Hummingbirds (Pollinators)

by Martha London

Hummingbirds describes the life and importance of hummingbirds. Facts are presented with accompanying photos and QR codes are interspersed throughout with added videos, activities and information. Unfamiliar words are bolded and colored with a glossary at the back of the book. There is a page of connections to consider, an index and further information as well.

This book packs a lot of information into 32 pages and the extras via QR codes make it a fantastic addition to your science collection. Photos are clear and brilliant, a timeline of the lifecycle is well-done and text spacing all make this book accessible for many readers.

It is part of a series called Pollinators and should be a first choice when updating your collection. It is geared toward upper elementary, but will prove useful (with guidance) for the younger readers. Free teaching resources are included. Highly recommended.

Sunken Ship (Tiny Habitats)

by Amy Hevron

in 1733, a ship sank in a big storm as the crew swam to safety. As the years go by, we see the changing habitat, resulting in a thriving artificial reef that sustains a rich variety of marine life. Based on the sinking of the San Pedro (as noted in the afterward), this delightful book looks at Year 1, Year 10, Year 100 and the present day. Not only does the ship provide a wonderful place for the myriad of sea life, the wood itself enriches its resting place as it decomposes.

Students will enjoy the colorful, smiling creatures as well as the funny speech bubbles while they learn some solid science. The back of the book contains a note about artificial reefs and the original San Pedro shipwreck as well as additional reading suggestions and selected sources. Add this book, and the first book, Log Life, to your library. This charming book will hook your kids into more exploration of tiny habitats. Highly recommended.

Heartfelt by Elaine Vickers

What is love? How do you show love? The main character makes small hearts and gives them away after completing acts of kindness. The character uses their senses to describe love. Love feels like a gentle hand to lift you up if you fall down. Love tastes like warm cookies we take to the neighbors. The diorama illustrations are colorful and help carry the story. Many small acts of kindness are demonstrated through the words and collage illustrations of this book.

Go Forth and Tell: The Life of Augusta Baker, Librarian and Master Storyteller by Breanna J. McDaniel

Before she was a storyteller, Augusta Baker, was a listener. She listened to her grandmother tell stories, emphasizing if there is a will, there’s a way. Augusta wondered if she could become a storyteller too. After attending teacher college, she became a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library in Harlem. Since there were few books with Black people in them, Augusta became an advocate for educators, librarians and writers who created stories about Black people.

This biography of Augusta Baker features a timeline, a list of citations, photographs of Augusta as a librarian and an author’s note on her own connection with librarians. This book definitely demonstrates that if there is a will, there is a way.

Ladybug Launch by Melissa Trempe & Natalia Ojeda

Ladybug Launch is inspired by a true story of the author’s experience in the project of sending ladybugs to space. Two stories run parallel to each other throughout the book. Natalia, a young girl in Chile, wonders if she could be the first in her family to attend university. Luna, a chinita (ladybug), longs to go to space. One day Luna finds her attending school with Natalia when Natalia’s class is creating an experiment for space. If humans can live in space, they would need to grow food. If they grow food, they will need something to combat the pests. This book is fictional with an anthropomorphized ladybug, but does include an author’s note at the end recounting her real experience with this experiment. Spanish words are included throughout the story and a glossary is included at the back as well as websites for further information about ladybugs and NASA.

Nocturnal Nico by Gabe Jensen

A young boy is in bed and should be asleep, but he is awake. He must be nocturnal. He sneaks around the house on his way to get a tasty snack. He discovers he is not the only one awake and they enjoy a snack together and eventually fall asleep. Throughout the story we are introduced to a few nocturnal animals. The pictures are cartoonish and includes labels for the different animals. The end of the book includes some information about nocturnal animals.

Lost Stick by Anoosha Syed

While out for a walk, Louise throws a stick for Milo. Milo brings it back again and again because it makes Louise happy. One time Louise pretends to throw the stick and Milo thinks she has thrown it really far, so Milo goes in search of it. He searches the neighborhood, puts up posters and eventually sets off around the world looking for stick. He finds a lot of different sticks, but not Louise’s stick. Through the illustrations you can see that at the same time, Louise is searching for Milo. Pay careful attention to the bright, detailed illustrations to see the emotions of Milo and Louise as well as details of the story.

I Want to Read ALL the Books by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

When Hana learns that books can answer her questions, she sets out on a mission to read all of the books. She starts with reading all of the nonfiction books on her shelf and then the fiction books. Soon she has read all of the books in the house and her friends’ houses, but her list of questions just keeps on growing. Hana’ wants to buy all of the books. ‘s mom takes her to the library, but Hana becomes overwhelmed that she will never be able to read all of the books. After a talk with the librarian, Hana starts a book club with her friends so they can share their books.

The pictures are colorful and the characters are diverse. The font changes to express how Hana is feeling throughout the story. A wonderful about the importance of curiosity and sharing the books we love.

Ruby Rene Had So Much to Say by Ashley Iman

Ruby Rene knows a lot of things and she desperately wants to share them, but that leads to her getting in trouble at school for talking too much. Her dad gives her a journal to write her thoughts in, but then she is not paying attention in class. Eventually the principal helps her come up with a way to foster her curiosity and share her knowledge with others.

The text of the book is complemented by colorful illustrations and the incorporation of speech and thought bubbles. A wonderful story about those who just can’t contain themselves with their need to share and a way that it can be turned into a positive instead a negative trait.

Nothing Scares a Dinosaur by Jonathan Fenske

A young boy gets ready for bed and in the illustrations you can see a dinosaur looking back at him in the mirror. After his mom turns out his light, he hears a sound. He is not afraid of the sound because he is a dinosaur. He is not afraid of the shadow, a spider, a monster, or the weather because nothing scares a dinosaur.

This Ready to Read Level One book features large, easy to read type, rhyming text and one to two sentences on the page. The illustrations are colorful and cartoonish bring humor to a book about being afraid of things at night. A humorous story to be read aloud or for those learning to read.

The Hawk Shadow

written by Jan Bordeau Caboose and illustrated by Karlene Harvey

Serenity accompanies her brother, Big Ed, on a fishing trip to the Hawk River. As they walk, the siblings chat and tease each other and Big Ed explains the significance of the river’s name. It is named for the the Hawks, Gekek, Keepers of the River and their Protectors. Big Ed and Serenity arrive at the edge of the river and cast their lines, his from a beautiful new fishing pole and hers from a spruce branch made by their father. Serenity is daydreaming as she fishes when a Red Tailed Hawk (Gekek) suddenly appears, swooping over her and screaming, before flying off over the river. Serenity looks around and her brother is no longer there. Gekek, the Red-Tailed Hawk, returns, screams and flies up the river again. Serenity follows and finds her brother, his foot caught between rocks in the river. She doesn’t know what to do until Gekek swoops down over her pole. Serenity holds the pole out to Big Ed and he grabs hold. Together, they work to return him to safety on the river bank. They lay on the river bank for a few moments before heading back home, thankful for the protection of the Spirit guides.

This lively story is wonderful for many reasons. We are given a glimpse of the culture and lives of the Anishinaabe people, an exciting rescue and the loving relationship of a brother and his younger sister. All of this is set in a picture book with vibrantly colored illustrations that transport the reader to the trails and river banks of the Hawk River. Highly Recommended.

Monster Hands

written by Karen Kane and Jonaz McMillan; illustrated by Dion MBD

Milo reads some bedtime stories and makes the mistake of reading one about a monster under the bed. Now, he’s POSITIVE there’s a monster under his bed! He knows what to do. He reaches out to Mel, his friend across the street. Placing their flashlights under their hands, they sign to each other. Milo explains his dilemma about the monster under his bead and Mel gives advice and suggestions. Finally, they team up to make hand shadow monsters together to scare away any would-be monster that might be lurking under Milo’s bed. Phew! Such a relief! The story ends with Milo and Mel sharing a signed hug, because monster hands can also give hugs.

This sweet story incorporates ASL in a very natural way as part of the story as Milo and Mel work out how to chase away those monsters. Children will enjoy a story about a situation that might be all too familiar to them – seriously, who hasn’t had a monster under their bed at one time or another? The illustrations are bold and seamlessly incorporate signs along the way. Add this to your collection as it will be a hit. Highly recommended.

Bijan Always Wins

Written by Adib Khorram and illustrated by Michelle Tran

Bijan always wins (in his mind). Whether it’s eating a sandwich or tying his shoes – he’s the winner. All this winning has an impact on friendships, though. Not many other kids want to play with a self-declared winner of everything. Bijan becomes more intuitive over time, noticing that other children are avoiding him. And, after some reflection, he makes some changes and realizes that when you’re playing together and no one ‘wins’, you actually all win.This very sweet story shows that people can change as we watch an annoying main character change for the better and become a friend to others. As a result, he is happier, too!

The muted tones of the illustrations are lovely and the pages are awash in color. Characters are diverse and children will be familiar with the school settings in which the book is set. They might even see themselves in the characters. Recommended.

Finding Mr. Trunks

written by Annemarie Riley Guertin and illustrated by Andrea Alemanno

Mr. Trunks is at the airport with his person, Libby, and her family when disaster strikes. Libby drops him! She doesn’t realize it and rushes off with her family, leaving Mr. Trunks behind. Luckily, a baby picks him up and he boards a plane to Italy with the baby’s family, who realizes that Mr. Trunks has tagged along with their family by mistake. With the help of social media and the kind family he is traveling with, Mr. Trunks finds his way back to Libby. He had a lovely trip along the way, which was followed by many interested folks. #FindingMrTrunks

This lovely picture book shows that social media has a positive side where people connect to bring Mr. Trunks and Libby back together again. And, Baby’s Mom does a great job of chronicling his adventures along the way. Characters are mix of human and anthropomorphic animals. engaged in typical travel fun. Recommended.

Bridges Instead of Walls: The Story of Mavis Staples

Written like lyrics with rhythm and rhythm, Bridges Instead of Walls is Mavis Staples memoir of growing up in a musical family and going on to successful performance career. Each part of Mavis’s life is treated as almost its own song, reinforcing the musical theme in her life. The Staple Singers, Mavis’s family’s performing group started as gospel group and eventually expanded to add message music that supported the Civil Rights Movement.

Mavis sees her life as a series of bridges, many of which were built from the music in her life. Born in Chicago to a poor black family that moved north during the Great Migration, Mavis met Elvis, Dr King, and Prince; she sang for presidents and princes; and earned accolades and awards for her music. Recommended for collections looking for books on music in the Civil Rights Movement.

The book includes a recommended listening list, recommended viewing list, and a timeline.

The Tree of Life: How a Holocaust Sapling Inspired the World

In the Terezin ghetto where Jewish people were confined during World War II, survival was not guaranteed. A teacher named Irma Lauscher asked a fellow prisoner to risk his life to smuggle in a sapling to help the children celebrate Tu BiShavat, the New Year of the Trees. This sapling planted in a pot then later in the ground. Water was scarce, so the children shared a few drops of their water every day. It became known as Etz Chaim, The Tree of Life. The tree survived, but many of the residents of Terezin did not. Many died in the ghetto and many others were shipped off to concentration camps. The horrors of the Holocaust is summed up in the books words, “The children were the future of the Jewish people. And the Nazis wanted a future without Jewish people.” The tree survived and after the war, Irma saw that seeds from the tree were planted all over the world in memory of the children in the ghetto. In 2007, the tree died after taking flood damage, but it’s 600 descendants around the world thrive.

The Tree of Life focuses the story on life, hope, and strength in unity during a truly horrific time in history. Pair with This Very Tree: A Story of 9/11, Resilience, and Regrowth by Sean Rubin.

The House Before Falling into the Sea

As the conflict that became the Korean War was erupting, many people were forced to flee from the violence. In The House Before Falling into the Sea, a young girl’s family welcomes one group after another to shelter in their home at the base of the Korean peninsula. The sacrifices she is asked to make and the disruptions to her life at times grate on her. With the help of her parents, she accepts that its okay to be scared and that as a group they can hold each other up.

The image a rock reappears throughout the story; from the travelers looking like stones, suseok (stone art), the stony beach, and finally the stone commemorating the generosity of the Tak family in welcoming those displaced by war. In the words of Umma, “Our visitors are not stones we can toss to the sea.”

A gently told story of time and place not often seen in picture books. Use when teaching about the Korean War, displaced people, or on a unit on kindness and compassion.

Beautiful illustrations show dark and light, the fear and the peace of a home that stood as a refuge for family and friends fleeing south.

Home in a Lunchbox by Cherry Mo

Jun moves to America from Hong Kong. She only knows a handful of words and they are written on her hand. School feels isolating and very scary. Her lunchbox is filled with familiar comforting things from home and leads the way to new friendships.

The book is mostly wordless and the only text is speech bubbles and a few pages. The illustrations of school are dark and you can feel Jun’s sadness, but when Jun opens her lunchbox, joy and color burst forth. The end of the book includes the English and Cantonese translations of the few words that Jun knows, as well as a description of the things in her lunchbox.

Veena and the Red Roti: A Story of Hope During Partition by Namita Moolani Mehra

Veena loves to be in the kitchen when the women are making roti. Veena practices making the roti and finally gets the hang of it. Then her world changes and the Partition of India occurs and her family leaves their home. They end up in a migrant shelter, where she is given a roti that was like nothing she had tasted before, it was red and hard to swallow. Veena decides that she needs to do something to help at the kitchen and makes red roti.

The end of the story includes a glossary, an author’s note and historical context. The story is inspired by the author’s grandparents’ journey during the Partition of India. The historical context explains what the partition was and is important for those who may not know this piece of history.

I Worked Hard on That

After seeing a beautiful web, Kiara is inspired to make her own web. It was not as easy as it seemed and her first webs were not works of art. Finally she created a masterpiece when a squirrel ran through her web, destroying her work. Each web Kiara created were ruined by others not paying attention. Kiara meets another spider, Orb, and they work together to create something beautiful until Orb gets hungry and eats the web. Frustrated Kiara runs away destroying Paws, the squirrel’s, sculpture. Kiara helps Paws and learns that creating is just as important, if not more than the finished product.

The digitally created illustrations feature expressive characters, intricate webs, and designs to demonstrate varying textures.

This book would be great for discussing frustration when creating something and for how to respond when you accidentally ruin someone’s creation.

Careers in STEM: Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace engineers use math and physics to design airplanes and spacecraft.

This book is a Blastoff Reader from the Careers in STEM series. There are 2-3 sentences per page and uses many text features such as bold words, table of contents, photographs and captions. The glossary is needed as there are many words that will be new to readers, such as internships and physics. This book explains what an aerospace engineer is, does, and how to become an aerospace engineer. The books in this series introduce readers to careers they may not be familiar with.

Careers in STEM: Mechanical Engineer

This book is a Blastoff Reader from the Careers in STEM series.This series for beginning readers focuses on jobs in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields. There are 2-3 sentences per page and uses many text features such as bold words, table of contents, glossary, photographs and captions. Information about a famous mechanical engineer is included.This book explains what a mechanical engineer is, does, and how to become a mechanical engineer. The books in this series introduce readers to careers they may not be familiar with.

A Boy and His Mirror

Chris gets teased for his long curly hair, but he likes it. When he looks in an ornate mirror to reassure himself, an African woman mystically appears. She reminds him that in a faraway land his hair is the hair of a king. Chris learns that acting like a king isn’t about swagger and bling it’s about how you treat others. Chris steps up into a leadership role on the playground encouraging others to “stop judging, quit calling names. Be a little more chill. Stop playing games.” The story ends with Chris playing with his new group of friends.

Lovely illustrations portray a diverse cast of children with expressive faces. The story encourages the concepts of positive self-image as well as acceptance and kindness to others. The only drawback is the unexpected appearance of the mirror that does not fit the flow of the story.

Justice Rising: 12 Amazing Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement

Year after year as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month, we hear about the same heroes; MLK, Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks. There are many other Americans who stepped up and made a difference during the Civil Rights Movement. This book focuses on twelve women who through their actions furthered the fight for equality and justice during the Civil Rights Movement.

In the book, you will hear about; Ella Baker, Ruby Bridges, Claudette Colvin, Dorothy Cotton, Fannie Lou Hamer, Coretta Scott King, Diane Nash, Rosa Parks, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Gloria Richardson, Jo Ann Robinson, and Sheyann Webb. The twelve women each have a page long biography detailing their work, their struggles, and their successes. Each biography is concise yet comprehensive enough to paint a picture for the reader.

Recommended for elementary libraries.

The Together Tree

Rumi starts at a new school and doesn’t feel like he fits in; not in class and not at recess. At recess while the other kids played, Rumi sat beneath a shady old willow tree, twirling a stick. Everything was different at his old home. Some of his classmates started making fun of him and it escalated to bullying. When a student threw a rock and hurt Rumi, his classmates realized their behavior was hurtful and gradually they all joined Rumi under the tree to create beautiful drawings in the dirt. The story ends with the bully being invited to join the group under the tree.

A beautifully illustrated book that tells the story of being a new student from a different cultural background and how teasing escalates to bullying.