors. Diverse canoeists show readers that anyone can be part of the fun and the safety measures are valuable additions to this fun sport. Unfamiliar words are bolded and explained in the glossary and readers can learn more from other resources mentioned in the back of the book. There’s a lot to learn in 24 pages! Recommended.

Acura NSX

by Kaitlyn Duling

Epic: Cool Cars series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Acura NSX describes a Honda manufactured hybrid car that can be on the racetrack or the road. This luxury model is fast, quiet and full of fun. Future Acura tech will recognize the faces of the driver and passengers. It will be a smart car! Readers will enjoy the photos and facts about this super fast, super quiet car.

Ford GT

by Kaitlyn Duling

Epic: Cool Cars series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Ford has a long history in car manufacturing starting in 2004. The Ford GT has been its fastest car to date. It can go from 0 to 60 mph in three seconds and its top speed is 216 mph. While Ford stopped making this model in 2022, die-hard fans hope for more in the future. Ford GT is a book that won’t be on your shelves for long! It packs some great information and pictures into 24 pages.

Keonigsegg Regera

by Kaitlyn Duling

Epic: Cool Cars series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Koenigsegg Regera is about a rather short-lived model from the Swedish carmaker, Koenigsegg. This hybrid model was introduced in 2015 and is no longer made. It is a luxurious vehicle with race car attributes and each one was custom-made for its owner, with a starting price of $1.9 million. Readers can dream about what is next from the maker of this fabulous car.

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4

by Kaitlyn Duling

Epic: Cool Cars series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 is all about one of the newer models from Porsche that has the feel of a race car and the technology to keep it moving forward – fast! Caymans were first introduced by Porsche in 2016 and have improved over the years with an all-electric version set for production in 2030. Extra facts interspersed in white boxes throughout add to the reading experience. This German car is sleek and fun and readers will learn a lot.

Just Snow Already! by Howard McWilliam

A young boy gets excited one morning when he’s told it might snow. He checks outside – nothing yet. He fixates on the idea of snow and all the fun he will have. Outside the house, the day goes on with increasingly exciting people and occurrences. The mail carrier spills her mail, the fire truck comes to get a cat from a tree, a Safari Park Truck crashes, and monkeys escape. The rest of the neighborhood is caught up in the excitement, but still the boy’s day is ruined because there is no snow. Finally, SNOW! The neighborhood has become a fun carnival, and at last, now that there’s snow, the boy is ready to dive in.

Impatience and fixation leads the young boy to miss all the excitement happening in his neighborhood. Colorful animated illustrations become increasingly entertaining. A fun winter read.

The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet

By Jake Maia Arlow

Al is having a really rough school year. After a few close calls with needing to poop during the school day, her mortifying embarassment with this issue, and her own questions about who she’s crushing on, life has gotten really complicated. It doesn’t help that her mom is all in her business about her health and her diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. She’s also struggling with her best friend and neighbor who has taken a sudden interest in the drama club and balancing new friends in a IBS support group. This is a good book for anyone dealing with severe medical issues, particularly  the embarrassing poop-related ones, but also anyone trying to just feel comfortable in their own skin. Al learns to deal with her shyness with personal issues as she tries to be her most authentic self – not an easy task! I liked that it normalizes IBS and “poop” and shows someone struggling to come out of the silence to advocate for herself. Al also deals with coming to terms with her own sexuality and those of her friends and mother. I imagine all the poop talk will cause some readers to giggle or be uncomfortable, but in the end, I think it shows just how many hidden issues students are dealing with on any given day. Some may even see their own struggles in some of Al’s – especially her difficulties with communication with her mother and friends. 

Ever Since by Alena Bruzas

This book was really difficult to read because of the content; it’s very powerful, but will need content warnings if added to a high school collection.

The main character, Virginia, is a victim of sexual assault and abuse – but she is keeping it hidden. Instead, she displays risky behaviors with drinking, drug use, and sex. As the reader, we are not made aware of the extent of the abuse, and the fact that there are multiple abusers, until much later in the book. Instead we follow Virginia’s journey of self-loathing desire to feel love.

As details about Virginia’s story unfold, other victims come forward – all of which are close friends of Virginia’s and all were groomed by the same abuser.

This book should be considered for high school libraries only.

It is set in Washington State and has some local references, which I always appreciate.

Aardvark or Anteater?

by Mari Schuh

Blastoff! Readers Level 1: Spotting Differences is a twenty book set that delves into the differences between animals. Each book focuses on a pair of animals and details their physical and behavioral traits. Text is accessible to your newest readers and accompanying illustrations are high quality and engaging. Nonfiction text features include table of contents, index, glossary and labeled diagrams. Unfamiliar words are bold type and the animal pair’s differences are repeated at the end as a wrap up. Suggested websites and resources are noted for further investigation.

Aardvark or Anteater? is a highly engaging look at two animals that initially seem very similar. Yet, we learn that despite those similarities, they are very different animals. They are both mammals with long tongues that eat ants. But, their fur, snouts, ears and habitats are very different. New readers will enjoy discovering new information in a simply written book packed with facts and wonderful photos. This won’t be on your shelves for long!

Crow or Raven?

by Mari Schuh

Blastoff! Reader Level 1: Spotting Differences is a twenty books set that delves in the differences between animals. Each book focuses on a pair of animals and details their physical and behavioral traits. Text is accessible to your newest readers and accompanying illustrations are high quality and engaging. Nonfiction text features include table of contents, index, glossary and labeled diagrams. Unfamiliar word are bold type and the animal pair’s differences are repeated at the end as a wrap up. Suggested websites and resources are noted for further investigation.

Crow or Raven? There’s a lot to learn about these two types of birds! This book gives some really solid differences between two birds that seem very alike. For instance, crows have fan shaped tails and ravens have wedge shaped tails. Additionally, their beaks, size and throat feathers differ. Accompanying these memorable facts are photos that show those characteristics very clearly. Young readers will enjoy learning about these differences and will be quick to share! Word choice is appropriate to the audience and the nonfiction text features are helpful. Recommended.

Dolphin or Porpoise?

by Mari Schuh

Blastoff! Readers Level 1: Spotting Differences is a twenty book set that delves into the differences between animals. Each book focuses on a pair of animals and details their physical and behavioral traits. Text is accessible to your newest readers and accompanying illustrations are high quality and engaging. Nonfiction text features include: table of contents, index, glossary and labeled diagrams. Unfamiliar words are bold type and the animal pair’s differences are repeated at the end as a wrap up. Suggested websites and resources are noted for further investigation.

Dolphin or Porpoise? starts out by sharing that both are mammals and swim in oceans or rivers. Then, the book describes several different features, including fin shape and size, tooth size and their general body types. Behavior differences are also touched upon. Young readers will be able to share some solid facts about each animal and make some great comparisons. This book would be great for beginning animal reports. It has just enough information to be interesting and not so much that it’s overwhelming. Perfect for the target audience!

Lizard or Salamander?

by Mari Schuh

Blastoff! Readers Level 1: Spotting Differences series is a twenty book set that delves into the differences between animals. Each book focuses on a pair of animals and details physical and behavioral traits. Text is accessible to your newest readers and accompanying illustrations are high quality and engaging. Nonfiction text features include: table of contents, glossary, index and labeled diagrams. Unfamiliar words are in bold type and their differences are repeated at the end as a wrap up. Suggested websites and resources are noted for further investigation.

Lizard or Salamander? looks at the differences between those organisms. Different physical features are noted like dry skin vs. wet skin and claws vs. no claws. Then, behaviors are compared. The reader also learns that lizards come out at daytime and salamanders are active at night. and each live in different places. Photos are clear and crisp and text is not dense. Give this to your new readers as the books have high interest content. These won’t stay on the shelves!

The Polter-Ghost Problem

by Betsy Uhrig

What do you do when you have a long, boring summer ahead of you and a journal-writing assignment to go along with it? Three friends (Pen, Aldo and Jasper) discover an abandoned orphanage with some ghostly children. These young ghosts are trapped in their old home by a poltergeist that throws some major tantrums, furniture and lots of other stuff. The boys want to help these trapped entities while still dodging Aldo’s older brother and the possibility of being grounded for the rest of the summer. They investigate the old orphanage through documents at the library and the cranky librarian turns out to be more help than they can believe. With her next to them and Aldo’s brother tailing them, they plan to figure out what the poltergeist wants and free their ghostly friends.

Told in a conversational tone, with lots of middle school humor, this story moves along at a nice pace. It is humorous and slightly scary at times, ending with a nice twist that wraps it up with some laughs and a a big brother that really is kinda nice to have around. Give this to your readers that enjoy slapstick adventure.

Harvey Hammer : S.O.S. Mess!

Harvey Hammer, the hammerhead shark, is off on a family vacation where they will encounter humans up close! Harvey and his family, plus friends, are off to see Leggy-Air Breathers (LABs) at Seafari Park. When their tour guide cuts the tour short because of dangerous conditions and starts a film by Dr. Jacques Crusteau Harvey, his sister Hettie, and their friends Flash -the turtle and Poppy- the octopus sneak off to get a closer look at the LABs. Flash gets caught between two young LABs and needs rescuing. Harvey comes up with a rescue plan using his superhero alter-ego Hammer Boy. The rescue is successful and they get back to the tour group just as the film ends. The next day, back at school Hettie and Poppy present their science research project on LABs to the entire school. The previous day’s exploits mentioned in Hettie’s and Poppy’s project turn Harvey, Hettie, Poppy, and Flash into school heroes.

Large font, short chapters, fun word play, black and white illustrations sprinkled throughout the story, and a glossary make this an entertaining book for young readers venturing out to bigger, longer books.

Submitted by Mary Pong

Where is Poppy?

Where is Poppy? follows a young child’s search for her beloved grandfather, who has passed away the previous year, as her extended family gathers for their Passover Seder. The young girl discovers her ‘Poppy’ is not hiding anywhere around the house, as she remembers him in years past. She soon discovers ‘Poppy’ is present in all of her family members as they carry on the family/religious traditions.

Illustrated is somber shades of bluish purples, yellow, black, white and gray.

Concludes with a page of sixteen Passover terms used within the story on Passover Traditions.

Submitted by Mary Pong

First Day, Worst Day

written by Andy Nonamus and illustrated by Amy Jindra

An anonymous narrator (we know this because we can’t see a face, which is covered by a sticker in all the illustrations and there appears to be no name) recounts the adventurous horror of the first day in a new school. Readers will cringe and laugh at all the crazy stuff that happens in this weird place, from being “attacked” by a pack of dogs that want to lick the maple syrup off their shirt to locating a classroom through a locker! Along the way, friendships are made and what started out as the First Day, Worst Day ended as the First Day, Best Day.

Written in very accessible language with fun black and white illustrations, this book will appeal to those reluctant readers that enjoy books that are humorous in a goofy way. Characters are diverse and their behaviors and interactions are age appropriate. This is the beginning of a series that will be popular. Recommended.

Betting On You by: Lynn Painter

Reviewed by OHS Student, Eliza T.

This book beautifully combines a soft romance with the challenges of having divorced parents.

Bailey and Charlie first meet on a plane when they are both flying to live with their other parent. They meet again when they are older, and their initial hate blossoms into a beautiful romance as they connect through their shared parental experiences.

This book is perfect for those looking to better understand the life of a child of divorce, or those who just want to cozy up for a sweet romance. I loved the banter throughout the book, as Charlie and Bailey learn that the other might not be so bad. Bailey’s mom’s boyfriend has a daughter, and I think there could have been more conflict there, where it felt very understated.

Ice Skating

This book fulfills the idea of “Let’s Get Outdoors!” for the title ICE SKATING, but only provides a little information on the actual mechanics of ice skating. If a picture (photo) is worth a 1000 words it’s a good thing this title has a glossary. It shows what ice skating looks like but does not tell you how to ice skate. The color photos of young ice skaters build excitement for the sport.

The book contains a Table of Contents: ‘What is Ice Skating?’, ‘On the Ice’, ‘Ice Skating Gear’, and ‘Ice Skating Safety’ , before the glossary, index, and their safe internet search website for more information – This title’s Factsurfer has two good site for more information of the three provided.

Submitted by Mary Pong


This book fulfills the idea of “Let’s Get Outdoors!” for the title SNOWSHOEING, but provides minimal information on the actual mechanics of snowshoeing. If a picture (photo) is worth a 1000 words it’s a good thing this title has a glossary. It shows what snowshoeing looks like but does not tell you how to snowshoe. The color photos of young snowshoers build excitement for the sport.

The book contains a Table of Contents: ‘What is Snowshoeing?’, ‘Walking on Snow’, ‘Snowshoeing Gear’, and ‘Snowshoeing Safety’ , before the glossary, index, and their safe internet search website for more information – This title’s Factsurfer has only one good site for more information of the three provided.

Submitted by Mary Pong