Grand Teton National Park by Grace Hansen

With three national parks in our own state’s backyard, it is fitting we should expose our children to other national parks, as well.

This book tells the what, where, and when of the Grand Teton National Park dating from February 26, 1929, in the state of Wyoming. The what will enthuse the reader to go see this park in person some day.

The what includes: mountains and valleys, lakes, and plants like white bark and lodgepole pine, flowering yellow balsamroot,and scarlet gilia. The animals will include cutthroat trout, calliope hummingbirds, elk, moose, red squirrels and black bear. And then where is the horseback riding, hiking, canoeing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, along with the scenic drives.

This is presented in large font type, in two or three sentences on the left page opposite the full color photo on the right page. The book includes a glossary, index, table of contents, and the website where the entire book is presented, plus much, much more through links to the national park’s links for Grand Teton National Park.

When Sue Found Sue

A beautifully illustrated picture book biography of Sue Hendrickson, the woman responsible for finding the biggest, most complete skeleton of a T-Rex that has ever been found. The telling of the story, beginning with the habits she developed as a child, encourage readers to be curious and observant, and to explore. It describes the many years of searching, and the serendipitous nature of stumbling upon her famous discovery. It describes the long, laborious process and the teamwork required to uncover the full skeleton and transfer it to its eventual home in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. The author’s note in the back tells, too, of the dispute over ownership that arose from Sue’s discovery: did it belong to Sue Hendrickson, who found it? Or the Sioux tribal member who owned the land where it was found? Or the federal government who held the land in trust? Or the institute which organized the dig of which Sue Hendrickson was a member?

From Seed to Sunflower

The quality of the information is good. It is well-organized, and thorough. It is illustrated with detailed color photos and labelled diagrams. The photos zoom in close to show students details that might not be noticed from casual observation. Unfortunately, the quality of the binding is kind of flimsy and does not feel like it will stand up well for library usage.

Golden Retrievers

It’s got a large font and bright formatting, with color photos, to make it inviting, and yet with limited text per page, it doesn’t feel like it skimps on information. It discusses the traits that make Golden Retrievers unique; it considers issues that should be considered when deciding if a Golden Retriever would make a good pet for a specific family (e.g. they need lots of exercise, and room, and company); and it describes their needs for proper care: diet, toys, vet visits, etc. It also shares a bit about their origin, and roles they play as service dogs. It includes all the basic non-fiction text features for teaching purposes, including table of contents, index, glossary, and further reading suggestions. A solid choice.

Great White Shark Adventure by James O. Fraioli

I grew up watching the television specials by Jacques Cousteau in the 1960s. In this graphic novel formatted story, we read about Jacques Cousteau’s grandson, Fabien Cousteau carrying on his grandfather’s love of the ocean and research. This is a work of fiction, but I am finding myself wanting to display this book in my nonfiction shark section so all the shark lovers will find it. This is a story about shark conservation and research with Fabien Cousteau as the lead on the research team. The author’s note states, ” Great White Shark Adventure is a work of fiction based on actual expeditions and accepted ideas about the ocean and its inhabitants.”

Illustrator Joe St. Pierre makes this adventure come to life! I liked it better than a live action show because the action is obviously freeze framed. Nothing advanced until I was ready to turn the page.

Fabien and his crew, along with two junior expeditioners- Bella and Marcus, are off to research local South African tuna fishermen’s claims of seeing a massive great white shark off the coast of Gansbaai. Twelve and thirteen yr. old Bella and Marcus taking part in the research ship’s mission gives author James O. Fraioli reason to explain shark behavior, ecosystems, habitats, boat equipment, local area history, and much more to the reader as part of the story, whereas the rest of the ship’s crew already know this information. It is all masterfully woven into the story.

The crew find sharks right away. The massive one they are searching for is very elusive. It takes several tries and several different types of equipment over the course of several days before the crew successfully locates THE one shark they are after. The shark is tagged with “A PSAT TAG, WHICH STANDS FOR ‘POP-UP SATELLITE ARCHIVAL TAG’…WILL ALLOW US TO ANSWER MIGRATORY PATTERNS, FEEDING MOVEMENTS, DAILY HABITS, AND EVEN SURVIVAL, SHOULD THIS SHARK BE CAUGHT…” (43)

Shark fans will love this book!

Bunga the Wise by Steve Behling

This Disney Junior book based on The Disney The Lion Guard television show retells the story of Bunga giving poor advice, not well-thought out advice, to many of the African animals. It all begins with the stopping of a seasonal flood. At first this was a wonderful thing, but when the dam breaks later on, the solution proves short sighted. Bunga can live with the fact his future solutions need more thought.

The artwork is fun, but the story line needs more development like Bunga’s own solutions.

Mr. Monkey Take a Hike

Mr. Monkey wants to win his video game, but even though he   “runs…ducks…climbs…swings…jumps [and] falls” over and over. He is just about ready to give up when a chick comes in and swipes his game controller. OH NO! Mr. Monkey must leave his game to retrieve his controller from that silly little chick and the chase commences.  Mr. Monkey “runs…ducks…climbs…swings…jumps [and] falls” over and over as he attempts to catch the chick and his controller . Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? In the end, he finally gets his controller back, but is too tired to play. Poor Mr. Monkey And, as he peacefully sleeps in front of the television, a certain little chick returns and takes the controller. The end.

Readers will enjoy the cartoon-like illustrations and comic action of the story as they cheer on Mr. Monkey. Repetitive language is helpful as for those readers that need it. Mr. Monkey never gives up and the action along the way will elicit some gasps and giggles from young students. This is a third book involving Mr. Monkey and if the others are similarly written, I would certainly consider purchase of all three.

Monster Mache Art: Easy-to-make Amazing Monsters

Get ready to get messy and make some fun monsters along the way! This book takes the old school standard art project and amps up the fun with such pieces as “Greedy Garbage Monster” or “Mummy in the Cupboard”. Necessary tools, materials and methods are all described and step-by-step instructions are clear and, for the most part, illustrated. Purchase this book if you are looking to update your tired art section.

Amazing Origami Dinosaurs

How can it get any better than dinosaur facts and origami? How about both of them in a single book! We begin with a little introduction to origami – history, paper and typical folds. This book, geared toward the 3rd-6th grade crowd, then gives illustrated directions for six different dinosaurs (and facts) and a prehistoric tree. Most pieces are eight to nine steps and the iguuanodon is a whopping 16 steps. The directions and illustrations are clear, but this book is better suited to the experienced origami aficionado. Beginners might get a bit frustrated. All in all, a nice addition to the library.


Plumbers, part of the Community Helper series, is a nice introduction to this very important career option. A plumber’s job, necessary skills and tools are discussed and the photos are a great mix of genders and ethnicity. Sentences are simple (this is marked a Level 1 book) and unfamiliar words are highlighted and available in the glossary. At the end, there are additional resources listed,both books and web links. At 24 pages, it is very accessible to the primary target audience. Buy this book and the rest of the series to update your career/community section.

Chevrolet Silverado

This book is part of the Tough Truck series and, as such, describes one make/model of vehicle. The reading level is 5.7 and the book is targeting the 3-6 grade reader. Chevrolet Silverados are described – including their history, distinctive parts (bow tie shaped logo, square grill and tailgate spoiler),lots of color photos and specifications for the model. Typical nonfiction aspects include table of contents, glossary, index and extra resources list.

While this is a great book for the target audience, it isn’t really a stand-alone book, because truck aficionados are loyal to their brand, even at an early age. Therefore, there might be limited circulation. Because it is part of a six book set of different makes/models, one should buy the entire set or none of them. The entire set would be fun to have in the library, because one can just imagine the heated arguments in the 600’s section over the best truck out there!


Dragsters, part of the Full Throttle series, is full of color, action and facts that will make your readers’ hearts race. This book describes a drag race, the history of drag racing and parts of a dragster. Color photos, a timeline, index, glossary, short paragraphs and a list of further informative resources make this a good choice for its target audience – the high/low reader. This is an adrenaline rush of a book that is very accessible and it will have your auto junkies begging for the rest of the series.

International Space station

Space and astronauts are popular subjects, given the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. It is not often that K-3 crowd gets a good nonfiction book on those topics. This book should fit the bill. It discusses the origin of the space station, life on the space station today and more. Each two page spread has a full photo with a short paragraph describing the picture. Highlighted words are in the glossary. Other nonfiction elements include a table of contents, index and extra resources listed.

This book is considered a level “3” and deemed a transitional text for those students that are becoming more independent in their reading. It will also work well for the those higher grade/lower level readers, who will enjoy the great illustrations. Pick up this book for your library – it will be checked out often!

How I Learned to Fall out of Trees

Edward and Adelia have been friends for a very long time and now she has to move. So, they gather many of their favorite things as Adelia explains to Edwin that she is going to teach him to climb a tree and fall. As she is explaining the steps to climbing (and falling from) a tree, she is also teaching Edwin to say goodbye. And, at the end, he does fall out of the tree onto all the things they used and collected and he has a smile on his face, because “Adelia made certain that falling was the easiest part of all” and saying goodbye wasn’t too painful.

This is a very sweet book that gently moves along to the day Adelia leaves and Edwin climbs her tree and let’s go (in more ways than one). Pictures are bright and the characters are sweet. While the underlying message of letting go of one’s friend might be missed by readers, the books is still a very sweet friendship story and will open up discussions about friendships.

The Adventures of Samuel Oliver: The Iron Island by Taylor Zajonc

The physical dimensions of this book will give the reader the appearance of reading an average intermediate grade book. The story itself appears to be for a hi-lo reader, short and sweet, with more illustrations and less text than an average intermediate grade book. Four quick chapters that will satisfy the need for a World War II adventure story.

One or two key words per page have each been printed in different texts adding to the reader’s comprehension and enjoyment.

Young Samuel , his father, and uncle have been dropped off onto a damaged ship that needs repairing below the water line. All of the crew are gone.

Samuel falls into the flooded cargo compartment when he goes looking for a ship’s map. There Samuel discovers the ship has been torpedoed by the Germans.”The Germans planned to S I N K the Maiden before Samuel’s father could repair the ship and return it to service.” (35)

Samuel must go tell his father and uncle. The Germans are back aboard the ship. The Germans have captured his father and uncle.

The suspense mounts as Samuel swims to place the Germans’ own scuttling charge on their own submarine and save his father and uncle.

Odd Jobs: Spooky Spots by Brigitte Henry Cooper

The physical dimensions of this book will give the reader the appearance of reading an average intermediate grade book. The story itself appears to be for a hi-lo reader, short and sweet, with more illustrations and less text than an average intermediate grade book. Four quick chapters that will satisfy the need for something a little bit creepy.

A young girl recounts, “I am painting in the garden when Great Aunt Raven finds me. ‘Put your things away, Ella,’ she says. ‘It is time for another odd job.’ ” (4) Great Aunt Raven leads Ella through the boarded-up town and leaves her outside a seamstress shop where someone is waiting for her. Madame Pintuck takes Ella down a hall and asks her to wash everything that is dirty. There are mounds and mounds of clothes. In a cedar armoire hangs a white lace dress. The lace dress is the only one that won’t come clean. Suddenly someone, perhaps a ghost, asks Ella, ” ‘Haven’t you heard of the widowed bride?’ ” (35) She recounted the tale of how long ago on the day of the wedding, the groom “died tragically of fever”. (43) Then she disappears. Shortly after, Madame Pintuck returns telling Ella the girl died of a broken heart.


Farmers, part of the Community Helpers series, informs students about the work of farmers, including text boxes labeled “Farmer gear” and “farmer skills”. Sentences are short and highlighted words are identified in the glossary. There are numerous color photos showing farmers that are a mixture of gender, ethnicity and ages. Farmers are working with their hands and using equipment.

This is a nice introduction to farmers and farming. The photos of the many types of people that farm is realistic and timely. There is one part of the book that will need some discussion. It describes where farms are located – in the countryside (obviously), but also in cities and towns. Hmmmm….young students will wonder what that means, given the rural nature of the photographs included. This will be a good discussion point for classes – what defines a farm? Can we all be farmers?

Add this book to your collection for those grades that study community helpers. This series includes fourteen different community helper profiles. If this book and the cover art of the others are indicative of the helpers highlighted (age, race, gender), then this is a series that will resonate with most children, who will see themselves (no matter who they are) in those roles.

Surviving a Shipwreck: the Titanic

Surviving a Shipwreck: the Titanic is a narrative nonfiction following the timeline of the sinking of the Titanic, from its launch and sinking in 1912 to its discovery in 1985. The book begins with a hook on the first page – a single paragraph detailing the moments after the ship struck the iceberg. Text is interspersed with historical captioned photos to move the reader through the maiden voyage and sinking as well as the rescue and eventual changes in law (United States and Great Britain) concerning safety measures so that this type of disaster would never occur again.

Typical nonfiction features – table of contents, index, glossary, source notes and so forth are present in this book. An interesting diagram of the sinking itself, from hitting the iceberg to the ship breaking in half and sinking in two pieces is included. Another interesting addition is the short biography of Margaret Brown, who tirelessly aided her fellow passengers as they loaded lifeboats, went on board the Carpathia and later when they got to New York. One last page of note is the guide to surviving disasters with steps to take to keep safe in the unlikely event of a ship sinking.

Pair this book with some of the newer fictional stories about the Titanic to give students more history about the event. Surviving a Shipwreck: the Titanic will be a riveting read for your upper elementary readers and a nice addition to the nonfiction about the event.


Toucans is a colorful informational book about a bird that most students will not see outside of a zoo. Short sentences with labeled photos are accessible to the beginning readers. Maps, labeled diagram, glossary and index pack a lot of information into a slim volume and the internet links for further reading add more for the inquisitive student.

This book is part fo the Animals of the Rain Forest series. Look at this series if your younger students are studying biomes, environmental science or just want to read about these cool birds!

Dactyl Hill Squad, Book # 1 by Daniel Jose Older

The Civil War is waging in the south, in 1863, but this is New York City. Here is a story told from a person of color’s perspective. Here “some of the people, places, and events are based on real historical facts, some are inspired by real historical facts, and some are just totally made up.” (242) The biggest ‘made up‘ piece is the domesticated dinosaurs, used in place of horses, carrier pigeons, and airplanes. The Colored Orphan Asylum, Vigilance Committee, and “Richard Riker was a real-life magistrate in the New York City courts, and he did indeed run an organization called the Kidnapping Club that captured black New Yorkers and sent them into slavery…” (244) make this an eye opener for this reader.

New York men are now being drafted to fight in the Civil War. Richard Riker and his followers use this as a excuse to set an area in New York City were blacks live ablaze. Riots ensue. The Colored Orphan Asylum is burnt. Riker captures the orphans and plans to ship them down south into slavery. A few orphans were at the Zanzibar Theater watching an all-black Shakespearean company when the theater caught fire. These orphans escape with the help of the two black actors. They escape the fire and the riots. The stage is now set for the thrilling story of the fiery orphan Magdalys’ rise to a leadership role in recovering the captured orphans from Riker.

Slowly Magdalys realizes she can communicate with dinosaurs and get them to follow her instructions. Magdalys’ knew ability helps when the orphans need to ride a sauropod ferry across the river to Brooklyn. It helps when she flies on the back of a dactyl to Manhattan (dactyls are not dinosaurs- a character informs) and when triceratopses are needed in the final battle charge to release the orphans.

The dinosaurs do not detract from the historical events and issues of this period in time. This is a fun ride, so get ready to fly into the action.

Power Play by Beth McMullen

Book #2 in the Mrs. Smith’s Spy School for Girls series takes off a year after the first book. Abby is now in her second year at The Smith School for Children, a private boarding school. It is also a “training facility for the Center, a government organization that uses kids to ferret out information no one else has any hope of acquiring. The theory is that kids are invisible…and therefore make really good spies.”(8) A few things have changed. The first and foremost for Abby being the interim Headmaster is her own mother. A new Headmaster means changes will be made. One change is the rule dealing with no playing of the video game Monster Mayhem. (Monster Mayhem is very much like Pokemon Go.) So, of course, Abby is playing it on the sly.

At this day’s Morning Meeting, the guest speaker in Toby’s father -Drexel Cain, the inventor of Monster Mayhem. At the end of the meeting, a smokey explosion has the entire school evacuating the auditorium. A short time later, Toby is sent a ransom note, via text message, for his father. Toby must play and win the latest version of Monster Mayhem, which has not been made available to the public yet, to get his father back. As always, Toby is not to tell anyone about the kidnapping. And as always, people, especially Abby, find out and try to help.

Off the reader goes to see if the kidnapper will be caught by extremely smart, extremely rich, extremely well-connected middle-school students who are secretly training to be spies while figuring out clues to the video game Monster Mayhem which takes them around the world. Yes, they are scared at times, but Abby’s mother used to say,”that being afraid was good because fear let you know when you should be alert and aware. She said it was the body’s way of turning on all the lights and getting ready.” (249)

So get ready readers, the Power Play is is about to begin!

Typo on page 198, paragraph 9, “It” should be ‘If’.

Flubby Will NOT Play with That

Flubby is a typical cat and Kami discovers that fact when she brings home an assortment of cat toys from the pet store. She introduces each toy to Flubby with cat-like results…no interest on Flubby’s part. She tries a singing toy, rolling toy, swinging toy and a surprise toy. But, Flubby is just not interested. Kami gives up and walks away and then Flubby discovers the best toy of all – the paper bag from the pet store. What a fantastic toy for a cat!

Drawings are cartoon-like and text is simple. Occasionally, there are two to three panels on a page, giving the ‘feel’ of a graphic novel. Pet- loving young readers will enjoy this short, easy book about a girl and her cat and they can look forward to more, because there is another Flubby book cover shown on the back.

Chris Pratt

This slim, yet informative biography details the life and career of movie star, Chris Pratt. We learn that he was born in Minnesota and grew up in WA State, dropped out of college his freshman year and lived in his van, working at restaurants until his movie career took off. From there, we learn about his movie and television career and his legacy in public service, specifically his volunteerism with terminally ill children.

One of Abdo Zoom’s Star Biography series, it has all the typical nonfiction features – table of contents, index, glossary, further internet information and a nice mixture of color photographs and short paragraphs (unfamiliar words in red). The text is fairly simple, and the content is engaging for the older elementary/middle school reader. So, this is a good purchase for struggling readers as well as other fans. While I typically don’t buy many ‘trendy’ biographies, I would pick this one up for its local connection, since he grew up in the Lake Stevens area and the fact that he appears to be continuing his rise in fame.

Kiwi Cannot Reach!

Kiwi has a problem – he wants to pull the rope and he cannot reach it! Will the reader help? This interactive beginning reader is written with cartoon-like illustrations and word bubbles. The sentences are short and the words are accessible, while still moving the story along. Readers who enjoy Elephant & Piggie will giggle along with this fun story about an engaging, but helpless, little kiwi.

Magic Tricks with Cards

Magic Tricks with Cards explains a variety of card tricks that range from “not so tricky” to “terrifically tricky” with step-by-step instructions and diagrams throughout. Budding magicians will enjoy the playing card trivia and magician biography near the end of the book as well as the internet links for further study.

Typical nonfiction features, such as table of contents, glossary and index are included. This well-organized book will keep young magicians busy as they learn and practice some fun magic. Take a look at the other titles in the series, which includes disappearing acts, optical illusions and magic with props. These books won’t be on the shelves for long!