Based on the novel by K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant, adapted by Chris Grine

This is the second volume in the new graphic novel adaptation of Katherine Applegate & Michael Grant’s popular series Animorphs, adapted by Chris Grine. Having never read the original series, I did read the first graphic novel to get the gist of the big problem, namely the alien ability of the 5 main characters, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Tobias, and Rachel, to now turn into animals. Their new abilities will help them fight the Yeerks, an alien race trying to take over Earth while our planet waits for the good aliens, the Andalites, to come join the fight. In the second volume, Rachel agrees to go undercover in a cat form to discover what they can from their assistant principal, Mr. Chapman, who has become a host to the main Yeerk. Illustrations are bright and bold. The transformation scenes are clever as we see part human and part animal morphing. Text bubbles are different when characters are talking vs when they are using mind reading, adding a visual element to inner dialogue. If the first book in the series is popular, students will definitely enjoy the second. And, if like me, you never experienced the original series, I think the animal element and the high action will appeal to new audiences. Some scenes might be visually scary for younger audiences, though I think this will be fine for upper elementary and middle school level readers.