This novel in verse follows protagonist, Evie, as she struggles to acknowledge and overcome her eating disorder. Evie’s dysmorphia prevents her from seeing and thinking about herself accurately; instead she is continually able to justify her food avoidance behaviors and thoughts as normal. Her family’s concern over Evie’s weight and behaviors propels them to take her to her doctor where they learn that she is anorexic and that her internal organs have begun to shut down. Evie is immediately taken to an in-patient facility in order to nurture her mind and body back to health. This is not an easy journey for Evie; she is angry at her family and continues to find ways to remain in control of her calorie intake. Throughout her recovery she connects with therapists and other people suffering with eating disorders; fortunately for her these connections fuel her to continue the work of healing.
The author’s note at the start of the book lets readers know that Evie’s story is based closely upon the author’s own experiences. It’s clear when reading how intimately the author knows the thoughts, emotions, and struggles that Evie is dealing with. The book is very heavy in topic and plot; the verse style helps readers access the content more easily.
Readers who enjoy realistic fiction dealing with difficult topic will enjoy this book. Although there are many dark, challenging moments in Evie’s story we still feel a bit of hope in the end.