The Hive by Barry Lyga and Morgan Baden

In this sci-fi, dystopian novel, we see uncanny parallels to the current political situation in the United States where Tweets can inflame and instigate violence. Cassie McKinney is the teenage protagonist who supported The Hive (a system to sanction people for their online activity if they troll or dox).

Cassie’s own father, an established and accomplished programmer, had worked to get social media under control but had failed. But then The Hive was implemented and if a poster received too many “Condemns” (think the opposite of “Likes”), the person would be hunted down by vigilantes who seek retribution.

With her father having died, she and her mother have to move to a new town and school where things are going fine until Cassie is egged on by her friends to post an over the top comment re. the President of the United State’s new grand baby. The next thing Cassie knows, she is being pursued and has to run for her life.

Will Cassie escape The Hive? Or figure out how to crack their machine? Read The Hive to find out.

Numbers in Nature

Each page of the book takes a number from 1-10 and talks about something in nature for that number. “Here is one moon in the night sky. See the hawk flying high with its two wings spread wide.” Some pages include good to know boxes with information about the nature item on that page. The book topic is geared towards a younger age, but the amount of text on the page would make the book a better read aloud.


A nonfiction book from the series Native Americans gives us just a small overview of the Ojibwe. There are many text features used such as captions, text boxes, bold words, maps, timeline and a glossary. Each page has one to two paragraphs of information. At the end there is a few pages about their fight for their land.

Be A Maker

What can you make? This book has colorful illustrations and rhyming text. It encourages exploration and creating whatever you can think of with the objects around you. It ends with the girl building a playground for all of the neighbors to share.

Nighttime Symphony

A nighttime city storm creates a beautiful lullaby. The rhythmic text soothes the worried child in the story making the storm not as scary as he thinks it is. And finally it soothes the child to sleep.

The illustrations in this book are vibrant and flow beautifully with the text.

The Cholo Tree

Victor is a fourteen-year old Latino kid who cannot escape the societal stereotype that he must be in a gang. He even gets this from his own mother, who states “Do you know what a stereotype you are? You’re the existential Chicano” as he is released from the hospital. He’s wrapped in bandages, has a sling on his arm, and barely remembers being shot. He denies that he’s a cholo, which his mother accuses him of.

And it’s not just his mother who thinks he’s a gangbanger. He gets the same reaction from his sociology teacher who sent him to a teach-in on gang violence. Even other kids at school think he’s in a gang, and Victor wonders if it is because of the clothes he wears.

Victor thinks that most everyone is racist. “They see a brown kid, they see a banger.”

Fortunately, he has an art teacher who encourages him to apply to art schools. He has a girlfriend who is super smart and also encourages him. But in spite of their support, he struggles to overcome society’s expectations for him. 

Chicano writer Daniel Chacon explores art, death, ethnicity and racism in The Cholo Tree.

All That I Can Fix

All That I Can Fix features a 15 year old protagonist, Ronney, who has a lot to worry about. Everyone in his small town knows who he is, the kid from a mixed-race family with whose dad who tried to kill himself, whose mom is addicted to prescription drugs, who has the brilliant, but traumatized little sister. Ronney has so much responsibility that he feels like a man in a boy’s body.

Things get worse when the owner of an exotic game farm on the outskirts of town decided one night to open up all the cages and release the lions, cheetahs, tiger, and then shoot himself. What results is chaos in town as news crews, gun control supporters and gun rights advocates descend upon the town while locals are either trying to hunt the animals or photograph them. Romney needs to comfort his frightened sister, deal with his best friend who wants to join the hunt, and try to rid himself of a lonely kid from school that drives him crazy.

I didn’t really enjoy the book because of the deaths of the animals, too many controversial topics competing for page space, and what I consider the unrealistic turn around of Ronney’s father towards the end of the book. That would be a wish of every family that has a member suffering from mental illness, but it seemed way too cliche.

Definitions of Indefinable Things

Definitions of Indefinable Things is a both heartbreaking and humorous novel about three teens, Reggie, Snake, and Carla. Reggie suffers from depression, and the realistic portrayal of how she lives with depression makes this a powerful story. Reggie protects herself from being hurt by keeping others away from her. But then she meets Snake. As she is drawn to him, the reader expects that this relationship will pull her out of depression and add stability to her life. But then we learn that Snake’s ex-girlfriend is seven months pregnant!

The book will cause you to worry about Reggie, and will also make you laugh. This is an very good book. Recommend.


Hiding is the story of a lovesick teen-aged boy who goes for a walk one night, and sneaks  into the basement of his ex-girlfriend’s house.  He’s trapped overnight because of the security system. When the family leaves in the morning, the main arrives, and he spends the day avoiding the maid while investigating the house he never visited when he and the girl were dating. He finds the house to look perfect and unused, and suspects that the girl wasn’t ashamed of him, but rather of her cold, unwelcoming home. The story is told from inside the boy’s head, and the teenager style of talking may wear on the reader. Twists in the story line may keep readers engaged, but the main plot, gets lost in the multiple plot lines. It was hard to maintain focus, and I did not enjoy this book.

Growing Up on the Playground Nuestro patio de recreo

Growing Up on the Playground Nuestro patio de recreo was reviewed by the Spanish teacher at my high school. She notes that the title of this book is an example of how sentences do not need to be translated directly, word for word. In Spanish the title says, “Our playground” yet its meanings are still very similar to that of the English title. The kids in the story start out playing in a certain part of the playground and with every progressive grade they do something different until their last year of elementary school when they have to leave to allow other children to experience and grow up there, too. It is “our playground” because they grew up on it as school children. The main character, Ana, takes it a step further by becoming a teacher at that school when she returns an adult. As a teacher, she brings it full circle by introducing new kids each year to the playground, where on it, too they will grow up and make their own. It is a lovely story, written in both English and Spanish. She recommends it. 

The Little Doctor El doctorcito

The Spanish teacher at my high school read El doctorcito and she feels that this this book is very culturally relevant for immigrant families and first generation Americans. Written in both English and Spanish, it tells the story of Salvador, a little boy, who accompanies his Salvadorean grandmother to a walk-in clinic because she feels more comfortable having an interpreter with her to help with the English language. Grandma is very proud of Salvador because he is a good student and they talk about what profession he would like to go into one day. Grandma gets dressed up just to take the public transportation to the clinic. When they arrive Salvador is surprised by how long the line is to see a doctor, and he noted the different people who needed help, loud children, coughing, etc. and even a lady who was crying. When Salvador’s grandma checks in they learn that there are no doctors there that speak Spanish. The doctor they see is very abrupt and assumes that grandma was Mexican. The experiencing was very upsetting for Salvador’s grandmother. He does not want her to ever go through something like that again. He imagines a clinic where doctors spoke English and Spanish, and realizes that he wanted to be that doctor someday. She thinks that all immigrants and children of immigrants can relate to needing or helping with language interpretation and being judged and misjudged by others, and she highly recommend this book.

Mi Papi Tiene Una Moto by Isabel Quintero

Mi Papi Tiene Una Moto by Isabel Quintero is completely in Spanish. There are no translations included, but the Spanish teacher at my high school read this book and noted that most students who have studied Spanish for a couple years should be able to understand most of it. In addition, they can pick up new words and expressions. The book is beautifully written and the illustrations are attractive and helpful for comprehension. She liked how the places the girl and her father visit represent many communities that she has visited, where Spanish is the primary language. They show the culture and relationships that neighbors and shopkeepers have with one another. The book also portrays the people as hard working, often tired after a long day of work, but still they stay positive and the girl’s dad always makes time to take her for a ride on his motorbike to visit the people in their community. She highly recommend this book to readers of all levels of fluency in Spanish.

Quien es Carmen Sandiego?

The Spanish teacher at my high school read this book and state that it is very well translated. She appreciated the note from Gina Rodriguez, the voice actress for the Carmen Sandiego animated TV series. She stated that “if you set out to be the best version of yourself, you cannot possible go wrong.” This she felt was Carmen’s motto. The teacher notes that this book definitely made her appreciate this character more.

The Boy Who Touched the Stars by Jose M. Hernandez

The Spanish teacher at my high school read this book and said she noticed a few verb tense errors and minor translation omissions.However, she says the story is great so the few errors are definitely forgivable and will likely go unnoticed by the average reader. José M. Hernández’s true story is inspirational and he shares a wonderful message on setting goals, working hard to achieve those goals and never giving up. The story is told in both Spanish and English. She states that she will be recommending this book to her high school Spanish students.

Of Dust and Blood The Battle at Little Big Horn

The author used the viewpoints of a scout for the 7th Calvary and a Indian brave to lay out the tragic tale of mutual destruction that occurred during the June 25, 1876 Battle of the Greasy Grass/Little Big Horn. The dialog rings true and the artwork is very striking. This “slice of life” story, in graphic novel form, shows the vulnerable longings, memories, hopes, and dreams of these two fictional characters amid the historical battle led by General George Armstrong Custer and Major Marcus Reno, and Lakota Chief Sitting Bull, and warrior Crazy Horse. Told in a politically balanced way, the book includes a map, an “After the Battle” account of what happened to the surviving characters, notes from the illustrator on the process of drawing the horses, and a bibliography of the numerous histories and biographies used in the authors’ research. A quick read famous battle that shows in brutal details the horrors of the Indian Wars.

Secrets of the Casa Rosada

When sixteen-year-old Martha arrives in Laredo, Texas to meet the grandmother she has never met, she is shocked to learn that she has a large, extended Mexican family, and that her grandmother doesn’t speak English. Of all the many moves Marth’a mother has made, from Boston, to Atlanta, to Memphis, this move to Laredo was the biggest shock of all.

Laredo, Texas, was like no other place Maria had seen. Signs on businesses were in Spanish and houses were colorfully painted. It was hot, dry, and the lawns were brown. It didn’t seem possible that her mother, who made every effort to look as white as possible, could have grown up here. To make things worse, it turned out that the family was not on a vacation, as her mom had said. Her mom abandoned her there, didn’t say where she was going, but just left. As shocking as this could have been, deep inside Maria had been expecting it. 

Suddenly Martha must deal with a way of life that is completely foreign. Her grandmother didn’t speak English, so communication is difficult, and she was not the typical, sweet grandma who dotes on her grandchildren. Even weirder, it turns out that her grandmother is revered as a healer, or curandera.

At her new school, Martha can’t be anonymous like before because everyone knows she’s Doña González’s granddaughter. To make matters worse, there is a girl who has it out for her and makes things miserable. As Martha struggles to adjust to her new life, she can’t help but wonder why her mother left Laredo. And why does this girl hate her so much? No one is willing to discuss it, so she’ll have to unravel the secret herself.

Mr. Wolf’s Class: Mystery Club

Mr. Wolf’s class have a few mysteries they’d like solved. #1 Where did their teacher (Mr. Green) from last year go, #2 what happens to all the playground balls that go over the fence at recess, #3 why don’t they have lockers like they did last year, # 4 why do things keep disappearing from the students’ cubbies, #5 who is and isn’t going to Randy’s birthday party, and #6 one student is always running a new survey question?

The students form a club to solve their school mysteries. As the students work on one mystery, they usually discover at least part of an answer to one of the other mysteries.

By the end of this graphic novel, they discovered Mr. Green is now occasionally working for his daughter in her pizza parlor since he retired. Mr. Green is working the night of Randy’s birthday party at the pizza parlor. While at the birthday party, one of the students returns most of the missing playground equipment he found when he jumped the fence after school, and the biggest mystery might be the rats who are taking the students things at school and then using the items for their own birthday party under the floorboards.

Even though the characters in the book are animals, wearing clothes walking on their two hind legs, readers will be able to identify with the problems, dilemmas, and solutions these students are facing in their school. Well, hopefully not the rats. 🙁

Ruby & Rufus: Love the Water!

Goslings Ruby and Rufus love the water in their cute little red and white bathing caps. They love diving and swimming- through rain, wind, and sun everyday. They discover they enjoy the pond when it is frozen , too, with their red and white striped inner tube.

This book glows with the innocence of youth. The simple fun of learning about their immediate world with their own youthful skills of observation.

The minimal background art is perfect for very young listeners to observe the goslings’ antics without being distracted by too much scenery.

Gondola to Danger: a Miss Mallard Mystery

This Robert Quackenbush story, with the 1983 copyright, is being republished in the QUIX – FAST *FUN* READS series.

World famous ducktective Miss Mallard is in Venice, Italy, when a famous painting is stolen. The local police ask for her help. After seeing the crime scene, a museum guard hails a gondola for Miss Mallard to use. As Miss Mallard follows the clues around Venice, her gondola is very slow. Often Miss Mallard sees a masked duck El Ducko, the suspected thief, along the gondola’s route. Slowly, but not as slow as the gondola, Miss Mallard reasons the gondola’s slow speed is part of the art thief’s plan to convict El Ducko and escape with the painting. She leaves the gondola behind with the help of the masked duck and catches the thief – the museum guard- in the nick of time.

The story unfolds in five large font chapters with black. white, and gray illustrations of Miss Mallard’s journey through the waterways of Venice on almost every other page.

Comes with a glossary and five discussion questions at the end of the book.

UFOs are Alien Aircraft Overhead?

There are nine chapters in this book in the Science Fact or Science Fiction? series. They cover the topic of UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects very well for this age group.The topics include: crop circles, Roswell, Area 51, abductions, Project Blue Book, the Condon Report, conspiracy theories, popular television shows and movies, and numerous sightings. The sightings are especially of interest because one is from Washington State and another is from Oregon.

The book states facts, such as, Kenneth “Arnold thought the objects might have been new military aircraft. But the US War Department thought Arnold had imagined the aircraft.” (5) The book mentions a few famous people ( Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, and NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin ) who have reported seeing UFOs and that artwork and literature from ancient people have referenced seeing flying celestial objects.

“The United States, Canada, and other countries have kept records of UFO sightings over many years.” (9) 90% of them can be explained as human-made objects or common atmospheric events.

The reader is asked to decide : to believe or not to believe.

The book includes an index and free online nonfiction resources.

Llama Llama Mess, Mess, Mess

It’s got all the pleasing characteristics of other Llama Llama books, including rhythm and rhyme and fun illustrations, as well as a worthwhile message it’s trying to convey to to young children — in this case the importance of everyone lending a hand with the tidying up chores. When mama ask little Llama to stop playing and to make his bed, he starts off shaking his head, because all he wants to do is play, until he takes some time to image what life would be like of mama also refused to clean and just wanted to play. The problem lies with the lack of any sign of dad in this scenario, and the implication that if Llama doesn’t help all the cleaning responsibilities would fall upon his apron-clad mama: it just smacks of 1950s stereotypes.

Froggy Picks a Pumpkin

If you have a lot of fans of the Froggy books, it might be worth purchasing this one to expand your collection, especially if you’ve also got classes who do pumpkin patch field trips, which is what this one is about. It tells about Froggy and his friends searching for pumpkins as part of a pumpkin picking contest, with prizes for assorted traits (biggest, smallest, prettiest, etc.) And even after dropping his pumpkin at the end of the search, smashing it to bits, Froggy still gets a prize — for ugliest. I’m just a bit tired of the whole everybody-gets-a-prize thing.

The Three Little Superpigs Once Upon a Time

It’s more or less your basic, traditional, retelling of he There Little Pigs, with all the usual huffing and puffing and chinny chin chins. What lends this one its unique character is that the three little pigs declare themselves to be obsessed with the desire to be superheroes, to the point of dressing like superheroes. When they set off from home and first arrive in Fairyland, they hear how the local wolf has been tormenting all the local residents. So when they catch the wolf after he climbs down the chimney of the brick house, they turn out to be superheroes to all their neighbors.