The obligatory selfie – do you send it or not? Olivia meets Elm online and their connection is all about movies. They discover they are both fanatics and regularly watch movies together at the same time while in different locations just to be able to critique them together. When Elm finally sends a selfie, Olivia panics, using her friend Carrie’s image instead of her own. How would Elm ever find out…except when they accidentally meet up. Leah Konen’s misrepresented identity story is daftly creative. Clearly a lover of cinema herself, Konen adds little twists and turns, including cheeky chapter titles, to peak interest. Fans of Susan Colasanti and Joan Bauer will like this innocent romance as it weaves through happy, messy and scary to love.
Mac B. Kid Spy: The Impossible Crime #2
Author Mac Barnett states in the preface this book is true. He states he was a kid spy before becoming an author. You be the judge of this as you read his book.
After almost breaking a video game record, all for the lack of one more quarter, Mac goes outside, were he answers a pay phone. It is the Queen of England phoning him. “That is how it happens.
One minute you are waiting for your mom to pick you up from a mini-golf course in California. The next minute you are flying to England on a secret mission to protect the Crown Jewels.
I know. It does not make much sense.” (25)
The Queen retells the history of 1671, when a Colonel Blood attempted to steal the Crown Jewels, but failed. Now, it is the 318th anniversary of the event and she has received a message, ” TOMORROW NIGHT I WILL GET WHAT MY GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT- GREAT GRANDFATHER DID NOT. I WILL NOT BE STOPPED. WE HAVE BEEN WAITING 318 YEARS!” (39) The Queen is asking Mac to prevent this crime. The Queen has Mac and Beefeater Holcombe locked in the Tower of London with the jewels to keep watch and to sleep in shifts. Mac takes to the first watch. He does his best to stay awake, but falls asleep. Shortly thereafter, Holcombe wakes Mac. The Jewels are gone and the two of them are still locked in the Tower.
Mac and the Queen retell various jokes and riddles with similar plots, but cannot figure out how the real crime happened. Then, the Queen has Mac and Holcombe flown off to a castle next to Colonel Blood’s descendants castle in Ireland. Surely that is where the Jewels will resurface.
Jokes abound between the Queen and Mac over the differences in meanings between the British and American understanding of the word pants ( underwear and trousers). The Queen also enjoys people who act with panache, “Style and verve.” (51) Even when they are a thief. And Mac will state facts followed by, “That’s true. You can look it up.”
Eventually, Mac figures out the whodunit and howdunit. The Queen has the criminal arrest himself simply by using her regal commanding voice and he does it.
So, was author Mac Barnett telling the truth about being a kid spy?
Illustrated by Mike Lowery.
Super Manny Cleans Up!
My only real beef with this book is the way it short-changes Gertie in the title. The book is all about Manny and Gertie, who spend every Saturday battling imaginary monsters together all around town. Until, in the midst of some of their imaginings in the park, they notice the way litter is impacting the whole park (and especially the turtles in the pond). So they set their efforts into battling the real monsters: litter bugs. As others in the park notice their efforts, they pitch end to lend a hand and everyone benefits. A little cheesy perhaps, but a good message. I just don’t know why Gertie gets no credit?
Just Ask!
This story is really series of children introducing themselves as they work together in a garden. Each student has a different challenge s/he describes (diabetes, autism, wheelchairs, blind, deaf, turrets…), as well as things that help them cope with those challenges. Each introduction ends with a question that leads into the next child, creating a sense of connectedness despite their differences, as well as inviting children to connect themselves to the children in the story. The author ends by drawing an analogy between the children and the garden in which they’ve been working, pointing out that it is the differences which enrich both the garden and our world.
Maybe Tomorrow?
It’s a picture book that starts to introduce young children to literature’s use of tangible symbols to represent intangible ideas. It tells us about a hippo who has a big, black, heavy block that she’s been carrying around for quite some time. Each day she drags it with her to the park where she sits on it. Then along comes a happy, dancing alligator surrounded by a cloud of butterflies, who sits with her day after day. When invited to the ocean, our pig friend is concerned that her block is too heavy to carry that far, but her new alligator friend says he and his butterflies can help. Along the way, and during their time beside the sea, hippo tells about an old friend she misses, who has gone away, and finds that her block is shrinking. She says she’ll always have it, but alligator says he’ll help carry it when necessary.
Strong as Sandow
I appreciate the idea of a picture-book biography of someone students might not know about, and one that encourages exercise and healthy eating, but I’ve got several problems with this book. Right off the bat, it begins by telling us that he was a bit of a sickly child, skinny and feeble and frail, and then we turn the page and the next sentence says, “But Friedrich survived.” That seemed like a big jump, as nothing in being described as skinny and frail had seemed life-threatening. My main objection is hidden in the author’s note at the very back of the book, rarely read by children, when the author admits that the subject of his book was known for self-promotion, and there is much doubt over the authenticity of events he presented in the main body of the text as fact.
Built for Speed
It’s got a good sturdy binding, and a solid amount of well-organized information packed into a book designed for early readers. Too often the effort to keep the text simple results in limited information. This book finds a good balance. The chapters make sense. The use of non-fiction text features, such as charts, glossary, table of contents, etc. is done well, rather than seeming like a forced add-on, as is also a frequent pitfall of early-reader non-fiction.
Grizzly Boy
I kind of want to give it a Not Recommended rating, but I’m afraid my personal biases might be shading my opinion a bit, so I shall soften my opinion to an Alternate Purchase. I know it’s trying to honor the imagination of youth. It tells of a boy who wakes up one morning not wanting to be a boy, but to be a bear, wild and free. He proceeds to move through his day protesting any and all of the usual constraints on humans that are interfering with his desire to be wild and free, including the need to wear clothes and shoes. Mom manages to convince him of the benefits of clothes during cold weather, but sends him off to school with his shoes in his backpack instead of on his feet, where continues to protest the rules. The illustrations show him throwing things, including chairs, and hitting other students in line in his imagined bear state. As someone who deals with too much bear-like behavior from students on a regular basis, I don’t feel like I can recommend a book that encourages kids to just go with their feelings about such things.
My Papi Has a Motorcycle
It’s a celebration of the little, ordinary joys of everyday life: family, community, memories, traditions, etc. Told from the perspective of a young girl, she tells of her father-daughter ritual each evening when her Papi comes home from work and takes her for a ride around their neighborhood on his motorcycle. Throughout their ride, she narrates about the people and places they pass, and the significance each holds in her life. The soft, sunset-ish colors in the illustration, and the nostalgic tone of the text add a sense of the cherished to the ordinary.
You Are Home: An Ode to the National Parks
While the diversity and grandeur of the National Parks draw people from near and far, these amazing places are also the home to the creatures that live there. And yet the majesty and mystery of our National Parks also provide a sense of home and belonging to all who visit. The refrain, “you are home” echoes through the book.
The lyrical language helps the reader recognize the home that can be found in a memory or sense of belonging. Each pastel illustration is represents a National Park. Embrace the experience of visiting a National Park and feel a sense of home.
End papers describe the author’s connection to the parks and includes a United State map showing the location of the National Parks with thumbnail images of the books illustrations. The “More About” section is limited to only 5 of the parks and 4 of the featured animals.
Oney Judge: Escape from Slavery and the President’s House
What first comes to mind when you hear the name George Washington? First president of the United States of America? General in the Revolutionary War? Mount Vernon? Slave owner? That last one caught me off guard, but in retrospect, it should not have. George Washington was a wealthy land owner in what is now the state of Virginia, which would be a slave state. Why wouldn’t George Washington own slaves.
This book was a wake up call for me in this regard. Oney Judge was the daughter of a slave and a white indentured servant. Any child born to a slave was automatically a slave. Oney’s father left the Washington’s service once his debt was paid.
Oney was Martha Washington’s personal maid. Oney went where ever Martha went: shopping, visiting friends, and parties included. “Trips with the Washingtons helped open Oney’s eyes to a whole new world.” (25) During these outings Oney was introduced to the free black community of Philadelphia. They would eventually help her escape when the time came.
Oney made her decision to escape when she found out Martha was gifting Oney to her granddaughter as a wedding present. Oney , whom the Washington’s considered family, was in fact property.
This book gives background on how slavery and slave laws evolved in the colonies/United States. One such law stated “that enslaved people who lived in Philadelphia for more than six months would be considered residents. They would become free. This law was meant to eventually end slavery.” (27) The Washingtons lived in Philadelphia, as the first United States Capitol. They moved their slaves back and forth between Mount Vernon and Philadelphia to avoid loosing their slaves due to this law.
After Oney ran away, the Washingtons placed a newspaper advertisement offering a reward for her return.
Oney made her way to New Hampshire, a free state, and lived her life in poverty rather than return to a life of slavery.
The book includes: Fast Facts, Stop and Think, Online Resources, Learn More, and an index.
Fake News: Separating Truth from Fiction
Filled with historical references spread throughout the book to emphasize his points, from the printing press to television and the internet you are made aware of the impact on news and it’s spread.
Miller discusses how real news works and what is “responsible” journalism, including a discussion of a mistake vs created fake news. He points to the ease, with the internet, that any person can now be a reporter through all the different venues – YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, podcasts, etc. His warnings include that responsible journalism begins with each one of us knowing our sources and checking facts. He tells us not to be the spreader of fake news.
Additionally, Miller asks readers to stop and think about what affects the news: Language, beliefs, money, political motives, humor, sarcasm, cynicism, culture, expectations, propaganda, conspiracy theories, bias, and etc. Well organized, colorful and timely, this little book reminds us of all of these effects both as a listener/reader as well as a reporter, spreader of news. Food for thought for each of us, this is a highly recommended title for middle and high school libraries!
What Every Girl Should Know: Margaret Sanger’s Journey
“This historical fiction young adult novel is a dramatization of the early life of Margaret Higgins Sanger, renowned women’s health activist and founder of Planned Parenthood. Reading as journal entries, each chapters tells a story that helps portray Maggie’s early life: how she longed to escape the tenements where she lived with her large family in a life of poverty. As an ambitious girl born into poverty in the late 19th century, Maggie struggled with her sense of duty to help her often pregnant and ill mother care for the younger siblings, while desperately wanting to escape a similar fate. She felt that her only options besides motherhood were to become a teacher. But she dreamed of becoming a doctor. The author, J. Albert Mann, creates a strong feminist character in her fictional portrayal of Sanger. To help the reader understand the context of the story, which was based on Sanger’s biography, and many primary source, including Sanger’s writings, the author includes an historical note. Without reading this note, readers will not fully understand the significance Sanger had on women’s reproductive rights, nor the personal sacrifices she made, including having to flee the US for a year, and going to jail twice.
The historic note also is aimed at clearing up lingering issues regarding Sanger’s support of eugenics (sterilization of the “mentally unfit”, which was a commonly held viewpoint at the time), and debunks the misquotes regarding alleged racial prejudice that her detractors perpetuated.
This historical fiction would make an excellent addition to a high school library.
Oh, Bear
Bear’s bright yellow birthday kite makes him happy. Holding tight to the long string, the kite begins to fly as he runs. He runs through the meadow, by the sea and finally back to the forest where his kite gets caught and ripped by a tree. Bird works hard to untangle it and flies off carrying the kite. Bear begins to run. The story ends with, “Bear no longer has a bright yellow kite, but Bear is happy. He has something better,” inviting the reader to recognize the value of a friend far exceeds any object, however loved.
A charming picture book with a message of friendship.
This non-fiction series from Abdo provides useful easily accessible information for young readers. In Crayfish, the reader learns about the crayfish’s physical features, habitat, food, defences, and the life cycle.
Each chapter begins with a QR code that links to additional online resources. The link includes a small amount of information at the same reading level as the book as well as 3 external links to more complex information. It is expected that informational texts include links to external resources. Keeping the online resources at the same level as the book, makes this series a step above most others.
Hair Love
Zuri, a young African American girl wakes early, excited for her big day. She wants a perfect hairstyle for she special day. Her hair has a mind of its own with “kinks, coils, and curls every which way.” While looking for hair ideas on her tablet, she drops it, waking her father. Her father is happy to help her get her hair perfect. He tries again and again with no success. Zuri mood falls a little bit with every attempt until she’s in tears. A heartfelt hug from dad and a can do attitude have them trying one more time – and “funky puff buns” is the answer. With her superhero cape it’s a perfect look. Just in time for Mom’s return from a trip! The story ends with a smiling family selfie celebrating their love for eachother.
A charmingly sweet message of love of self and recognition of the beauty of each person’s features.
The global refugee crisis: fleeing conflict and violence
The Global Refugee Crisis: Fleeing Conflict and Violence is a timely account of the worldwide refugee crisis that is so much in the news, not only in the United States but throughout Europe. According to a 2015 United Nations report, more than 1 million people fled violence and persecution, and the numbers have continued to increase since then. Of these millions of refugees, more than half are children. Thousands of refugees have died along the way, and thousands are being held in detention centers or housed in refugee camps around the world. The effects of wars, such as the Syrian civil war and the conflicts in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and the Central African Republic are an obvious catalyst for the exodus of people into Europe and North America. Other often overlooked circumstances are discussed, as such as climate change, drought and famine, political persecution, and overcrowding.
This book examines how nations are addressing the crises, how refugees contribute to and strain communities, and what kinds of solutions could help resolve this crisis. Additionally, there is historical perspective, going back the waves of refugees during World Wars I and II. Included are interviews with refugees and relief organizations, color photos, inserts, source notes, a glossary, index, and resource lists of books, films, and websites.
No More Excuses: Dismantling Rape Culture
After the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal became public in late 2017, the #MeToo movement went viral. Girls and women spoke up about the assaults so many have faced (the CDC reports that 1 in 5 women are raped during their lifetimes), and the sexual harassment that many more face daily. And it is not only females. Surveys report that as many as 1 in 33 boys and men have experienced sexual assault. Shockingly, only 3% of rapists ever serve time in jail. With the spotlight currently on sexual assault, it is timely that No More Excuses: Dismantling Rape Culture has been published (January, 2019). This text on rape culture explores gender norms, the intersection of race and gender, and how the transgender population is disproportionately affected by rape. The author, Amber Keyser also discusses restorative justice and how it can be used by all those affected in cases of sexual assault or harassment.
The book highlights some high profile cases, such as the “Stanford Swimmer” Brook Turner, and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. There are quotes from teens, politicians, activists, and feminists. The highly readable format includes photos with captions, inserts, extensive source notes, a glossary, further reading lists of both fiction and nonfiction, films, and hashtags. There is a section on current legislation such as Title IX and age-of-consent laws.
A Scarf for Keiko
In 1942 Los Angeles, Sam’s class is knitting as a way to help the war effort. Sam really struggles with knitting just as he struggles with how Keiko, his Japanese American classmate and neighbor is treated. Once the United States declared war on Japan, Americans of Japanese descent faced attacks, discrimination, and racism. The tensions escalated when President Roosevelt issued the decree creating the Japanese Internment Camps. The small actions of friends and neighbors to show their support of a group of people unfairly labeled. As Sam untangles his emotions he finds that his yarn is no longer as tangled either. The scarf Sam knits and sends to Keiko represents a concrete symbol of his change in thinking.
This complex and difficult time is portrayed in a way young students can understand. Connections can easily be made with current events and racial profiling.
Books on technology become outdated so quickly, but I immediately thought highly of this book because there was not a single photo of the old “Hollywood” robot from the 1960s television show LOST IN SPACE. This book comes with a QR code for each chapter or the website for more information. The four chapters are: What are Robots?, How Robots Work, Ways to Use Robots, and The Future of Robots.
“Robots are machines that perform tasks for people. Some robots are simple…Other robots are very complex.” (4) Robots are run by computers programmed by people.
The graphic on page 17 shows “TYPES OF ROBOTS” simple and complex. The simple robots include a robot vacuum, robot toy dog, and a robot lawn mower. The complex ones include a factory robot, military robot, space robot, and a robot that goes to school. None of these robots look like humans, which might be one of the best selling features of this book!
Large font type, three or four sentences per page turn, and up-to-date photos of robots being used to do work make this book a great introduction for young reader on the subject of robots.
Out of the Ice: How Climate Change is Revealing the Past
This book focuses on archeological finds that are being exposed due to warmer temperatures and melting snow. It starts with a brief introduction to the science of climate change. Then there are eleven different stories describing people and animals uncovered- from ancient Caribou dung in Alaska to a mountain climber in Italy. Each story contains an inset with more information – both scientific and archeological. Information includes the difference between glaciers, ice patches and permafrost, as well as explanations of carbon dating and DNA testing. There are photographs of the locations of discovery and some of the things uncovered, including mummified bodies. Additionally, there are artist’s illustrations of possible past scenarios. Glossary and timeline at the end of the book, and also a few resources to find out more. Easy to understand explanations of a complicated topic, including why this is important to us today.
Flying Deep: Climb Inside Deep-Sea Submersible Alvin
“Imagine you’re the pilot.” This book takes the reader through a day inside the deep-sea submersible Alvin. Go along with scientists from the surface of the ocean, to the depths, and back again. Evocative language and intriguing illustrations immerse the reader in the experience. Alvin’s journey introduces the reader to information on geology, as well as the flora and fauna of the deep sea. At the end of the book there are notes from both the author and the illustrator, facts on Alvin, a glossary, list of organisms, and resources to learn more. Budding scientists and curious kids will enjoy exploring the mysteries of the deep ocean floor.
Gondra’s Treasure
Gondra is a young dragon who has a mother from the West, and a father from the East. Throughout the story, she compares her features to her parents and wonders who she will take after the most as she grows. Gondra is assured by her parents that they no longer need to horde treasure as she is their treasure. Includes interesting and informative author’s note at the end with background information on Eastern and Western dragon mythology. Positive message and delightful illustrations.
The Two Mutch Sisters

This pair of sisters have been together for a very long time. Even though their taste differs, they collect two of everything and their shared home become a tad too cluttered. Ruby decides to take her half of the collection and move into a different house. While their separate homes are no longer cluttered, Ruby and Violet feel that something is missing…each other. So, Violet takes matters into her own hands and moves their houses to a new double lot where they can be neighbors. And now, they have each other and nothing is missing!
This sweet story with its very different sisters and very interesting group of collectibles (glockenspiels and spittoons among them) is a sweet tribute to sibling love. The illustrations are detailed and fun, showing all sorts of clutter. Students will pick up this book again and again.
The Boy, the Boat, and the Beast
This story is like a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. How will you ever be able to get all of the pieces together, especially when the mean character is trying to do the exact same thing.
The ‘boy’ wakes up on an island beach not knowing or remembering anything. Amnesia? He has an inner bully of a subconscious always ready to let him know how dumb and cowardly he is in his choices of action. Let’s put some more pieces of the puzzle together. Let’s try a different color scheme. Let’s go from the gray of the beach to the green of the forest. The bully thinks this is a bad choice. There are monsters in the forest. The boy escapes the monster by climbing a tree. There he saves a baby owl in a torrential rain storm, only to find a tree house. The colors of the puzzle pieces now change from the brown of the tree house to a strong beam of light. The boy decides to find the source of the light. The colors change yet again as the boy leaves the forest and comes to a lighthouse. “He stepped back, starring out of the window at the trees of the Green Wall [forest] lined up outside the lighthouse. What kind of place made refrigerators appear out of thin air? Showed his brother in a puddle? Made a pathway from an owl of leaves? And lured him with a light that had no bulb?” (115) Will these puzzle pieces ever come together to make a whole picture?
The boy tries to make a boat, but it floats away without him. Then three boys come to the island in two real boats. The boy wants to leave the island with them, but they cannot see him. Is he a ghost? More pieces to the puzzle. Is he dead? Finally, someone is here to help him get off of this island. The puzzle is coming together at last. The boy must choose between the easy way of slipping into the afterlife or the hard way of fighting his way back into consciousness to the life and family he is sure is waiting for his return. The bully does not think the boy could or should face the blues of the sea to get to the other distant island where his family waits for him. The boy conquers his fears and “made his own courage.”(240) The boy – Ethan- wakes up in the hospital room to the joy of his father, younger brother, and mother. The boy- Ethan- has faced his demons and survived.