A Mustache Baby Christmas by Bridget Heos, ill. by Joy Ang

Back in 2013, Bridget Heos and illustrator Joy Ang gave birth to Mustache Baby. If you know Mustache Baby, then you already know what happens when his mustache starts out short, then grows long with ends that curl. This book has facial hair magic verses Christmas magic. Two, two, two magics in one story.

The story begins with Billy’s (a.k.a. Mustache Baby) friend Javier , who was born with a full beard. “On Christmas Eve, Javier’s beard…turned white…[making] him Santa’s #1 helper, Santa Baby!”

Santa Baby is helping adult Santa, but forgets to make the toys. Oh, no! Along comes Baby Billy to become an elf and make the toys. Hurrah! With all the work of making the toys, Baby Billy’s mustache has grown long and curls at the ends. Oh, no! “BAD GUY MUSTACHE!” is keeping all of the toys he’s made for himself. Baby Santa becomes upset. His beard is growing longer turning Javier/ Baby Santa into “MAD GUY BEARD!” The two start a snowball fight with each other. When Elf Baby/Billy hurts an innocent the two rush to help the injured. Slowly, their mustache and beard go back to normal, just in time for adult Santa’s arrival. Adult Santa invited them to ride along with him in his sleigh. “…kids heard them exclaim, as they rode out of sight, Merry mustache to all…and to all a beard white!”

If you are a Mustache Baby fan, yes you will want this book , too. If they are new to Mustache Baby younger children may find this book with BAD GUY MUSTACHE and MAD GUY BEARD disheartening at Christmas time, but older children will like it. This said, it is not a wonderful stand alone book without the rest in the series.

Louis by Tom Lichtenheld

Have you ever thought about how your favorite stuffed animal feels about being squeezed around the neck? Squashed while you slept on him? Matted with food dripped on her? This story explores a boy’s unending, unforgiving, and maybe at times, suffocating love for his best stuffed bear, Louis. Louis has plans to run far away from this life as he has been stuck with needles (sewn back together), thrown into hurricanes (washed in the washing machine), and stranded places (accidentally forgotten on a bus). Will he succeed in running away or will he give in to being needed and loved?

This is a fun story with perfect, simple illustrations that are necessary to the story. Louis is a great tool for teaching point of view and would be a great addition to a library collection. Points of note: book cover is different than the jacket; Tom Lichentenheld’s real stuffed bear is photographed in the author bio at the back jacket flap; illustrations by Julie Rowan-Zoch.

Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park

This novel is for “Little House on the Prairie” fans, but with a racial equity twist. Obsessed with the Laura Ingalls Wilder books herself in her youth, Linda Sue Park was Laura in her imagination. But in her imaginings, she became an Asian girl living in De Smet, South Dakota — a Chinese girl with some Korean blood.

Our heroine is 14-year old Hanna, whose Caucasian father moves them to the Dakota Territory after Mama died. Hanna is half Asian and in 1880 in this part of the country, is the only Asian in the community. Hanna hides under her bonnet as long as she can and when the students in her one-room schoolhouse first discover she is not White, all but one stops coming to school. The racism that Hanna confronts is largely autobiographical and Ms. Park weaves many of her true-life occurrences into her book. Hanna’s strength is sewing, something she learned from her mother. Her father plans to open a Dress Goods shop, but the community shows no signs of wanting to frequent an establishment whose owner has a “Chinaman” daughter. Painful yet funny, the reader will cheer for Hanna’s strength on every page.

This book received the Asian/Pacific American Award – Honor Book in 2021.

Up on Bob by Mary Sullivan

Full two-page illustrations and simple text in this picture book tell the story of Bob the dog.  Bob works hard to clear off a neatly made bed to sleep the day away.  As he finally settles in he notices “Someone” (the cat) is watching him. Will Someone go away so Bob can sleep, or will Bob’s nap be disturbed?  Young children will enjoy hearing this story with a surprise ending, and may be able to read it for themselves.

111 Trees, How One Village Celebrates the Birth of Every Girl, by Rina Singh, il. by Marianne Ferrer

This lushly illustrated picture book focuses on Sundar, who grew up in a poor family, in a poor community, in a dry, hot region of India. His village continued the cultural traditions of celebrating the birth of boys while the birth of a girl was seen as a burden. After the childhood loss of his mother Sundar would hug trees for comfort. Working in the area’s marble mine as an adult gave him a view of it’s destructive practices and concern for the future of his village.  The loss of a daughter to dehydration inspired Sundar to promote the idea of planting 111 trees for each girl born. As village leader he eventually convinced villagers to join him in planting trees. Over many years the act of planting trees led to a renewal of the environment and an appreciation of girls within the community. It also improved the prosperity and quality of life for the villagers. The colorful illustrations enhance the tale based on a true story.  After the story are several pages with additional information about Sundar and the village as well as photographs of Sundar and the trees. The additional pages also have didactic information on gender inequality and eco-feminism not dispensed as charmingly as it was in the text of the story. This book could be used as a read-aloud for older students to start conversations about gender inequality and reclaiming the environment. The amount of text on each page of the story would make it a challenging read aloud for younger children. The additional pages of information are probably too text-rich for a typical elementary group read-aloud session.

Alien Nate by Dave Whamond

This graphic novel tells the same plot about an alien coming/crashing to earth, only to have government agents try to find /trap it and the young people of earth trying to help it.

The originality of this graphic novel is what makes it so special! Nate, the alien, comes to earth because his planet has come into contact with 1977’s Voyager 1. The golden record was onboard, but what the aliens from Vega wanted more of was the pizza accidentally left on board. They wanted pizza!

Nate is taken to elementary school by earthling Fazel, who has dressed him up to be human in appearance. Nate enjoys learning all about earth but, “It was always just about the pizza. Now I wish we’d paid more attention to the golden record.” (18)

The facial expressions are right on as the reader ventures through to see who will alienate whom, Nate or the government’s Men in Beige. The word play is hilarious with the multiple meanings of worm holes, swear, alien, and vegan.

Just like it is the various toppings on a hamburger that make it memorable, so it is with Alien Nate. This is one memorable alien adventure to earth and back!

Curious George and the Summer Games, by Margret and H.A. Rey

Another classic adventure by our favorite friend, Curious George. This book has him participating in the summer games hosted by his local town. His enthusiasm assists him in persisting in his attempts at various sports, and failing at most, until he finds the one which suits him the best. Then it takes much practice and even an opportunity to offer some confidence needed by a friend to complete her competition even though she felt some stage fright.

Our lovable hero earned a ribbon for making new friends and learning a new sport. Reading or sharing this story, before a school field day or sports day event, would likely create anticipation and discussion. This likable story combined with classic illustrations, make for a great addition to your library or personal collection.

The Little Mouse the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear, by Don and Audrey Wood

Readers will appreciate the classic illustrative style of Don Wood with his large, engaging pictures which truly highlight this classic story. Our main character the mouse, wants to pick a strawberry but is warned by the reader, throughout the book, that the bear will want it. Out of fear, he tries many scenarios to hide the strawberry from the perceived bear, but in the end, there is only one way to really hide it. Watch our friend bring this book to a satisfying ending. The pictures help to carry the meaning and intention of this story. A Recommended classic addition to your library.

If You Were Night, by Muon Thi Van and illustrator Kelly Pousett.

Kelly Pousette, illustrator of “If You Were Night”, creates layered scenes with a technique of cut and folded paper.  The illustrations add to the “magic” feel of the book as the author weaves this simple and profound thought of what is would be like to “become the night”.  A child’s imagination and connection to nature will be inspired as each set of pages create a scenario for children to contemplate.  What would they do?

This book includes fantasy, imagination and the creation of moments of magic as a child gets lost in the possibility of what happens in the night in our natural world.  The combination of art, nature and imagination make this an irresistible book. Timely book for nighttime or peaceful setting. Recommended for families, teachers, and librarians as antidote to the stressful time we are currently living in.   Don’t let this story disappear into the night! Recommended.

The Boy, His Stories and How they Came to be, by author/illustrator Oliver Jeffers

This coffee table sized book contains four stories PLUS additional bonus pages full of author sketches, notes, pictures personalized by Oliver Jeffers. This is a fascinating book to muse through, as an adult, or child. The oversized book seems to emphasize the interesting, simplistic pictures which add to the intrigue of the adventures had by “the boy”, who is the main character in each story.

Although this isn’t a convenient book for student checkout in a school library, it would certainly be appreciated by teacher or parents to share with a child or group. The book boasts “Never Before Seen Notes Sketches” which make you feel as if you’ve had a private tour of the Oliver Jeffers’ ideas behind his stories. This book is a great experience to have by yourself or with a child. A wonderful addition to your child’s shelf or living room coffee table. A must have for devout Oliver Jeffers fans!

This Way, Charlie, Inspired by a real animal friendship. By Carol Levis and Charles Santoso

Truly, a beautiful story about loyalty and friendship. The willingness to accept another with a disability and do your part to help with respect, dignity, and seamless care. “This Way Charlie” are the words used by the Goat named Jack, as he guides his blind friend, Charlie the horse. They come together at an animal sanctuary, where all the animals have a physical and/or behavior disabilities due to abuse or birth, accident, or birth defects. They learn to accept each other as is and many have created beautiful relationships with one another and humans. This beautiful story is based on a true life experience at the Wild Heart Ranch, found online at wildheartrescue.org.

The large sized picture book and bold but soft illustrations create a lovely experience as a read aloud in a group setting or reading alone to a lucky child. Highly recommended for those who love animals and actively participate in their friendships! You will want this sweet story in your library.

Mad About Plaid, author and illustrator: Jill McElmurry

This absolutely darling, fun spirited book will capture the imagination of an elementary audience with it’s bold plaid, colorful pictures and crazy antics of the main character, a young girl. She happens to find a plaid, cursed purse in the park. She realized the magic behind the purse as everything around her turned plaid! The occasional repetition of “Piddly-Diddly-Doo” will have some reading or singing along with the refrain. When she turns the purse inside out, the plaid ends, and something new begins. You will have to wait and see the inside of the purse to get your ending to this colorful tale! Wonderful pictures and truly a fun experience reading this book about this plucky girl with the plaid purse. Recommended!

Nothing in Common, by Kate Hoefler, illustrated by Corinna Luyken

Beautiful pastel chalk pictures, by celebrated illustrator Corinna Luyken, create a beautiful picture storybook. It tells the story of this unlikely friendship between a boy wearing red and a girl wearing blue. Without using verbiage indicating the divide in the United States, it was an inference on the part of this reader as both people felt they had “nothing in common”. That is, until they realized they did both love the same thing and it was missing. An old man who walked his dog every day, is a part of both people’s day and they work together to solve the mystery of finding the dog. On this journey, they discover, in a subtle sense, that their emotions have more in common than they realized before the journey.

As the dog is reunited with his loving master, they all realize that you can love and respect each other even if you have “Nothing in Common”. A great modern day tale that easily fits into our contemporary lives. Recommended for you.

Curious George Votes, by Margaret and H.A. Rey

In keeping with the Curious George spirit created decades ago, this mischievous and curious monkey entertains us and also helps us to learn a bit about the voting process through his experience at an elementary school which happens to be voting on their favorite mascot. As expected, this monkey wishes to “write in” his choice for mascot to be a monkey instead of the “owl” or “tiger” being offered on the ballot. His hijinks throughout the school, includes “stuffing the ballot box” with his many of his votes over and over again. After finding the humor in his antics, the teacher allows the students to write in their favorite choice–which of course, is a monkey!

This may be an effective book for preschool and primary grades to explore the basic rules surrounding the voting process. A nice read and discussion platform for a school which is voting on a mascot. Classic pictures and lovable, innocent, choices made by our favorite monkey, make this Margret & H.A. Rey’s book, another nice addition to a classroom or home library series.

The Suitcase, by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros

This simply-illustrated picture book would be a nice springboard for a discussion of welcoming refugees. Primarily written as a conversation between animals, each character’s dialogue is printed in the same color as their fur, eliminating the need for identifiers in the text.  When a strange animal arrives, three local animals are curious about his big suitcase. As the locals ask questions about the suitcase they become suspicious about the answers. Their mistrust leads to a violation of privacy, but also an act of contrition which creates an opening for friendship. The simplicity of the book means it is not a deep dive on the topic of providing a welcome for strangers, but creates the space for an adult to move the conversation in that direction. Younger children would appreciate the simple nature of the book, but it could lead to richer conversations with older elementary students.

Our Subway Baby, by Peter Mercurio

A poignant story, based upon a true event, in the City of New York. This beautifully illustrated books begins with a man in the subway system underground in New York, spotting a bundle on the ground. As he approached, he realized that it was a baby! He reported to the authorities and immediately began caring for this babe until he was taken away to the local hospital. The man, named Danny, kept asking about him, and waiting for the foster system to locate his parents. As this did not happen, he was invited to apply for adoption! His partner at home, a man named Kevin, who had not thought of adopting or having a child, was open and enthusiastic to the idea of allowing love in where it had presented itself.

Both men went through the court system and earned the right to adopt this baby who was found on the subway! Their happiness was contagious and earned much respect and attention nationwide. They are still a family, to this day. Although the baby is now a student in college studying mathematics and computer science!

A contemporary book speaking truth to a contemporary topic: gay couple adoption. With the added twist of finding the baby on the subway! This is a beautifully written and illustrated book which teaches the underlying message of: “Love wins.”A must in your library.

Camino A Las Estrellas

This is the Spanish edition of Sylvia Acevedo’s Path To The Stars: My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist. Acevdo’s story is that of a young Latino girl growing up in Las Cruces, New Mexico who has ambitions to study math and science, but is constrained by cultural and societal norms. She also faces racial prejudice as a Latino student who transfers to an Anglo school. It is not until she wears her Brownie uniform to the Anglo school that Sylvia is accepted by the other students and joins the sisterhood of the Girl Scouts.

The Girl Scouts changed Sylvia’s life: she began to earn badges and learned to do many things that interested her. Selling Girl Scout cookies led her to start saving her own money and plan for college, knowing that her parents would be unable to assist her in this dream.

She tells of her experience growing up bilingual and poor, how she achieves her goal of graduating from college and graduate school and becomes a rocket scientist. Ultimately she serves as the CEO of the Girl Scouts of America.

This is a very inspiring story and libraries would be well served to carry both the Spanish and English editions.

In a Jar, by Deborah Marcero

The book, In a Jar is a sweet metaphor for protecting and sharing special memories. Llewellyn is a bit of a loner, collecting items in jars so he can peer inside and remember the wonderful things he had seen and done. One evening he meets Evelyn and shares one of his jars with her. This led to seasons of collecting together. When Evelyn moves away, she and Llewellyn share jars back and forth, maintaining their friendship by sharing their present.

The story will encourage children to collect, protect, save, share and reexamine what makes the everyday things around them special. Recommended.

The Ugly Five

By Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by Axel Sheffler

Julia Donaldson introduces us to five uniquely bizarre animals of the African Savanna. The five animals: Wildebeest, Warthog, Spotted Hyena, Lappet-Faced Vulture and Marabou Stork all believe that they are the ugliest of all the creatures that roam the Savanna. They chant a rhyming song as they move along meeting each other. At the end their off-springs prove that even though the might not be the most beautiful animal, they are loved and needed, A lesson everyone can heed.
At the end of the book the author and illustrator include two pages of drawings of other animals you might see on a safari. The illustrations are beautiful but don’t deter from the message.
A good read aloud to illustrate order of events.

Fly Girls: How Five Daring Women Defied All Odds and Made Aviation History (Young Readers’ Edition) by Keith O’Brien

 This young reader edition is adapted by the author, Keith O’Brien, from his adult book of the same title. In Fly Girls, O’Brien tells the widely unknown story of American female aviators in the 1920’s and 30′. Amelia Earhart’s amazing accomplishments and the mystery of her disappearance appears prominently in history books but how many know Ruth Nichols, Louise Thaden, Ruth Elder, and Florence Klingensmith? These young female aviators were held back by deep gender inequities during golden age of flying, and as O’Brien explains of their forgotten histories, “each of the women went missing in her own way.” 

The stories of these five “fly girls” show how they came from very different backgrounds and experiences. Nichols was a New York debutante, Thaden sold coal in Wichita, Elder was hiding her divorce, Klingensmith was working on airplane engines, and Earhart was in Boston making life changing decisions.

Airplane racing was a very hot sport between WWI and WWII but was completely dominated by men. The five “fly girls” struggled to find opportunities to fly, begged sponsors, borrowed planes, took risks such as daredevil stunts on the wings of planes. O’Brien tells all of these stories, including numerous fiery crashes and the tragedies that occured in the cockpit and also on the ground.

Fly Girls is in the vein of Hidden Figures and The Girls of Atomic City, telling the story of how a group of women banded together to break the glass ceilings, struggling against entrenched prejudice, to fight for the right to do the job which had been seen as exclusively for men.

This Young Reader edition includes a glossary, source notes by chapter, an index, and primary source black and white photos.

Leif and the Fall

By Allison Sweet Grant and Adam Grant
Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard

Leif and his friend, Laurel attempt many different ways to make his fall to the ground softer and easier. During his trials, all the other leaves taunt him but he perseveres. At last comes the time when an anxious Leif can not hold on anymore. Will his fall be disastrous?

The illustrations are simple but effective, giving each leaf a personality, This persistent tale lends to great discussion about never giving up, order of events, why and why not Leif’s inventions worked and the progression of the seasons. Great autumn read!

The Lady is a Spy: Virginia Hall, World War II Hero of the French Resistance by Don Mitchell

This biography is a younger reader version of the story of Virginia Hall, an American woman who fought discrimination over her gender and physical disability when she worked for the US State Department, left that job in Europe and to drive an ambulance for the French Army, then becomes a spy for the French Resistance during WWII, is captured several times, escapes, is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and later works for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War.

Virginia Hall suffered discrimination not only because she was a woman working in intelligence in the 1930’s-60’s, but also because she wore a prosthetic leg after losing hers in a hunting accident as a teenager. Even with the assistance of President Roosevelt, she could not advance in government service here in the USA, so went to work for the State Department abroad. Fluent in multiple languages and having a brilliant mind, she still struggled with discrimination. With war breaking out in Europe, she joined the war effort in France where her disability was not considered a liability. From there she joined the British Intelligence Service as a spy, finding herself at the top of the Nazi’s most-wanted list. She was pursued by the Gestapo’s infamous Klaus Barbie, known as “the Butcher of Lyon” for the torture and killing of thousands in France by his forces. Hall later becoming the most highly decorated civilian woman of WW II, and is regarded as the greatest American spy of the era.

With such an exciting plotline of espionage and danger, courage, determination, and romance, one would expect this book to be a gripping read. Unfortunately, it is not. It reads like a mediocre Reader’s Digest edition of a greater work. In this case, the greater work being A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell. Students who are interested in espionage, WW II history, and equal rights for women and those with disabilities, should read Purnell’s book instead if they can brave the violence that is glossed over in The Lady is a Spy.

There’s Something about Sam, by Hannah Barnaby

The book opens with Max writing invitations to his birthday sleepover, and feeling unsure about inviting the new kid, Sam, but his mom insists. Max can’t put his finger one what it is about Sam, just that there seems to be something strange about him. Throughout the story they never do come right out and say what the something is — the reader has to put the clues together. We learn he has a really good sense of smell, he’s not sure he can come to the birthday party because there’s a full moon that night, he likes his burgers really rare, after they change into pajamas that night he develops fangs and claws and really hairy hands, and when the moonlight shines on him, he runs out into the night. Though it never comes right out and say he’s a werewolf, the point is that though the boys are initially scares of his nighttime transformations, when they join him in his backyard adventures they all have a really good time and end up really liking him just as he is, not despite his weirdness, but because of it.

Little Wise Wolf, by Gijs van Der Hammen

It’s rather got the feel of an olde world fable. Little Wise Wolf got his name because he loved to read so much that he came to know about many things and the other animals would come to him with their questions. But he doesn’t like being disturbed from his reading and complains about not having time for the other animals. When a messenger is sent to summon him to the bedside of the ill king, he doesn’t want to go, but is informed that one cannot refuse the king, so he sets off on a long journey. The trek is difficult, but he is helped along the way by the animals he did not have time for. After healing the king, he is offered a place within the castle where he can read all day undisturbed, but Little Wise Wolf realizes he must return to his friends, because he still has a lot to learn from them. From then on he is never too busy for those who come to visit him, and yet he still manages to read and learn in abundance. It’s got a lovely message, and while I can appreciate the way the illustrations contribute to the olde world feel of the story, I worry that the dark and drab colors will be a turn-off to many students and it may not circulate much.

Once Upon a Unicorn’s Horn, by Beatrice Blue

Well, it’s title is in sparkly letters and it’s about unicorns, so you already know it’s going to be a hit with young readers. But I like it for the way it celebrates imagination. I like the way the text and illustrations play against each other, adding to the reader’s understanding. The text describes the setting as a magic forest; the illustrations show a backyard scene on the edge of some woods. When the text describes castles and magic wands, the illustrations show a tree house and a stick. The story tells of our young heroine stumbling upon a group of tiny magic horses who are learning to fly (and who look suspiciously like bunny rabbits), and discovering one who is sad because it can’t fly. After doing everything she can think of to cheer it up and help it, she decides to make him an ice cream cone, but she’s in such a hurry to take it to him that she’s running, she trips, and the cone lands on the “horse’s” head, which he turns out to like very much and is suddenly inspired to fly. So it’s essentially this author’s version of the unicorns’ origin story.