Fire and Fury is the fourth and final installment of The Chronicles of Avantia series. The story is of an evil warlord trying to reclaim the pieces of the Mask of Death which will enable to have total control over the land’ beasts and people. Four young people are called ‘chosen riders’ and each has a special beast with whom they have telepathic communication and can travel quickly. In each book a new ‘chosen rider’ is introduced until all four are working together to overpower the warlord and his evil army. In this book, one of the chosen riders is actually a traitor, a boy who is under the villain’s spell. In each of the previous books, there has been good characterization and lots of action. However, in this fourth book, much of the book is spent explaining what had happened earlier. I wanted to skip over the repetition and get to the end to see how it turns out (although it was pretty obvious). Reluctant readers, mainly boys, will enjoy the action and fighting.