If You Love Video Games, You Could Be… by Thea Feldman

As a parent have you ever wanted to tell your child, ” Stop playing that video game! How will you make a living?” This is the book that will give your primary-aged child an educated and profitable clue to answering that question.

This book is a winner. Natalie Kwee’s illustrations are simple enough to not cloud the issue of what is be conveyed and advanced enough to convey what is being stated in the text.

The book begins with the Glossary page next to the Table of Contents page. The three chapters are: Video Game Writer, Video Game Animator, and Video Game Programmer. As a parent, you will be happy to hear that a video game writer must be a good reader and good writer of stories prior to working with video games. As a parent, you will be happy to know a video game animator needs to be good at math. And as a parent, you will be happy to know a video game programmer must be a good problem solver and learn how to code computers.

As a child, they will see how to make their stories come to life, how their drawings can be made to move, and how to keep mistakes from happening in the final product.

Alone by Megan E. Freeman

In a new survival-story twist, 12-year old Maddie is left along to survive — not in the wilderness, but in her own home town of Millerville, Colorado. Maddie wakes up to discover that her whole town has mysteriously evacuated. Her mom thinks Maddie is at her dad’s house, and her dad thinks she’s at her mom’s house. Cell service is non-existent. Her only companion is the neighbor’s dog, George.

As the months pass, Maddie lives on canned food left behind in her neighbor’s homes. She takes paper and pencil with her and leaves thank you notes for the items she takes. As winter comes with no electricity and no furnaces, Maddie forages for supplies to keep from freezing. But hardest of all is her constant battle with loneliness; waiting, waiting, for her parents to come back for her. As Christmas comes, she drags the boxes of ornaments up from the basement and hangs shiny balls along the curtain rod. She wraps a rawhide bone for George and makes a Christmas dinner of turkey soup, canned cranberries, and canned apple pie filling. When singing “Silent Night” makes her cry, she switches to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” The silence is her biggest enemy. When skills are required of her that she doesn’t have, the library is her resource. Maddie is a strong, resilient protagonist who faces injury and natural disasters, but she is a survivor waiting for her happy ending.

Written in prose, “Alone” is for all readers. The writing is beautiful!

Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly: The Coldfire Curse by Jordan Quinn

This is book one in the series Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly. A curse has come upon the land and has a young dragon sets off to find the king for a cure. At the kingdom, she stumbles upon the prince’s pet dragon. They end up setting off on an adventure to save the land from the curse.

The story is geared towards younger readers and there is not a lot of text on the page, but the font is small. The illustrations are colorful and the frame size varies on the different pages. I story line and content make this a good choice for younger graphic novel fans.

A Friend Is… by Lisa Thiesing

This sweet book shows different ways that we can be friends. Each page only has a few words on it describing things that friends do together. The pictures compliment the gentle text. The text is written in a curlicue font that may make independent reading difficult for readers. This could be used as a read aloud and then a discussion of friendship.

Vinny Gets a Job by Terry Brodner

Vinny is a dog. Every day his mom goes to work everyday. When Vinny asked his adopted brother, a cat, where Mom goes, he learns what a job is and decides he should get a job. He tries a restaurant but he started licking the plates. He tried a florist shop and was asked to water the plants, but that didn’t work out. Finally he tries a museum, but he ends up taking a large dinosaur bone because it looked so delicious. When he finally returns home, Mom tells him his job is to be a dog.

The story is funny and sweet. It would be fun to read to a group and use for a lesson on prediction.

Books Big Adventure by Adam Lehrhaupt

Book was new and bright and shiny. It went on many adventures until one day Book was moved to a lower shelf where it was lonely and forgotten. One day someone picked up Book and it was so excited to go on new adventures, but instead it was tossed in a box. Then suddenly Book was chosen again and went on new adventures.

The end notes includes places to donate books. The author’s note says that he has so many books that they are in boxes, which is not place for a book to live. During a school visit one day, the librarian mentioned that they donate excess books to readers who do not have a lot of books and that inspired him to research places to donate books.

Space Matters by Jacque Lynn

Space is all around us. You find space in between words, buildings, and in the sky. Space can be useful. This short picture book causes readers to pause and think about empty space in a different way. The illustrations are diverse and inclusive, but does include and anthropomorphic gorilla.

The book might be useful in looking at perspective or trying to look at things in new ways. It would probably be best in an individual or small group setting.

Cougar Crossing, How Hollywood’s Celebrity Cougar Helped Build a Bridge for City Wildlife. By Meeg Pincus and illustrated by Alexander Vidal.

In the year 2009 and young cougar kitten is born in the Santa Monica hills, above Los Angeles California. He is the offspring of a tagged cougar known as P-1. This male cougar was the first to be tagged in the National Park Service Scientist program to study the wild mountain lions. This kitten become to be known as P-22. This particular mountain lion, known as P-22 becomes a local hero to people who are advocating for safe passage for wildlife over the freeways of southern California. Construction began in the year 2021 and will continue unti lit’s projected completion date of 2024.

The conclusions of the cougar study by the scientists revealed that cougars would likely become extinct within the next 50 years unless humans learned how to help them. They discovered that most cougars were killed by cars, rodent poisoning, and human hunters. The information of this study was helpful to get the information out to people who were leaving poison out for rats or mice, that domestic (dogs, cats) or wildlife (cougar, coyotes) could ingest this poison and die a horrible death. A law went before legislature to ban certain rodent poisons deadly to wildlife predators.

As the media followed this tagged cougar, known as P-22, people become invested in his wellbeing and cared about his safety. He had even eaten a favorite koala at the zoo and was forgiven by zoo officials, who vowed to better protect their animals at night. The puma’s following and loyal fan base was just as strong. This cat created a sensation which worked to create the animal crossing now being constructed. P-22 is still alive but has reached his old age and we have yet to see if he lives long enough to see the completion of the landbridge he helped to build!

At the end of this book are illustrations and information of other native animals in the hills of California, along with a timeline and website address for further research.

Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon. By Kat Zhang, illustrated by Charlene Chua.

She tells them about dragons that bring down the rain. Dragons that are wise and just. Dragons that fly without wings.

This primary children’s book is the account of an elementary girl of Chinese heritage and her experience with sharing her family’s knowledge and beliefs around dragons. During a classroom scene, her teacher reads a special dragon book that Amy brings to school. The children are inspired to create their own version of a dragon. That evening Amy includes her family in the process of rehabilitating an old dragon “puppet” costume found in the attic. They bring out cardboard, glitter, jewels, fabric and everyone contributes until Amy has the perfect thing to share with her classmates. Several gather round and get inside the puppet costume and soar through the class to the amazement and amusement of others.

In addition to the lovable story, there is an activity page at the end of the book with directions on how to make your own dragon! There is also a comparison of Western verses Eastern dragons and the different interpretations of both. This would make a delightful read aloud, inspiration for an art activity, or a good share during the Lunar New Year. This book would make a great addition to your library.

Rock by Rock, The Fantastical Garden of Nek Chand. By Jennifer Bradbury and illustrated by Sam Boughton.

A delightful and true story of a remarkable man named Nek Chand who was victim of the Indian and Pakistani partition of the late 1940s. He and his boyhood family were forced to relocate from Pakistan to India during a government order to separate Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. Within two years after the forced move his parents died, primarily of heartbreak, as Nek recounts, “Partition devoured them.” Nek grieved his parents, his childhood village, and his former life, as a million other Hindus were doing the same.

Nek then turned the energy of grief into productive, artistic energy. He began to build, clear, and create a beautiful space in the forest just outside his new village of Chandigarh, India. He collected cast-off materials, such as: rocks. bottles, scrap metal, glass, ceramic shards, ect. and arranged them into works of art. Soon, others discovered his secret! The village people loved it, but the city had plans for a road to be placed through his artwork. After much consternation the city decides to go through with their plan to demolish the work until the towns folk, including children, create a human chain to protect the garden. And now an estimated 5,000 people daily, from all over the world, visit Nek’s Rock Garden.

Tigers Can’t Purr! and Other Amazing Facts, by Thea Feldman; ills. by Lee Cosgrove

Photos and drawings illustrate the large-font text that averages 3 sentences per page with 10-20 words per sentence. The book begins with a glossary and contents page It also includes a map of Tigers’ range and a graph comparing their maximum weight to that of other animals, ranging from house cats to polar bears.  The illustrations are engaging and relatable. As the title says, the text contains many facts about tigers. This would be useful for younger readers doing a research project or older readers wanting some quick information.

The Dream Weaver, by Reina Luz Alegre

Twelve year old Cuban Italian American Zoey could use a female in her life. Her maternal grandfather (Poppy), father and brother Jose are all she has since the death of her Mami and Abuelo. Her brother Jose is the constant in her life, but he is heading to college in a few months. Zoey, Jose and their Dad have moved several times a year since Mami died, most recently to Poppy’s house at the Jersey Shore. The book addresses the impact of loss, frequent moves, family tension, and a growing sense of belonging. Bowling, math, food, friends, family, hard work, and of course dreams are all a part of the story. There are conflicts to resolve, but there is a satisfying ending. There are enough things left open at the end to hope for a sequel.

I Will Dance by Nancy Bo Flood; ills. by Julianna Swaney

Eva so very much wants to dance but her physical limitations keep her wheelchair-bound. When one of her moms reads about a dance class for “…all abilities, all ages. All are welcome” Eva is excited about the chance to pursue her dream. She is also nervous about stares and whispers, and about being rejected. Eva gives class a try and discovers she CAN dance as part of a group of all abilities. Soft watercolors illustrate both typically abled and dancers with varying needs for physical accommodations. The illustrator manages the difficult task of representing dance in a two-dimensional work. One way she shows the interconnected nature of dancing is through the use of stars floating on a blue swirl intertwining around and between the dancers. The charming story is inspired by a child named Eva who learned to dance at the actual company, Young Dance. The book ends with an author’s note and a note from the executive director of Young Dance.

You Know How to Love by Rachel Tawil Kenyon

Rachel Tawil Kenyon’s beautifully written story with gentle reminders on including and being kind to all. The flow is reminiscent of Dr. Seuss, with a message reminding readers “Wherever life takes you, wherever you go, trut what’s inside you and let kindness flow.” Mary Lundquist’s gentle watercolor illustrations perfectly match the tone of the story and include friendly faces of different races, religions, and ages.  “There are all sorts of people, as many as stars. Just give them a chance, and learn who they are.” This would be an excellent read aloud for any class.  Highly Recommend

What is Light? by Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard’s sweet, simple book, What is Light is sure to be enjoyed while snuggling up with a parent or loved one. The story is told in verse and points out not only the light around us, but the light within us.  Stars, fireflies, the smile of a friend, a mother’s love.  Cathy Ann Johnson’s bright and vibrant illustrations complement the story’s overall mood. The rhythm of the book is altered a bit when the author asks, “What is the light that can be seen around you? It can be found in everything that you do.” However, I am sure with repeated readings the rhythm would begin to flow for the reader. The diverse characters are refreshing to see.

The Lady with the Books by Kathy Stinson

The Lady with the Books: A Story Inspired by the Remarkable Work of Jella Lepman by Kathy Stinson. Illustrated by Marie Lafrance   picture book Grades 1-4

This picture book, The Lady with the Books: A Story Inspired by the Remarkable Work of Jella Lepman by Kathy Stinson takes place in Germany immediately after WWII, and some details might be difficult for younger or more sensitive readers. Marie Lafrance’s illustrations mimic the hopeful, yet somber, and quite heavy, tone of the book. The author describes the family’s hardships – the children in the story are very hungry and their father was shot for refusing to fight during the war. This book highlights the children’s visit to a book exhibit set up by Jella Lepman, and the positive impact on their lives of being able to hear a read aloud again even though their town’s library was destroyed in the war.  At the end of the book there are additional pages, with photographs, explaining the historical background, and her legacy.  Inspiring and educational read aloud, but touches on complex and difficult issues.

Princess Adventures, This Way or That Way? by Sylvie Misslin

Ready to choose your own adventure? Princess Adventures by Sylvie Misslin was created just for you. The tabbed pages give readers two different choices, each labeled with a picture.  Amandine Piu’s detailed illustrations enhance the story by offering plenty of viewing pleasure. Go to the corresponding tabbed page, and make another choice. The princesses make their way through the woods, to castles and back home again, with only a little bit of mild peril.  The sisters encounter a dragon, bats, and one slightly ominous looking gentleman with fangs. The only complaint is that there is no how to or instructions for getting started with the book. Charming, light hearted illustrations perfectly match the not too sweet princesses.  A fun choice for adventurous readers.

I Love My Fangs! by Kelly Leigh Miller

This book, written and illustrated by Kelly Leigh Miller, is as cute as the cover forecasts and will undoubtedly be enjoyed by primary students. Little Dracula is surprised one day to discover that one of his fangs is loose. After much despair, his fang falls out and he puts it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. To his surprise and pleasure he grows a bigger fang. Although this book appears to be a simple tooth fairy tale, the author ties in familiar traits and feelings that come up when Dracula looks different. As a first time reader, I was slightly surprised by the appearance of the tooth fairy and felt the book would have been just as good or better without it. Miller’s illustrations capture really the emotional energy of the book. The Family Trait layout with portraits of the very diverse family is memorable and well thought out. 

Golden Arm by Carl Deuker

For a reader who doesn’t typically go for sports-themed books, the book Golden Arm by Carl Deuker made for unexpectedly entertaining and sometimes suspenseful reading. If you do love baseball, it will just make this a more enjoyable read.  In this coming-of-age story, Lazarus (Laz) is a student in an underserved Seattle high school negotiating many challenges at school, home, and on his baseball teams. He’s a gifted pitcher with a “golden arm” and a shy kid who has a stutter and a learning disability. Laz grew up in a trailer park without many of the privileges that the students in a wealthy district up north don’t even think twice about. Cell phones (not  throwaway flip-phones), personal transportation (he rides the bus and walks long distances), a  personal bedroom stocked with a computer, access to math tutoring, or having an actual pitching coach are things that he regards as luxuries and out of reach. His mom and half-brother Antonio are his family; his dad is out of the picture. Laz has the opportunity to contend for a state title on a team for a wealthy Seattle high school and his ultimate goal is to be a draft pick for the major leagues. It’s not a straightforward trajectory, though, and he has to deal with how to fit in at his new school, his alternate living situation, and how the cultural norms and expectations he experiences in his new setting mesh with his own developing personal ethics. The author does a nice job of using Laz’s point of view to portray the successes and challenges that are intrinsic to the growing-up process without over-analyzing or being preachy. It’s a high-interest story that’s a fairly quick read.  Many young people will recognize and identify with Laz: being a poor kid with few resources trying to succeed in a culture defined by a rich, socially privileged class.
I do wish there was more development of the past relationship between Laz and his biological half brother Antonio because it is central to the plot. In the narrative they are real brothers who grew up together with no “half” about it, but Antonio’s character seems a bit hollow. Similarly, the character of Suja, Laz’s childhood friend (and romantic interest?) is underdeveloped and Suja seems more like support staff than a teenage girl Laz really likes. Even though the reader might wish for more thoroughly fleshed-out development of the important people in Laz’s life, overall the book is a satisfying read. Golden Arm should appeal to readers who enjoy a suspenseful plot that makes a few unexpected turns, and to those who tend towards the genres of sports, realistic fiction, and local color. However, it should appeal to a broader audience with a very elemental conundrum: How does a kid remain true to themselves when they have a tangible opportunity to “succeed” and live their dream, but to make this happen they must sacrifice the very relationships that helped make them who they are?

Amazon.com: Golden Arm (9780358012429): Deuker, Carl: Books

The Racers: How an Outcast Driver, an American Heiress, and a Legendary Car Challenged Hitler’s Best

Review by OHS Library Secretary, Mikel
The Racers was a thrilling surprise, full of suspense and enough lively content to enthrall race car enthusiasts, WWII  history buffs, as well as readers who appreciate an author who thoroughly researches contributions of women and Jews in the car racing industry.  Even readers who have no interest in car racing and nonfiction will be sucked into this epic tale of intrigue and the gritty ambition of an underdog facing Hitler’s highly trained and supported fleet of drivers and turbo-charged cars. Very few people realize the origin of the Mercedes-Benz car, so prevalent on today’s roads, and many will be astonished at the story of the development of Hitler’s Silver Arrow race car. Bascomb’s addition of photographs interspersed throughout the story enhances his already vivid descriptions of racers and their early, innovative race cars, some of which could reach unheard of speeds of over 250 mph. The pinnacle of suspense in the book is the final showdown Pau Grand Prix race of 1938, when Hitler was determined to prove to the world that Germany was supreme in all endeavors throughout the world, including on the racing circuit. The reader will not be able to put down the book at this point; they will be in the seat with Dreyfus, the Jewish driver, whipping around hairpin turns, screaming past the the pit ignoring the frantic signaling of his mechanic for urgent maintenance, and weaving in and out of cars barely escaping the dreaded conflagration of a crash. The world held its breath in ’38, riveted to the final outcome of the Third Reich’s best efforts to dominate the world of racing, a prelude to its effort to dominate the world, period. You will be holding your breath too, and might even pick the book up and start over just to experience that rush again! It would not surprise this reader to see The Racers being made into a movie.  Genre: Narrative Nonfiction/ Historical Nonfiction

THE RACERS | Kirkus Reviews

Viral: The Fight Against AIDS in America by Ann Bausum

Review by OHS Library Secretary, Mikel
Viral: The Fight Against AIDS in America by Ann Bausum chronicles the appearance of, spread of, and struggle against HIV/AIDS. This history of the AIDS epidemic is rich in the personal anecdotes of the victims and researchers, never releasing the reader from the humanity of the crisis. This technique presents the science and history in memorial and engaging fashion that will buoy most readers through the dry statistics and tragic circumstances. Bausam’s narrative carries us through the earliest occurrences of the disease, its mysterious nature, the frustrating delays in research and funding because it is initially stigmatized as a gay disease, the activism for facing the crisis, and the stepwise progress of the scientific community in dealing with this complex disease slyly attacking the immune system itself, thus appearing with the diverse symptoms of an array of opportunistic diseases obscuring the common underlying cause: the AIDS virus. The development of medication to arrest HIV is also briefly described. This readable account concentrates on what the author calls, “the bleakest years” (1981-1996) and includes a handy timeline. This book is recommended for teenagers and beyond for its concise, readable history of the AIDS crisis with the emphasis on, and in empathy with the human side of the story.

Amazon.com: VIRAL: The Fight Against AIDS in America (9780425287200): Bausum,  Ann: Books

War Girls by: Tochi Onyebuchi

Review by OHS Library Secretary, Mikel
This book is well written and makes you want to get to the next page.  It’s about two young girls caught in a war between Nigerians and Biafrans.  They are child soldiers orphaned by the war.  There are soldiers with bionic limbs and artificial organs.  There are two friends, Onjii and Ify who are separated in battle.  They think they will never see each other again, but their trails bring them together.  Onyii is a warrior nicknamed the Demon of Belfran.  Ify is very intelligent and dreams of going to outer space. Daren, a soldier connects with Ifu and takes care of her.  Daren becomes a leader of his people which helps Ify achieve her goals.  4 years later circumstances evolve which make it possible for them to reunite.  However, being together could mean risking everything.  I recommend this book and it is an exciting read. It is best for high school level and above. 

Amazon.com: War Girls (9780451481672): Onyebuchi, Tochi: Books

Dancing at the Pity Party by: Tyler Feder

Reviewed by OHS Student, Camille:
Dancing at the Pity Party was an awesome memoir about a not-so-awesome topic. What do you do when your mom dies at a young age? How can you handle the grief? These questions are asked and answered by Tyler Feder as she recounts her life before and after her mother’s death. The art-style was incredibly vibrant and a nice way to express this story. It was funny, but it didn’t make fun of death or cancer or grief. It also surprised me in a lot of ways, it talked about aspects of grief I had never heard of before and also talked a lot about Jewish culture and traditions. I really recommend this book to anybody who can relate to losing a loved one or to anyone who just wants a book that will make them cry (but in a good way). 

Amazon.com: Dancing at the Pity Party (9780525553021): Feder, Tyler: Books
Cover of Dancing at the Pity Party by: Tyler Feder

Rick by Alex Gino

Rick is a quick, informative read that addresses bullying and some of the hardships kids endure when questioning their personal gender identity.  This coming of age book explores preferred pronoun usage, questions regarding sexual orientation and, most importantly, acceptance. 

It bothers Rick that his best friend, Jeff, (and sometimes his own father, too) objectifies girls and is often unkind to Rick, making fun of him.  Rick decides he doesn’t appreciate or approve of Jeff’s behavior anymore and conjures up the courage to stand up for himself and his new friends from the LGBTQ+ Alliance Club at school.

Rick exudes bravery and while at times the author uses fairly explicit language, this is a very sweet story for the middle-aged audience. It focuses on  a crucial, under publicized topic of our time. This was an enjoyable and eye-opening read.

I Killed Zoe Spanos

It’s not very often that a young adult mystery keeps you guessing until the very end, but Kit Frick did it in I Killed Zoe Spanos. What a great ride! Mix podcast transcripts with flashback narrative structure. Chill over the course of 10 months. Then surprise readers with more than they ever thought was happening in the back story.

Anna Cicconi has not been the perfect teen, but the summer after graduating high school, she wants to make better choices and believes leaving NYC for a nanny job in the Hamptons will be a fresh start and a great way to make money for college. Escaping to a place her mother tells her she’s never been to because her father was too cheap, she commits to being a good nanny. Not long in her new dwelling, Anna learns of a missing girl from the area that looks surprisingly similar to her. People in town notice too. Jump ahead to the fall and Anna is in juvenile detention for the killing of Zoe Spanos — but she went missing on New Year’s Eve/Day the previous winter. Anna had never met Zoe, yet she confessed to the crime. Memories keep flooding into her head of her being with Zoe, but there’s no truth to them.

Local detective-like teen Martina begins a podcast about Zoe’s death because she too feels something is not right with how the police investigated and why Anna confessed. She’ll discover more clues, but not everything will add up. Kit Frick wove together a mystery that has just the right questions without over-the-top tension or gore. Most mystery fans should enjoy it and I can highly recommend this for high school and public libraries.