Love Makes a Garden Grow

Some kids have a hard time with change, but it’s something we all have to face in life. As this author shares her own experiences of change, she weaves through a thread that keeps things connected. The story opens with her sharing her memories of time spent with her grandfather in his big garden, but then a time comes when he needs to move into a smaller apartment, and though he no longer has space for a big garden, he doesn’t leave all his plants behind. When the time comes that she must move far away from her grandfather, she shares that her new home feels lonely, until her grandfather sends her a gift in the form of a favorite plant from her childhood. Eventually, when she is grown, we see her returning to visit her grandfather’s little apartment with her own daughter in tow, and even though his potted plant garden is smaller than the big one from her own childhood, she is still able to share some of the same kind of experiences, so it still feels like home. It’s a comforting, reassuring kind of story as kids (or grown-ups) face changes, reminding us it’s still possible to maintain the ties that are important.


In the Pacific Northwest we can too easily fall into the habit of associating rain with words like cold and gloomy and dreary. But this book celebrates rain. The colors are bright and cheerful. It dedicates several pages to the anticipation of the rain, when so many creatures (including kids) hurry home when they sense it coming, but instead of a sense of dread, it offers a sense of the cozy. It mentions the dogs who don’t hurry home but wait to feel the drops just for the fun of it, and the ducks who are happiest of all enjoying a glorious day in the rain. It reminds us that rain is good for everybody, filling bird baths and creeks and helping things grow.

Once Upon a Fairy Tale House: the true story of four sisters and the magic they built

It’s a charming book that tells of four sisters who grew up in southern California in the early 1900s, and each followed their own interests, right into careers that were uncommon pursuits for women of that era. As adults they brought their individual strengths and skills together to build cottages that captured the magic they remembered from the fairy tales they read as children. The end note in the back is just as well-written as the book itself, adding depth and detail to round out the story. I just wish kids actually read those parts.

The Library Fish

I was prepared to be hard on this one, thinking to myself, “Do we really need another book encouraging kids to learn to read? There are so many good ones out there already.” But who can resist a library fish who gets wrapped up in the joy of the library, watching books come and go, watching patrons search for just the right book, listening in during story our and getting caught up in the wonder and excitement and humor in books? When a book is shared during story time about a dog who learned to read, Library Fish is determined she can too. As soon as she’s alone in the library, “With plenty of hard work, determination, and, of course, imagination…” she creates a water bubble for herself around her head (think old-time diver’s helmet) that lets her venture beyond her bowl and explore the library, starting with the alphabet, building up to words, practicing night after night, until she’s ready to share all she’s learned with her book-mobile friend. It’s full of delight and determination and celebration. The illustrations are full of personality and express the joy found in persistence. I now want a library fish.

Willis Watson Is a Wannabe

It’s a book written with a definite purpose in mind, and it’s a purpose we need: to encourage more children of color to consider futures in the professions where we need more people of color (in this case specifically, doctors). It tells of a kid who loves his grandpa who is always telling him he can be anybody he wants to be, and encourages him to think beyond his neighborhood. But he also gets the sense from his peers that it’s not cool to be a wannabe. But when a medical emergency hits and his beloved grandpa is in the hospital, he’s grateful to the doctor who cares for him, and who grew up in his own neighborhood, re-energizing his dreams of being the kind of hero he sees around him.


It’s a philosophical sort of book, intended to teach mindfulness to kids. It’s not necessarily the kind of story kids are going to pick up to read again and again as a favorite, but it could be useful as a teaching tool. The subplot that runs through the illustrations, showing a child on an excursion to visit grandparents at a summer lake cabin and enjoy the company of extended family while swimming in the lake and watching fireflies is not necessarily something every child will be able to relate to, but the sentiments expressed through the words will certainly by familiar to all — the way time goes so fast sometimes and drags at others, the joys of good food and laughter, the misery of having a joyful moment suddenly disrupted by a bee sting. Kids will probably ignore the extra information in the back offering tips one what to do when anxious or appreciating the here and now, but adults might use them intentionally with a child they know needs it.

Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain

The illustrations are really fun, with a cute little dog with great big eyes who sucks you in immediately. The story is one that will be familiar to anyone who has a short-legged dog, but from the dog’s perspective: he really wants to climb “Comfy Mountain” (i.e. the back of the couch), but he just can’t manage it. When finally realizing all he needs to do is ask his human for help, the rewards prove better than his imagination. It ends with a gentle reminder that though it’s great to do things by ourselves, sometimes doing them together is even better. Some kids need a reminder that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

Patchwork Prince

The illustrations are vibrant and joyful and celebratory, even as the story is describing events born of poverty. Many students used to making the most of hand-me-downs may relate to the power of recreating something beautiful from that which has been discarded by others. They may be perplexed though at the idea that the narrator and his mother had to sneak through the night to scavenge the fabric scraps before they were set afire. Reading the author’s note at the end helps to give context, explaining that the book is based on his own childhood experiences growing up in St. Lucia, where wealthy factory owners made a point of having their scraps burned so that poor families couldn’t steal their trash, but that sometimes a kind worker would give them time to rummage before starting the blaze. We say books can sometime serve as mirrors, reflecting the reader’s own experiences, or sometime a window, showing the reader some aspect of the world beyond. This one may do both at the same time for some readers.

Just Because

It’s not a story to be read straight through from start to finish. It’s a poem to be read and pondered in bits and pieces — would be a really good conversation starter. It’s a series of rhyming couplets, each making a statement that seems on the surface to be self-contradictory, yet the accompanying illustrations sets forth a scenario in which it makes sense after all. “Just because I’m finished, doesn’t mean that I’m done” is matched with illustrations that show a girl all tucked up in bed, saying goodnight to the parent at the door, followed by the same girl reading with a flashlight under the covers once she’s alone; “Just because I’m sitting still, doesn’t mean that I’m not busy,” is illustrated with a girl sitting in a yoga pose. Some of them work better than others, and some could be argued, but that’s what gives it such potential to start meaningful discussions.

Brave Little Bear

The illustrations are absolutely charming! The big eyes on the bear cub, Arlo, capture the reader’s heart from the start. The message may be a familiar one, that “Being brave when you feel afraid is the very bravest brave of all,” but because the cute little bear sucks us in at the beginning, we feel for him every step of the adventure that teaches him this lesson. He doesn’t want to leave his cozy cave all snug with his mom and sister, but mom tells him to be brave as they set out. He sees his sister as the brave one, until she gets lost in a snowstorm and he rushes out on his own to save her without even thinking about it. In the end, once they’ve all reached their destination safely, he once again finds himself snuggly curled up with mom and sister. It’s a feel-good story that leaves the reader comforted by the reassuring ending of everything turning out alright in the end, and the confidence that we all have the capacity to be braver than we believe when need arises.

A Day in the Sun

by Diana Ejaita

As the world travels around the sun and daylight shines in all the different places , we see how it affects us in the most positive ways. Each two-page spread highlights children in a noted country and what happens on a sunny day, whether it is covering their heads from the very hot sun to taking a swim to cool off. The bright, vibrant colors add to the story and the smiling children throughout remind us that we are all living on the same world under the same sun. This is a lovely book to share.

Babajoon’s Treasure

This is a good addition for libraries wishing to expand their multicultural offerings. The main characters are immigrants from Iran, but the story line is one that could fit any young child on a day out with her grandfather: As the narrator describes her visit to her grandfather, she starts noticing details that set her imagination going: he’s got a gold coin, and he sings to a parrot, and he speaks an unknown language with a friend who gives him magic crystals (a.k.a. rock candy), so she decides he must be a pirate. Even after he sets her straight, she still recognizes his many great traits and decides she wants to be just like him someday.

Our Day of the Dead Celebration

The illustrations are bright and cheerful, suiting the intended tone of the day it is describing. The text is straightforward and enthusiastic. Because it is written in the first person plural, it avoids trying to cover all the ways different people/families/communities celebrate; it simply shares one small girl’s descriptions of how her family celebrates. Though I do think most of the common themes of the day are included. Students who celebrate the day withing their own families are likely to find much to relate to, and those who don’t will still likely find much to relate to, while also gaining a clear understand of what may be an unfamiliar holiday.

Palace of Books

The only thing I’m not sure I like about this book is the title. Though the title edifice does play a significant role in the story, it’s really a much more expansive story than just that piece of it. Drawing on personal memories, as so many of Polacco’s books do, this one tells of year of her life when she was in transition. It’s about going through changes, and saying goodbye to familiar places and venturing into to ones. it’s about meeting new people and finding your niche, discovering what you have to offer. It’s about people who help us discover our passions and talents. It’s about using our passions and talents to make an impact on the world around us, even if we’re not in one place very long. Great book. My one reservation about giving it a highly recommended rating, is that the lengths of Ms. Polacco’s books often make them hard sells to the picture book crowd. Are they really targeting children? Or adult readers who love children’s books?

Aston Martin Valkyrie

by Kaitlyn Duling

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

The Aston Martin Valkyrie is a very special car – only 150 have been made and the starting price is over $3,000,000! This is a hybrid model, with a powerful gas engine and an electric motor as well. Because it is so rare, this car is popular at car shows and people stop to stare when one drives by. Readers will dream about seeing one of these cars one day!

Audi RS E-Tron GT

by Kaitlyn Duling

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

The Audi RS E-Tron GT is an all electric car that is super fast and luxurious. It was first made in 2021 and has a driving range of nearly 300 miles. There are a lot of plans for this model, including animated lights and, possibly, a smart version in the future!

Ferrari SF90 Stradale

by Kaitlyn Duling

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

The Ferrari SF90 Stradale is a special car. It is one of Ferrari’s fastest models and go from 0 mph to 60 mph in just TWO seconds! It’s also a hybrid, with three electric motors and one V8 engine. It was first built in 2019. Readers will love the accompanying photos to this fact-filled book about the Ferrari SF90 Stradale. It’s quite a machine!

Mercedes – AMG GT

by Kaitlyn Duling

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

The GT, aka Grand Tourer, is a fast, luxurious Mercedes model that was introduced in 2014. The last one was made in 2021 and next year they might reintroduce it. Young car enthusiasts will recognize the model from its work on the race track as a safety car. Of course, the famous Mercedes Benz badge on the front grill is a huge clue as to its maker. This is a fun, fact-filled book.

The Naysayers

by Roan Black

The Guardians are back in Book #2 and continue their mission to save Horsa. They move underwater with Stillwater and with some help from Gale, who puts an air bubble around her fellow horses (Terra, Ray and herself) that can’t breathe underwater. They end up in a dangerous maze with a monster (Sharrior) and Firebrand, a warrior for the Naysayers. They manage to escape, losing one relic that Firebrand takes back to the Naysayers, who want to find the yearling first and take over Horsa. Can the young Guardians find the yearling first and save Horsa? That is their mission and they are determined to be successful.

This graphic novel has an exciting mission, engaging characters with a lot of personality and some kinda creepy bad guys. Top it off with really nice illustrations and you have a book that will fly off the shelves. This book is obviously a continuation of a story that started in Book #1. Therefore, it is not a stand alone. It’s worth the commitment to purchase the series when you have all the elements of a good fantasy for the younger readers – good vs. evil, a quest, magic and mythical creatures. Bump up your fantasy section with this this series. The kids will love it!

The Dolphin Dream

written by Debbie Daddy and illustrated by Fuuji Takashi

Aqua Wave loves dolphins and her dream is to ride a dolphin. The perfect opportunity arises when her older sister’s friend, Kiki, comes with an entire family of dolphins for the annual Trident City Dolphin Dash. Her teammate falls sick and she needs a new partner or she and her dolphin friends will have to withdraw. Aqua Wave really wants to do this, despite her sister saying she can’t. Shira, Aqua’s sister, had fallen off a dolphin and didn’t want the same thing to happen to Aqua. But, she finally gives permission and Aqua has the ride of her dreams. Aqua’s friends, Freddie, Rosie and Poppy cheer her on to the finish line.

This is the second book in the “Mini Mermaid Tales”, a spin off of “Mermaid Tales” by the same author. As part of the Quix Aladdin books (Fast Fun Reads), the books in the “Mini Mermaid Tales” are shorter with unfamiliar words bolded and questions at the end to help reflect on the story. Chapters are short and the font is larger and cast of characters is introduced in the front of each book. Black and white illustrations add to the stories.

This book is perfect for its target audience of K-2 students. This short book will be popular with young readers as it explores mermaids, dolphins, friendships and sibling relationships. Add this to your library if you need books for those readers that are ready for something a little longer.

McLaren Elva

by Kaitlyn Duly

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

There are some fun facts in McLaren Elva that readers will find fascinating. One fact is that this car is designed without a windshield (although buyers can request one). Another fun fact is that the price starts at $1.6 million dollars and only 149 have been produced. New McLarens will be hybrid or electric. But, they will still be fast! Illustrations and many facts make this book a winner. And, I haven’t even told you about the gold heat shield on the engine yet…

Lamborghini Aventador

by. Kaitlyn Duly

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Lamborghini Aventador describes a luxurious car that many readers might recognize. That’s because it has been in several action movies. This car’s design was inspired by the F-35 jet and it can come with really cool scissor doors per the buyer’s request. This book won’t stay on the shelf for long as the topic is exciting and book is filed with cool facts and photos. Recommended.

Ferrari 296

by Kaitlyn Duly

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Ferrari 296 opens with a red Ferrari zipping home and being plugged in – it’s a hybrid! This hybrid can go 0-62 miles per how in less than 3 seconds, with a top speed of 205 mph. There’s a lot of information packed into a few words and some amazing photos of this luxury model. Another great book from the Cool Cars series!

Maserati MC20

by Kaitlyn Duly

“Cool Cars” series literally says it all in the series’ name. These are books about fast, luxurious and fun cars that are, well, COOL! High interest topics paired with a load of brilliant photos and accessible text make this 28 book set a must-have in your library. Nonfiction elements include: Table of Contents, glossary, index, bolded words and labeled illustrations. Each book has the important facts about a car like its engine type, history, size, speed and future plans of the manufacturers. This photo-heavy, high-low series will be popular among your patrons!

Maserati MC20 describes the Italian luxury vehicle that was announced for production in 2020 (hence the “20” in its name). This speedy sports car is built for the road not the track and bears the famous Maserati badge on the front grill – Neptune’s trident. Future plans include an all – electric model by 2030. Young readers will love to learn about this car. Recommended.

A Maleta Full of Treasures

written by Natalia Sylvester and illustrated by Juana Medina

Dulce can’t wait for Abuela’s visit from Peru. When her grandmother asks what she would like her to bring in their video chat, Dulce replies “Just you”. But, Abuela brings so much in her maletas – candies, baked goods, books, a cozy blanket and more. Dulce and Abuela make memories together – making food, listening to cousins’ messages and her grandmother’s stories. The time comes for Abuela to return home and Dulce wants to send her off with mementos of the visit like photos, favorite soaps and a journal she kept during the visit. At the airport, Dulce feels the sadness of Abuela’s impending departure. Her grandmother tells her to look for a surprise under her bed. It was a maleta with Dulce’s name on the tag and full of wonderful things to remind her of her Abuela and her homeland. The accompanying note says that the suitcase will never run out of the love and beauty they share.

This wonderfully sweet story about a grandparent’s visit is a reminder that many children have grandparents that are far away and time together is a precious time. The text is simple yet conveys the connection between the two and their love for each other. Accompanying illustrations add gentle depth to the already lovely story. The only criticism that I have is the font choice, which is quite small and, therefore, will make the book difficult to use as a read aloud. That’s a shame, because this story needs to be shared. Otherwise, it’s a wise choice for your library.