Crab Cake

Crab Cake, written by the author of Accident! starts out innocently enough. The sea creatures are doing what sea creatures normally do – “Seahorse pretends to be seaweed” and “Puffer fish puffs up” and “Crab bakes cakes’ – what?? Yes, crab is a different sort of sea creature and bakes lovely cakes. This comes in handy when disaster strikes their lovely undersea world. A boat comes by and dumps a huge amount of trash into their home. Everything turns dark and they all freeze! Then, crab does what crab does best – he bakes a cake. The other sea creatures come out of hiding and begin to relax, brainstorming ideas as they eat his yummy creation. They are united in their resolve and each works with the others to clean up the terrible mess. They deposit the pile of garbage on the dock with a sign that reads “Come get your junk!’. And, life turns back to normal. The sea is clean and bright, the animals are doing what they do and crab is baking cakes (with some help from his friends!).

This story is so multifaceted in its message! While it is a lovely little narrative about a crab that doesn’t act like his fellow sea creatures, it is also a powerful reminder that individuals can come together to solve a big problem and highlights that individuals can all contribute in some way to the solution. In this case, “Snapper shoves”, “Clownfish rolls”, “Clam encourages” and all the other sea creatures help in their own ways to clean up their home and send a message to the humans above. This book is also a reminder that we shouldn’t stand by and let the others destroy the earth. All of this begins with a crab that bakes!

The last page has some great links to a variety of ocean environmental websites that are appropriate for kids. Read this book during Earth Day or any day that you are empowering your students to work together to benefit the world!

Ocean Friends

Ocean Friends is a combination of two types of books – a drawing instruction book and a story. And, it involves mermaids, which are hot characters at the moment (along with unicorns)! The book begins with simple instructions and a materials list, pictured. It continues with the story, interspersed with instructions for drawing different ocean creatures that are introduced along the way. In the story, we meet Alana, a charming young mermaid that introduces herself and her friends to a dolphin names Aqua that is new in the area.

The story is charming and has a good message about making new friends welcome and the drawing instructions are fairly simple to follow. There are not many drawing books for the primary level and this one is quite suitable for that grade range. This will be a fun book to read with students and go back to draw with them. Purchase this book if you want update your drawing books.

30 – Minute Rainy Day Science Projects

Ten simple science projects with materials that are easily found and clear, numbered (and, often illustrated) steps, make this book a necessary addition to the library. The directions are clear, a time frame is noted and a ‘science takeaway’ is given for each accessible project. There are typical nonfiction features, such as index, glossary, and further information. There are QR codes with more digital content, including more projects. Parents and teachers will appreciate the safety notes at the beginning of the book and the wrap-up (clean up!) notes at the end. There are very few pictures of children (one Caucasian girl and one Asian boy). The rest of the illustrations feature hands performing the steps of the project or just the materials used.

This book is part of a STEM maker series that includes five other books on topics like robotics, sustainable science, chemistry, edible science and outdoor science projects that are all 30 minutes or less. This book will not be on the shelf very long.

Boats on the Bay

With artwork reminiscent of Ezra Jack Keats, this book details a day on the Bay (San Francisco?). Simple text details the action of different types of boats, like tugs, kayaks, and fishing boats. The day culminates in a beautiful fireworks display in a gatefold fired from the deck of a barge.

Young readers will enjoy the many different boats and the activity around them as they ply the water of the bay. The more observant readers will notice that the sentences on the first two pages are quite similar to the sentences on the last two pages, moving the story into a somewhat circular manner. Artwork is muted and the reader does not see expression of the characters’ faces. But, the real art is in the boats and they are done beautifully.

Flubby is NOT a Good Pet

Flubby is a cat. He won’t sing like a bird, fetch like a dog or jump like a frog, because he’s a cat. And, cats do what they want to do. Does that make him a bad pet? His owner wonders about that until a thunderstorm comes and Flubby and his owner realize that they need each other. That’s what pets and their owners do, right?

Sentences are short and illustrations are cartoon-like with a mixture of full page and comic book style panels. The simple drawings do a nice job of conveying the characters’ emotions. Flubby looks bored (mostly) and his owner looks happy, sad, frustrated and scared, depending on the current actions (or inaction) of the pet in question. Readers will enjoy this simple book about a very normal pet cat.

Nobody Hugs a Cactus

Hank was the epitome of a prickly cactus. He was grumpy, mean and wanted to be alone. He grumps at all manner of possible friends, from tumbleweed to coyote, until a cowboy strolls by and says “Nobody hugs a cactus”. It is at that moment that Hank wonders if a hug might be a nice thing to have. He goes from grumpy and mean to sad and lonely. One day, a cup flies by in the breeze and gets stuck on his face and he can’t get it off. Fortunately, Rosie the tumbleweed tumbles by and knocks it off. Her act of kindness kindles a yearning for friendship and reciprocity. So, Hank grows a lovely little flower to thank Rosie. When she next tumbles by he reaches out to give it her and she hugs him. Oops, he’s a cactus and can’t let go of Rosie! But, Hank decides that “…it’s better to be stuck in a hug than stuck all alone”.

This pictures in this lovely book are done in earth tones with water color. The characters are typical of a desert – cactus, tumbleweed, tortoise, hare, coyote and cowboy. Interestingly, one can see (and believe) the emotions playing out on the cactus’ face as he transforms from a grumpy guy to a friendly hug-lover. Students will enjoy his change of heart and hope that the other characters come back for hugs, too!

The Frog Book

The Frog Book is a 33 page mix of glorious illustrations and amazing facts about some of the over 6,000 (that we know of so far) amphibians that inhabit most parts of the world. Information is presented in small bites under such page headings as “What is a frog?” and “Finding a mate”. While this information could tend to be somewhat dry if presented in a flat, fact-filled tome, it is nothing short of incredible in this incarnation. Many of the pictures are presented half life-sized, except for a few notables (the largest and smallest, fore example). Some of the illustrations are labeled and there is a fine two page spread of the life cycle of a typical frog. Students will love the detailed information given in this book and, I am sure, will ask to share some of the more ‘interesting’ facts such as the facts that the golden poison frog has enough poison to kill ten adult humans and the hairy frog (yes, it does look a little hairy!) can break its own finger bones that penetrate its skin and act like claws. Wow! I want to learn more about frogs now! This magnificent book will enthrall your young scientists and turn your non-scientists into frog experts hungry for more!

Astronomy You Can Nibble

Apparently, science and food go together very well. This was a fact I didn’t realize until I picked up the book, Astronomy You Can Nibble. This slim and colorful book begins with a definition of “Astronomy”, moves through the current study of the subject and continues through six easy, recipes that illustrate the subject. Each recipe has numbered steps, many with corresponding photos along with lists of ingredients and tools. Students will certainly enjoy this topic when they can eat the constellations while they study them or discuss the eclipse while munching or cookies that illustrate the phases of a solar eclipse. I know that I would remember my astronomy lessons if I had eaten my way through them!

This book is part of six book set that touches on geology, math, engineering, technology, chemistry and the above-mentioned astronomy. Purchase these books for your K-2 students. Theses books will not be on the shelves for long1

Monster Hunters: Confront the Goat Man by Jan Fields

While flipping through channels on the TV, do you ever stop and watch, at least for a little while, those reality shows about hunting ghosts or big foot? If yes, then you have a good idea for the basis of this book series- Monster Hunters. This series is not an adrenalin racing, keep you away with nightmares at night, creepy story. It is for those readers who are not sure if cryptids exist or not, but are curious about them all the same.

Cool added feature, there is a little grey goat man at the bottom of each page that appears to ‘walk’ when the reader flips the pages.

Ben and his young helpers film an Internet Show- Discover Cryptids. “In each episode, they focused on a specific creature from myth or legend that may exist.” (4) This time it is The Pope Lick Monster aka Goat Man, near Louisville, Kentucky. Ben is there to interview a man, Chester, who puts on a yearly Halloween attraction featuring Goat Man. At the end of the interview they ask Chester to see the Goat Man costume. As it turns out, the mask is missing for some unknown reason.

Ben’s group then goes to video tape footage around the train trestle where Goat Man is known to have been seen. There they bump into a local police officer who patrols the area to kept curious sightseers away. Later, at the diner in town, the officer tells of his own personal encounter with Goat Man.

When Ben and his team go back to the trestle after dark, a teenage girl comes running down the trail screaming that she’s just seen the monster. The team splits up. One goes back to their van with the girl and the others run in the direction of the monster. The only thing they find is the missing mask. Ben and the team take the girl home. Then, they return the mask to Chester. While there Chester’s mother confesses she took the mask to prove to Chester that she can be scary, so he’ll give her a bigger part in the annual Halloween attraction.

Later, back at the hotel, as the “Discover Cryptids” team goes over the film footage, one of them points out a shadowy something clinging to the trestle. Goat Man, maybe? ” ‘Whatever it is,” he said. It’s so cool.’ “

One mistake I found in proofreading, on page 24, the character Jake was mistakenly called Jack twice, then goes back to Jake.

Nothing Loopy about This: What are Loops and Conditionals by Brian P. Cleary

Brian P. Cleary once again is explaining things to young people in a way they will understand and better yet, will enjoy! This time Brian’s topic in his CATegorical series is dealing with computer coding.

Brian lets his readers know coding deals with commands in a special language, loops are repeated coded instructions, and conditionals are sets of rules dealing with “If this … then that will happen”.

“Loops and conditionals lend a big hand to code-writing pros of all ages, like YOU to write software, create fun, new games, or make your own apps or web pages!” (20-21)

Martin Goneau’s illustrations of cats personified learning about computers and coding make this a every fun and kid friendly visual learning experience. Brian P. Cleary and Martin Goneau make a great pair!

As an adult, I like page 22, the afterward, almost as much as the entire rest of the book put together. I hope students will not skip this page.

The Washington Monument by Kirsten Chang

This book is part of the Symbols of American Freedom series. It states the Washington Monument was built to honor George Washington. At the time it was built in 1884, it was the tallest building in the world, at 555 feet.. The text is more about George Washington than it is about the actual monument.

There are one or two sentences on each left hand page opposite the full page picture on the right page.

It ends with for more information.

The Cat Who Ruled the Town

It’s okay, but it doesn’t really live up to its title. It’s like it’s trying to spin something into more of a story than it really is. It starts out telling the story that townspeople like to share, which brings tourists to this small Alaskan town, but just a few pages in it tell us that all of that is just a legend, and that the town is really too small to have a formal government. The whole second half of the book is just telling the story of the life of a small town cat. In the end, it left me wondering what the point of it all was.

If You Love Dolphins, You Could Be…

For a beginning reader, this one really packs in some solid information. I think it’s a great idea to get kids thinking early about career possibilities. This one uses a popular topic of interest as a springboard to spark young students’ curiosity about possible future careers they might have never known about — Aquatic Veterinarian, Marine Biologist, Underwater Filmmaker, etc. It was well-organized and rich in information. One innovation that I decided I particularly liked was that they put the Glossary in the front instead of the usual position in the back of the book: though students may not take the time to read it first, they will at least have seen it, so they know they can refer back as needed.


As is so often the case when trying to create a non-fiction early readers, the constraints of the format limit the information severely. With only 1-3 sentences per page, it’s important in such a book to be very careful about choosing what information to include and how to organize it coherently. This one came off as very disjointed.

The Fisherman & the Whale

I love a good wordless picture book, and the illustrations in this one are simply gorgeous! The soft, moody watercolors show us a father-son fishing expedition on the high seas. Below we see a pod of whales swimming by until one gets tangled in some discarded nets and crab pots. As their day comes to an end, the young boy notices the whale’s distress and convinces his dad they must help. As they get close, we see the whale reflected in the eye of the fisherman, and the fisherman and his son reflected in the eye of the whale. The fisherman dives in and cuts the whale free of the ropes, and after he returns safely to his boat, the whale breeches in thank you. Then they sale home in the sunset.

Camp Tiger

The illustrations in this book are absolutely gorgeous. They invite you into the story so that you almost forget that a tame, talking tiger wouldn’t really wander out of the woods at a family campground. At his family’s traditional end-of-summer camping trip, the young narrator is feeling down about growing up. After a week of sleeping with the tiger, boating and fishing and stargazing with the tiger, he is sad when it leaves camp on their last day to return to its cave, just as his family must return to their home. When he gets home, he immediately draws his tiger friend to show to his new teacher. It’s a story that left me a bit puzzled at the end, wondering, “huh…I wonder what the point of all that was supposed to be…” and yet I didn’t really care that I was a bit confused. It managed to evoke such sentiment and emotion that I really enjoyed it, even if I didn’t quite “get it.”

Sofi Paints Her Dreams / Sofi pinta sus suenos

If you have a population of Haitian students in your school, it might help fill a niche. It is bilingual, and the illustrations are bright and vibrant. But I thought the story felt a little forced. It tells of a young girl after a rough day at school who wanders into an urban garden where a woman is painting a mural and suddenly finds herself transplanted to a garden in San Pedro de Macoris, where a soon-to-be-famous musician asks for her help finishing his song. Then the two fly away to Croix-des-Bouquets to meet a famous artist who asks for Sofi’s help finding just the right shade of purple she needs for her sculpture, before finding herself back in the original garden, where she asks if she can contribute to the mural, and impresses her sister with the purple flower she paints. The way names of certain places and people are mentioned without explanation makes it feel like a tourist book you would buy as a souvenir after having visited those places, but as an independent story I thought it fell a little flat.

Snowman – Cold = Puddle: Spring equations

It’s a look at science through a poet’s eyes. All the equations in the book specifically focus on the science of Spring, and are even further organized according to early, mid, and late Spring. On each page, an equation is offered in large print, accompanied by a paragraph explaining the equation is smaller print, thereby offering an opportunity to let students ponder the equations and offer their own predictions about what it refers to before reading the author’s interpretation. It invites readers into considering the basic facts of our scientific world in a new way (e.g. “maple trees x buckets + boiling = sticky smile”). The artwork is mixed-media collage and supports the text nicely.

Carl and the Meaning of Life

I really love the illustrations: they’re soft and sweet and inviting. I also really love the message it is trying to convey: that each creature plays an important part in the ecosystem, right down to a lowly worm. And I know stories sometimes need to set aside reality to get to the point, but I admit to having trouble suspending my disbelief with this one: just because one worm stopped doing his job, I’m sure there were thousands of others still at it, and it seems like the amount of time it would take for the soil to harden and for the ecosystem to die away and then come back when the worm went back to work would be far longer than the lifespan of a worm. Just saying’.

What Kind of Car Does a T.Rex Drive?

It’s fine. It tells of a used car salesman who is feeling a bit bored with all his customers on vacation. Things pick up when a series of dinosaurs come in and each drives away in his perfect car. It will get picked up by all those kids who love dinosaur books, but it doesn’t seem to have any purpose other than trying to appeal to kids who like dinosaur books.

Arrr, Mustache Baby!

It’s really cute. The text tells the story of some toddlers on a pirate adventure, but the illustrations translate that adventure into toddler experiences. When they “sail across the seven seas,” we see the boys on a floatie at the community pool, using part of a pool noodle as their telescope; when their rival pirates “readied their cannons and took aim,” we see water balloons flying through the air. In the end, after being sent to the dungeon (i.e. their separate port-a-cribs under the shade umbrella), they reform their ways…at least some of the time.

The Cook and the King

It’s kind of a reverse of The Little Red Hen. When a wimpy cook applies to be the king’s chef, it turns out he’s scared of every step along the way, so the king keeps offering to help, and essentially ends up doing it all himself. In the end, the king loves the meal so much, the wimpy young cook gets the job. The illustrations are fun, full of details that invite the reader to linger; they add a lot of personality to the book.

Fairy’s First Day of School

It’s a cute spin on the books to help young children prepare for their first day of school. The narrator is telling a young fairy what to expect on her first day of school, and so many of the things she predicts are similar to things a kindergartener or preschooler might experience, except twisted for the fairy world (e.g. flying to school on a school bird, hanging backpacks on dandelion leaves, sitting crisscross berrysauce, raising her wand when she wants to say something…). Fairies seem to be perpetually popular, and even students who are already well familiar with their own school experience will enjoy for looking for similarities and differences within the fairy world.

Just Like Us! Fish by Bridget Heos

Each book in this series “Just Like Us!” begins with very basic similarities and then moves onto differences in detail.

In ” Just Like Us! Fish” the similarities include we both need oxygen to breathe and there is safety in numbers.

There is good information about exotic fish, even if the comparisons between the fish and people are very general.

I keep coming back to the books in this series for the artwork composing each page. David Clark does a marvelous job of characterizing the fish in humorous poses, then layering these on top of photos of the real fish in action. Who would not want to see a picture of a porcupine fish dressed in a suit of armor carrying a lance in its fin?