Animorphs, the Graphic Novel: The Visitor

Based on the novel by K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant, adapted by Chris Grine

This is the second volume in the new graphic novel adaptation of Katherine Applegate & Michael Grant’s popular series Animorphs, adapted by Chris Grine. Having never read the original series, I did read the first graphic novel to get the gist of the big problem, namely the alien ability of the 5 main characters, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Tobias, and Rachel, to now turn into animals. Their new abilities will help them fight the Yeerks, an alien race trying to take over Earth while our planet waits for the good aliens, the Andalites, to come join the fight. In the second volume, Rachel agrees to go undercover in a cat form to discover what they can from their assistant principal, Mr. Chapman, who has become a host to the main Yeerk. Illustrations are bright and bold. The transformation scenes are clever as we see part human and part animal morphing. Text bubbles are different when characters are talking vs when they are using mind reading, adding a visual element to inner dialogue. If the first book in the series is popular, students will definitely enjoy the second. And, if like me, you never experienced the original series, I think the animal element and the high action will appeal to new audiences. Some scenes might be visually scary for younger audiences, though I think this will be fine for upper elementary and middle school level readers.

I love you Fred by Mick Inkpen

Fred has learned so much in obedience class, things like “sit”, “stay” and “fetch”. But, there is one word that he can’t figure out…”Fred”. What does this mean? How can he do it if he doesn’t understand it? Perhaps the dog in the mirror or in the water knows? Oh, no! He falls in! Luckily, his person saves him and whispers the word “Fred” again and again. A light bulb goes on inside Fred’s head. It’s his name! And, boy, is he excited!

Told in short, accessible sentences, this story is told from Fred’s point of view. He is a pug-like dog, drawn with some pretty spiffy sweatbands on his legs. Expressive illustrations add to the story, which will resonate with young dog owners. A solid purchase, given the popularity of silly dog picture books. Recommended.

The Three Little Yogis and the Wolf Who Lost His Breath by Susan Verde

Poor Wolf! Sometimes, he gets really angry and the only way he knows how to calm down is to huff and puff. Unfortunately, he often blows things down in the process and other animals become afraid of him, which makes him feel sad when he should feel some relief from his anger.

One day, he loses his huff and puff. So, he looks for help and comes upon a piggy yogi posing outside her straw house. She tried to help him through yoga. But, he becomes frustrated and they move on together to the second yogi’s wood house. That yogi suggests cooling breaths and it works for a moment, until the wolf remembers he had lost his huff and puff. Together, they head over to the third yogi’s brick house (yep, brick) and there the wolf learns the way to calmness.

This book, with its recognizable story line, is a nice introduction to yoga and the benefits of breathing to calm oneself. Text is simple and illustrations are clean and colorful. An author’s note at the end explains the yoga positions and breathing addressed in the story. Use this story to introduce other ways for students to calm their anger and frustration. It is also a great addition to a fractured fairy tale unit – the whole class can practice breathing and yoga! Recommended

The Best Friend Plan (The Adventures of Allie & Amy) by Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole

Allie and Amy are best friends and live in neighboring buildings. They are ready for summer with a list of “Things To Do This Summer”. Unfortunately, they find out that they will be separated for much of the summer when Allie gets a spot at Camp Merry Moose. They spring into action, first tying their legs together (think three-legged race style), which doesn’t work out well. They then resort to accomplishing as much on their list as possible before Allie leaves. Pesky classmate (and eventual friend) Marvin seems to be in many of the same places they are and manages to get in the way most of the time. But, they do their best to work through the list. But, wait! There is good news ahead, because Amy gets to go to camp as well! The next morning, the girls couldn’t be happier as they settle into their bus seats for the ride to camp. And, who else is on the bus? Marvin! Summer camp will be so much fun!

Large font and numerous half page illustrations make this a fine book for early chapter book readers. While the story isn’t very elaborate or thought-provoking, it does what it intends to do – provide a book for those ready to move on from picture books. A word list and questions are in the back, providing some extra help for young readers. Characters are diverse – Allie and her family are Black and Marvin appears to be Hispanic (last name is Lopez). Buy this book for your collection if you are in need of those ‘bridge’ books.

Guest : a changeling tale by Mary Downing Hahn

Thomas is a beautiful baby and his sister, Mollie, makes a mistake one day and tells him that. People are never supposed to tell the children how wonderful they are, because the Kinde Folk (a group of evil fairies) will carry off the child and replace it with a horribly ugly and ill-behaved one of their offspring.

This is exactly what happens to baby Thomas and the family is left with a biting, screaming changeling that Mollie calls “Guest”. This being throws the family into an upheaval as it wears Mollie’s mother down and drives her father away. Granny Hedgepath advises to keep the child safe and happy, so that the Kinde Folke will possibly (although highly unlikely) return Thomas. Mollie and her mother are near the breaking point, when Mollie decides to travel with Guest to the Darklands and hopes for a trade to bring her brother home.

Her journey is dangerous and may end in death. But, Mollie is determined to reclaim her brother, return Guest and make things right again for her family. Along the way, she meets some that may help and others that will try to kill her and keep her brother. The ending is a twisting and turning series of events that will surprise the reader almost as much as Mollie herself.

This is not a typical ghost story by Mary Downing Hahn. It is based on Irish myths and appears to be set in a village in the middle ages. Therefore, there is magic, both evil and good. An afterward explains the background of the story and might lead to further exploration. The fantasy elements work well and the story moves along. The scary parts are just scary enough and the reader’s imagination will paint some wonderfully dark pictures as the story progresses.

Recommended for libraries looking for more scary stories that have a bit of fairy dust (not the good kind!). Students will become invested in the journey and eventual, somewhat surprising, ending.

The Nightmare Brigade #1: The Case of The Girl from Déjà vu, by Franck Thilliez, Yomgui Dumont, & Drac

Fall into the weird world of dreams and nightmares with this graphic novel. Under the guise of a hospital that helps victims of debilitating nightmares, Estaban and Tristan journey into patient’s bad dreams to help them solve the root cause of the dreaming. There is also more to discover about the hospital and the head doctor, Tristan’s father. Who is the creepy non-sleeper locked away in the basement? Why has the doctor adopted Estaban, a young man who has amnesia? I liked the way the story unfolded. The nightmare worlds the children navigate are weird and metaphoric, giving us a glimpse into our own dreams and fears. The graphic style showing the world both in and and out of the dream is clever and clear for the reader. Characters’ faces are large eyed & expressive with a light Goth style that includes plenty of detail. Students will definitely enjoy this first book of this new series. I can already tell I’ll be looking for future additions!

Kingston and the Echoes of Magic, by Rucker Moses and Theo Gangi

Since this book is the sequel to Kingston and the Magician’s Lost and Found , it took me a bit to figure out the plot at the beginning of the book. This is one that I think would be better read AFTER the first book in the series. Eventually, enough clues about what had happened to Kingston and his friends in the previous book allowed me to move forward with this one. The story is full of time portals, magical items, echo loops, and missing people. Kingston and his friends must save the world from another magician trying to reset it in an alternate reality. I enjoyed the dive into Egyptian mythology and the fast pace of the story though the twists in the plot may leave some readers puzzled. There were LOTS of twists and turns and characters met at different points in their lives which could be confusing if the reader isn’t really paying attention. If the reader loved the first in the series, I think this will help finish answering questions that must have been left unanswered. Skip this one if you don’t also have Book 1.

Tomatoes for Neela by Padma Lakshimi

Written by Padma Lakshmi, the host of Top Chef and Taste the Nation, Tomatoes for Neela is a reminder that food brings us together, transcending time and place. Young Neela enjoys working in the kitchen with her amma (mother) where they share the recipes and customs passed down from her grandmother in India.

The story of Neela’s tomato sauce reinforces the benefits of local sourcing, home cooking and preserving. The simple, when done right, nourishes the spirit and the connectedness of family and community. Enjoying the preserved fruits of the kitchen in winter brings back the sense of fulfillment and family mixed into each jar of sauce.

Endnotes include paati’s (grandmother’s) child friendly tomato sauce and tomato chutney recipes as well as Tomato Fun Facts, About Farmworkers, and Author’s Note.

My Rainy Day Rocket Ship by Markette Sheppard

Stuck inside because of rainy weather, a young boy is bored with his same old inside toys. Making the most of it, he decides to “make something really tough – like a whole new world in a different place.”

To get to this new place, he needs a rocket ship. He uses a rocking chair, a box, and some socks for a ship and swimming trunks with goggles for a space suit. Mom and dad are supporting in the background as the boy zooms off to Planet XYZ and arrives at B-E-D in the Land of ZZZZZZs.

A celebration of imagination and imaginative play.

Best Day Ever by Marilyn Singer

A joyful relationship between a young boy in a wheelchair and his energetic dog told from the point of view of the dog. All everyday activities that excite a dog; morning greeting, digging in the yard, chasing a cat, frisbee are the things that make “the best day ever”. The vigor the dog displays with every new experience and the evident connection to his person reinforces the sense of joy found in the relationship between a child and pet. Even when a table is knocked over and the child yells in anger, all is forgiven. An apology and a commitment to work together on training reinforces the growth mindset message and the determination to find joy in all the moments of life.

A positive and natural portrayal of a child with a disability illustrated by a woman who also uses a wheelchair.

Animals that Might Exist by Professor O’Logist, by Stéphane Nicolet and Jean-Baptiste Drouot

An absurd collection of animal drawings that have only been seen by the now-missing Professor O’Logist. A tongue-in-cheek book of drawings and scientific descriptions of the craziest collections of animals you’ve never seen, but that doesn’t mean they might NOT exist! Professor O’Logist even created his own classification system for organizing the animals, including the soft animals, the disgusting animals, and the not-useful animals, to name a few. Many of the animals remind me of creatures you might encounter in a Roald Dahl book, the drawings are charming and the writing is both serious and silly. This is a book I think students will have fun giggling over as they flip through the bizarre taxonomy and then find inspiration to discover rare animals themselves. For a middle school library, I imagine this probably more of a display book, rather than one that gets checked out much unless it’s by budding artists.

Fossil Hunter: How Mary Anning Changed the Science of Prehistoric Life by Cheryl Blackford

This fascinating account of Mary Anning’s life will have a lot of appeal to both dinosaur lovers and students looking for a biography of a woman in a role that is typically filled by a male. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll catalog it in the 560’s under dinosaurs and fossils, or in the biography section.

Young Mary was only thirteen when she uncovered the first complete skeleton of a prehistoric creature later named the Ichthyosaur. Mary came by her fascination with fossils naturally, working alongside her father in the cliffs near Lyme Regis in England. Conditions were perfect for unearthing fossils as the wet weather loosened the soil on the cliffs, sending muddy avalanches sliding to the beach below. However, this was very dangerous work. Mary’s own father died on site of a rockfall resulting from an avalanche.

Following her father’s death, the family was thrown into poverty, so Mary helped in the one way she know how to make money — she sold fossils to tourists. In these days (the early 1800’s), it became quite fashionable for wealthy families to buy “curiosity cabinets” to display collections of interesting objects. Soon, Mary was selling her fossils for much more money. By the age of 29, Mary had already made four momentous fossil finds: (1) the world’s most complete ichthyosaurs, (2) the world’s first complete plesiosaur, (3) the first pterodactyl found in Britain, and (4) the world’s first squaloraja.

Self-educated in the field of paleontology and geology, Mary contributed to these fields through her tireless discoveries and research in libraries. But it was always a male that received the credit for her scientific contributions. Born in 1799, females were not allowed to go to college or join the British Society for the Advancement of Science. Without her due credit, Mary struggles financially for much of her life.

This book is beautifully illustrated, provides drawings and log entries by Mary Anning, is contains quotes by famous scientists who knew her, a Timeline, and a Glossary.

Simon at the Art Museum, by Christina Soontornvat

A young child visits his first art museum with his parents. The things that intrigue Simon aren’t necessarily the art. He notices the the marble floors perfect for sock skating, the pigeons, and the cheesecake. The whole day seems both boring and a bit overwhelming through the eyes of a young child. The illustrations portray a variety of art types and a diverse museum visitors. Simon finally finds a piece of art that speaks to him – a painting of a young red-haired boy chasing pigeons.

Recommended as a field trip teaser or a sweet family day adventure.

Map of Flames by Lisa McMann

Meet five children, Birdie, Brix, Tenner, Seven, and Cabot, all born to supernatural criminals and all with supernatural powers of their own. Raised by Birdie & Brix’s dad, because the other parents have mysteriously disappeared, the death of their father has the five children leaving their isolated hideout and entering the outside world in search of their mother. Armed with a map with clues to her whereabouts, the five children navigate life in this new, unfamiliar world so unlike the isolated one they lived in until now. Sometimes comical, our young heroes taste pizza for the first time, discover “magical” elevators, and scream in surprise as they have their first experience with flush toilets! This fantasy is the first book in the Forgotten Five series, with the second and final book, “The Invisible Spy” coming out November 8, 2022.

Omar Rising by Aisha Saeed

For fans of “Amal Unbound,” this companion book has you celebrating Omar’s success when he gets into Ghalib Academy, an elite boarding school. Omar is thrilled to have a path in life with the potential to lift him and his mother out of poverty. A talented soccer player with an interest in astronomy, he is determined to make the most of his time at school.

Struggling with hard classes, especially English with the gruff headmaster as his teacher, Omar learns that scholarship students aren’t allowed to take part in extracurricular activities. In addition, they must work service hours not expected of regular students. Even worse, the rules state that a scholarship student must earn an average of an A+ in order to be invited back the next year. Omar keeps this from his mother, forfeits joining in any of the fun activities at school, and studies non-stop. While his grades improve, it’s impossible to reach that A+ average.

Omar and his friend, Naveed, decide to try to rise up and lead a campaign to get Ghalib Academy to change their unfair rules. With the backing of his friends, this novel has the Disney ending you hope for, giving the readers hope for justice.

Amal, from the book “Amal Unbound, appears in this book, but it’s not important to read that one first. These two books can be read in any order.

The Prison Healer; by Lynette Noni

Growing up in the kingdoms of Wenderall, Kiva Meridan has known political disrest her entire life. The only way she has survived ten years in Zalindov, a brutal prison camp, is the job of Prison Healer, which her father trained her in before he died. When Tilda Corentine, the leader of the rebellion, is captured and brought to Kiva’s infirmary, she faces a sentence worse than death: four trials which have never been survived, and are only achievable by those born with elemental magic. The only problem? Tilda is sick, barely able to move or open her eyes, let alone face four grueling Ordeals. Surprising everyone, even herself, Kiva volunteers in Tilda’s place. If she can survive, she has the chance of freedom for herself and for the Rebel Queen, but that chance is slim for a girl with no power over the elements. Kiva finds unlikely friends, mysterious love interests, and is deceived by false identities. Lynnette Noni’s writing is riveting, full of twists and turns and coded messages, and will have you at the edge of your seat. Her use of colloquial speech characterizes each personality in an engaging and unique way, and elements of magical realism are integrated with ease, creating a fantasy world that is relatively uncomplicated and easy for the reader to step into. If you are a lover of suspense, slow burn romance, and fantasy, this book is for you!

Reviewed by: OHS Student Scarleht

Layoverland by: Gabby Noone

Bea dies in a car accident and wakes up in “purgatory,” an airport called Layoverland.  To move on to Heaven, she must help 5000 people move on themselves! However, her first real assignment is the one who killed her. Can she help her killer? You should read this book because: It’s moving and thought-provoking while being funny and real. Bea is a fun, relatable character that you can hang out with. Genre: Realistic Fiction/ Fantasy

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Review by OSD Sub. Angela

How it Feels to Float by: Helena Fox

Riz the main character experiences dissociative experiences, memories of her father who passed away years ago. We watch as she holds on to the grief of her father’s death- almost a metaphor for keeping going and holding on to life and love.

If you enjoy books that are filled with emotion this book is perfect for you!  I loved this book and could not stop

Reading it because it’s so easy to connect your own emotions with the characters.

The genre is Realistic Fiction.

Reviewed by OSD Sub: Maxine


It tells of a small unspecified animal who was the only one of her kind, who didn’t know what she was called or where she came from, so when other animals in her community ask, “wutaryoo,” she simply repeats it back at them, and listen as all her animal friends tell their origin stories. Eventually, tired of not having her own story to tell, she sets off to search for it. Along the way, she meets several creatures she’s never seen before, but eventually finds herself back where she started. At first sad and disappointed, she now finds herself facing new questions: Are you all right? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you hear? And this time she has her own story to tell, not about where she came from, but about where she went and what she did.

About a Song

It’s a celebration of the ways music can uplift our lives. The text is simple, about a father and son’s day out, and the son sharing all his dad has shared with him about all the different things a song can do for us. The slightly vintage-looking illustrations do a good job of enhancing the text: when the text says that a song can remind us of the past, we see an older couple gathered at a piano, surrounded by memories upon their walls; when it says a song can reveal our feelings, we see a sad young boy laying on his bed and listening to his earphones while surrounded by fliers for his missing dog… In the back of the book, the author/illustrator offers commentary on some of the illustrations that offer context to young readers who might not notice some of the historical and musical references they include.

The House of Love

As someone who grew up in a large family I totally appreciate this story about a young girl spending Valentine’s Day at home alone with her mom, while her six siblings are out for the day with their dad. Together they get the household chores done before breaking out the Valentine’s Day decorations setting their creativity loose to make the day special for the rest of their family. The main character’s name is Mia Valentina (i.e. my valentine), so she revels in her favorite day while making valentines and baking cupcakes, but then the day is tarnished when she notices that no one made a valentine for her, until at bedtime she finds the one her mom made for her tucked under her pillow. Throughout the story the old house is almost another character, with cracked windows and peeling wallpaper making it clear that the family maybe didn’t have a lot that was shiny and new, but overflowing with love that finds joy in simple delights. The story is warm and cozy and sentimental, and the illustrations capture and add to that tone beautifully.

Mr. Walker Steps Out

This book starts with something everyone sees all the time and doesn’t think much about (a crosswalk signal), and asks the reader to stop and think about it, to imagine that the little man inside the sign might have some ambitions and adventures. It brings the man inside the walk signal to life, imagining what he’s thinking as he looks out on the world, and what he would do if he could climb out of his box and explore the world on his own. After exploring the world for a bit, jumping to the rescue when he sees a small child alone in the middle of the street, he finds himself missing his own corner and recognizing the value he serves in keeping people safe, so he returns home (but still needs a vacation occasionally). I think it would be a great launching off spot for discussion and/or writing prompts getting kids to imagine stories for other common items in our world.

Happy Cats

It’s essentially an illustrated list of different kinds of cats, and when I say kinds, I’m not talking breed, I’m talking about color and attitude and pose, etc. Yet it works in opposites and rhyming and adjectives in a way that makes it a great support for emergent literacy. The illustrations are full of personality and act as a support for the text, all while capturing some classic cat moments that will be very recognizable to cat families.

Light for All by Margarita Engle illustrated by Raul Colon

Margarita Engle weaves immigration with how the light from the Statue of Liberty welcomes us all. Even though we are different, come from a variety of places, and have many reasons for coming to the United States we are the same in that we have a love for the home that we have left and the place that we now call home.

While I appreciate and think it is important that Engle included that land was taken from Indigenous People and others were forced to come here on slave ships, it felt disjointed with how it was incorporated into the book. The author’s and illustrator’s notes at the end add their own personal stories to the book.

Pig and Horse and the Something Scary by Zoey Abbott

Pig is scared of something but she is trying to ignore it. Her friend, Horse, tries to get her mind off of her fear with bike rides, swimming, and making her laugh. Pig realizes that ignoring it does not make the problem better. They decide to talk about it and face her fear together. Pig’s fears are things that are very common for children (night, being alone, and a character from a story she read). Horse supports her friend in talking about and facing what is bothering her.

The book offers a gentle way to help children name their feelings and to realize that talking about their feelings may be better than ignoring them.

The animals are anthropomorphic in the way walk on two legs, they cook, and they use floaties in the pool. The illustrations are colorful and add to the story.