Mini Science Fun

If you are looking to update your science experiment book section, this book is pleasing to the eye with its bright colorful photos. I especially liked the advice on page 6 Before You Begin: Slow and Steady, “Getting an experiment to work correctly can be tricky, …Your science projects will turn out better if you take your time.”

The teeny volcano eruption (page 10-11) and the tiny tornado /vortex (pages 12-13) are not anything new for books of this type.  Some of the experiments will state what will be happening, while in others the reader/experimenter must hypothesize first or simply wait and watch.

Other experiments include: small submarine, wee water cycle, teeny-weeny walking water drops, mini ecosystem, itsy-bitsy button race car, and miniature merry-go-round.

Page 22 of Mini-Ecosystem states, ” watch microscopic organisms thrive!” but does not indicate the person needs to use any enlarging lenses to see this. Is this an oversight or do the ‘microscopic’ organisms get big enough to see with the naked eye?

On pages 26 and 29, the photo clearly shows the AA battery in the reverse position stated in the directions. Were the directions incorrect or was this to make the photo easier to focus without moving objects? If the experimenter is going by the photos, this one probably will not work. Frustration time.

In addition to the experiments in this book, the Further Information section includes two other web sites:    and

Dump Truck Haul!

Ten dump trucks in action; either being filled by an excavator or a front loader, or dumping their loads at a construction site or at a mine.

Two or three large font sentences per page opposite a color photo of a truck. The book states the obvious facts about dump trucks.

Contains a diagram of the three major parts of a dump truck: bed, cab, and tire. Plus a four picture with definition glossary: construction site, excavator, front loader, and mines.



Ten Pigs

One very happy pig is taking a bubble bath with just his rubber ducky. Then comes Pig Two with a beach ball, followed by Pig Three with a snorkel and mask, then a pig pirate, a pig with a tuba, a sailor pig with his toy ship, another pig with a sandcastle, and finally a pig with a surf board.

Then, just as quickly as the tub filled, the tub empties. Enter one wolf, with a BIG zipper down his chest. A pig in wolf’s clothing, now in the bath with the bubbles and his rubber ducky.

Hilarious fun in board book form!

Noisy Farm: my first sound book

Those of you with pre-school youth will enjoy this 6″ X 6″ book containing recorded sounds of six animals: rooster, cow, duck, pig, sheep, and horse. The sounds are so life-like my dog comes running to find the animal, each time I push one of the six sound buttons.

This is a sturdy board book, with a hidden on/off switch under a flap inside the back cover.

Fun Experiments with Forces and Motion

Former science and math teacher Rob Ives has compiled nine projects to make using common everyday supplies. Each project comes with step-by-step illustrated directions, including warnings when open flames and utility knives are involved. At the end of each set of directions there is a color photo of the project and a photo of an actual working devise. Example: a balloon hovercraft is assembled in five steps on pages 12-13, ending with a photo of an actual hovercraft skimming over water in the section entitled, “Amazing Science”.

The first project is fairly simple, but fun, with each consecutive project’s instructions becoming a little more involved/difficult.

The projects are close-ended as they are presented in this book, but could easily be made open-ended if the builder needs to present something with a hypothesis.

Experiments include: bottle rocket, ball in orbit, balloon hovercraft, elastic band dragster, paper plane, candle seesaw, soap-powered boat, warm-air spinner, and a vortex.

Back to School With Bigfoot

Going back to school is a BIG worry for a Bigfoot! Finding clothes that fit, getting a full body hair cut, worries about lunch time and even picture day make BigFoot want to quit school! Yet, there are so many great things about school such as his teacher, the study of mythological creatures, and, most importantly, his friends. That is enough to change Bigfoot’s mind. Illustrations are bold and bright. This silly story will have young students laughing.

Secrets of Hexbridge Castle, The

Alphie Bloom thought his Summer would be boring, until he gets told he has inherited a castle, Hexbridge Castle, which has been closed up for hundreds of years. Alphie receives a letter explaining that he must be sure not to open the basement with the talisman-key enclosed. Alphie and his two cousins have a great time exploring the castle and finding a large bear skin rug that magically comes to life and takes the trio on a magic carpet ride through the city. Unfortunately, they nearly escape the wrath of a two headed dragon before reaching the safety of the castle again.

Alphie attends school where two horribly mean head mistresses have targeted him as a victim. There, the students are preparing to put on a theatrical show in the auditorium until a fire breaks out. In fear the show may not go on, he offers the use of the castle which could allow someone to open the basement and let a nest of hibernating dragons out. While the show is in progress, the two headmistresses turn into the two headed dragon in an attempt to get the talisman-key, but good always wins, and the dragon is taken down. Adventure, magic, time travel, and mystery awaits.

Princess Juniper of the Anju

Princess Juniper’s father sent her  message, in Queen’s Basin, two weeks ago telling how his kingdom is under attack by the Monsians. Meanwhile, her cousin Cyril unsuccessfully  tried to usurp  her valley. Later, Cyril admits, ” I know who thieved your horses.”(22) What else can go wrong in Princess Juniper’s life? Juniper’s group can’t help her father without their horses, so Juniper will work with her treacherous cousin Cyril to get the horses back. This leads to an adventure through tunnels in the mountain to find a whole different world. Little by little, Juniper realizes this is the world her deceased mother came from, the world of the Anju. The Anju have prematurely lost their leader. They are preparing to celebrate their lost leader’s life and then, begin the trials to determine who their new leader will be. It is slowly revealed, Juniper’s mother is of the Anju bloodline to take part in the trials. Now, Juniper feels she must go through the three Trials: Tests of Might, Mind, and Mettle. If Juniper is successful, she will have the army she needs to help her father.   Juniper is considered an outsider by most of the Anju, but a case is made to allow her to be in the trials.  Trickery, skill, and happenstance woven together by several in the trials eventually determine Juniper to be the new chieftain of the Anju. But how will Juniper be a proper chieftain for the Anju if she does not, in fact, know their culture? How will the Anju be a willing army to fight for Juniper’s father when they are against violence? Once again, Juniper must deal with the problems of being a leader, but this time by declining the role of Anju’s chieftain.  And by doing this, Juniper wins the trust of Zetta, the second in the trials, now the Anju’s new chieftain. Zetta vows to help Juniper in her fight with the Monsians, who are also longtime enemies of the Anju.


Get ready for book three.


The  ‘Brands We Know’ series provides readers with a history of world famous Pokémon. This book is strictly facts. Instructions for games are not included or hinted upon.

Pokémon began as three Japanese companies for video games, card games , and television shows and movies: Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures, Inc. Pokémon was first released in Japan, then two years later in the United States of America.

Players battle wild Pokémon and trainers, gaining extra speed and strength, then come to gyms, and evolve into different characters.  “Every few years, a new generation of Pokémon games is released.”(12)There are seven generations  at time of publication.

In 2016, Pokémon Go was introduced to over one hundred countries and has been downloaded over six hundred million times. The Pokémon TV show airs in over one hundred countries and there are over twenty movies. “Pokémon brings people of all ages together for fun and friendship!” (19)

Includes:Table of Contents, Timeline, Glossary,, and Index.

Where Did All the Dinos Go?

Pre schooler will enjoy this 18 page board book told in rhyme.

“Where did all the dinos go? Some say they vanished long ago.

But I’ll bet if we take a look,

We just might find some in THIS BOOK.”

The dinosaurs are finding in plain sight dressed as a city cowboy, a business man with a courier bag and another one wearing a neck tie. There is one driving a car. Another one is playing in the park, while others are wanting to share your ice cream cones.

Large bright colors.

There’s a Pest in the Garden

“What’s the PEST going to eat NEXT?” beans? corn? peas? turnips?

There is a mole or gopher in the vegetable garden. First it eats all of the beans, then corn (sheep’s favorite-‘sniff’), then the peas –“YIPPEE!” , donkey doesn’t like peas. Before the pest strikes again duck comes up with a plan. Duck beats the pest at its own game by eating all of the turnips. When the pest leaves the farm, the animals replant the garden and build a fence.

Super BIG, simple illustrations with great facial expressions and minimal dialog.

Includes for parents a “get your child to read in three simple steps” chart.

Passenger Trains

Young readers are introduced to the concept of traveling long distances  by train through a series of outdoor photos of trains in the United States of America, Korea, and Australia. There are also photos of people eating in a dining car, sleeping in a sleeper car , and sightseeing.

There are two sentences, in large font, on the left hand page accompanying  the full page photo on the right hand page.

Books contains : Table of Contents, 6 word Glossary with small photos, an Index, and “on the Web” .

A Feast of Fun

Set at Storm Cliff Stables, a camp “for girls crazy about horses” (4) Aunt Jane, the owner/director  of the camp, asks the camp girls to plan her wedding at the camp, when Aunt Jane announces she will be marrying Clyde in two days. Khadija, whose parents are currently in Pakistan for a wedding, is overjoyed to help. All the fun of planning a wedding, while learning about Khadija’s Pakistani Muslim culture, are rolled into one. Plus, there is the mystery of who seems to be thwarting Khadija’s plans for a Pakistani style wedding while also including Aunt Jane’s three requests: red velvet cake, flowers in her hair, and “to ride down the aisle[ in the horse arena] on Sapphire.” (26)

“Family isn’t just who you’re related to. It’s who you spend your time with and who you love to be around. I miss my family. I wish I could have been with them in Pakistan, but I’m thankful to be with my family here.” (111)

This book has all the fun of camp life, horses, and a wedding, to boot!

Each of the ten chapters has an illustration by Paula Franco

Molly & Mae

Molly & Mae is a cute book about friendship. Paralleling a train trip, their friendship has both smooth times and bumpy times. The illustrations are calming but not busy. This will be a good book to read to Kindergartners and First Graders to help explain friendships and how to mend them.

The Witch Boy

The basis premise of this book I that a boy wants to learn spells and other magic like witches, but boys are expected to become shift-shapers. Witches can only be girls. There is lots of adventure, fantasy, action, conflict and interesting characters. It also challenges gender constructs and might really pique the interest of a student who doesn’t fit traditional gender norms or who need an opportunity to learn how to celebrate differences, There is a lot of “world building” in this novel that makes me infer that there may be a sequel in the future.

A Shiloh Christmas

A year has passed since Shiloh has become part of Marty’s family.  It’s almost Christmas but the holiday spirit is low.  Judd, Shiloh’s previous owner, is trying to be a better person, a new minister preaches more fire and brimstone than love, and a severe drought has made life harder.  Marty and his family suspect the new pastor of hiding abuse of his daughters when they discover Rachel locked in a toolshed.  A sudden wildfire destroys several houses and although Judd’s home is also burned, he is blamed for setting the fire.  Marty’s parents offer Judd a place to stay while he rebuilds his house and searches for his dog.  While uncomfortable, with the support of his family, Marty begins to see his community in a new light.  As in the other books, the warm feelings of love, compassion, and family mingle with messages of tolerance and forgiveness.  Despite being the last in a quartet, this book can stand on it’s own.  Another wonderful read!

The Last Viking Returns

Josh, the oldest of three boys, has always admired Vikings.  He is brave and afraid of nothing.  However, his younger twin brothers are getting bigger and wilder, which does worry him.  While staying with their grandparents, they all take an adventure to Viking World.  At the same time, Thor and the gods in Asgard are watching over them.  As the twins get into mischief, Josh spies them on a Viking ship just as archers with flaming arrows are about to demonstrate a Viking funeral.  A similar problem is happening in Asgard as the dragon, Fafnir, is about to attack.  Josh finds an inner strength to protect his brothers – in a way that also helps the gods protect Asgard!  The large, colorful illustrations add many details to the story.  Throughout Viking World are runes on wooden beams.  A key in the back helps decode the messages.  They are quotes about dragons and bravery from Tolkein, Neil Gaiman, John Lennon and Churchill.  Awesome addition!  This book is a real treat on many levels.

The Baseball Player and the Walrus

A very successful baseball player became quite unhappy with his life.  One day, while visiting a zoo, he enjoyed watching a walrus.  The more he thought about it, the more he wanted the walrus in his life.  The zoo would not sell it to him until he could prove he could take good care of it, so he created a huge, complete environment for it.  All went well, until baseball season started.  He missed his walrus so much he decided to quit the team to spend more time at home with his friend.  However, he discovered taking care of a walrus was expensive and soon ran out of money.  The walrus was returned to the zoo.  When the player tried to re-join the team, he found he had been replaced.  Sadly he went to the zoo to say goodbye to his friend  As he entered, he noticed a sign requesting an experienced caretaker for the walrus.  He knew his prayers were answered.  Simple, cartoon-like illustrations are colorful and expressive.  This provides a good look at the responsibilities of owning a pet and being happy.

Creatures of the Rain Forest

Interesting, although sometimes creepy, creatures of the Central and South American rainforests are described in this 32 paged book..  One interesting feature in this series shows the comparative size of the creature to a hand or an average adult height.  Another, is a rating scale of each being for size, power, strength, aggression, and deadliness.  The tiny Brazilian treehopper, has an odd-shaped helmet to ward off predators.  Other animals include the poison dart frog (which isn’t poisonous when raised in captivity!), the Brazilian wandering spider whose bite is 30 times more deadly that of a rattlesnake, as well as the Hercules beetle, which eats 24 hours a day.  Also included are the vampire bat, the singular mammal whose diet is only blood (a sanguinivore), the Goliath bird-eating spider, larger than your dinner plate, and the Goliath tigerfish, with 32 sharp, one inch long teeth! The last three include the electric eel, whose electrical impulses can knock a horse off its feet, the green anaconda, which can weigh up to 500 lbs., and the harpie eagle, a huge bird whose 5 ” talons can be the same size as a grizzly bear’s.  Each page includes full color photos, a paragraph about habitat or behaviors, and a fact box.  Additional facts are presented in the back with an index.


The terms carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore are defined on the first page.  The text is large and although there are only a couple of sentences per page, young readers will appreciate the information included.  Beautiful close-up photos show a variety of carnivores.  Some of the carnivores mentioned may be a surprise, for example, spiders.  These meat eaters use venom to soften food in order to eat.  Also, the Venus fly trap is a plant that ingests insects.  A picture glossary is in the back with a book and internet resource, and an index.  The format is pleasing and information is plentiful.  This is a great nonfiction resource for primary readers.

My Rotten Friend

Told in a rhyming text, AAAB format, a young girl narrates the zombie-like qualities of her best friend.  “She’s my best friend, but I won’t lie, Penelope smells like something died.”  Epelbaum’s artwork does a great job showing classmates and adults being repulsed by Penelope.  The young, blonde narrator tries to get Penelope involved in activities, but things just don’t go well.  Penelope starts biting things and people, including the narrator.  Penelope is hungry, but only for brains!  As the story continues, the young girl begins to change… into someone very much like her gross, in-dead friend.  Just the book for a creepy read-aloud!  Zombie vampires!  Yikes!

Sunshine Brightens Springtime

What a great nonfiction book about sunshine for young readers!  Large, colorful, illustrations show animals enjoying springtime sun.  The rhyming text informs the reader about all the ways the sun affects our lives.  Verb word choice “beams”, “sparkles”, and “glimmers” add another dimension of interest to this attractive book.  The acrylic and digital artwork uses a warm palate of colors to create a joyful arrival of spring.  The last pages add further facts along with an internet site.

The Lavender Blue Dress

This is a gentle, rhyming story of a little girl whose family was poor but loving.  The Christmas ball was approaching and all the school children were looking forward to something new to wear.  Mabel had been dreaming of a dress the same beautiful color as her lavender blue sheets.  As her classmates joyfully raced home to prepare for the dance, Mabel slowly walked with her mom.  Once home, her parents and grandparents surprised her with a gorgeous gown they had created while she was at school.  Mabel’s dress was a success but the love of family is what made it the best.  The artwork, in cool pastels, is a good match for this tender story.

I Wanna be a Dinosaur!

Detailed, colorful watercolor illustrations enhance this story of a dinosaur-loving family.  Son Carl wants to be a dinosaur and the entire family gets involved with choosing a dinosaur with particular qualities or characteristics.  Twelve dinosaurs that walk, fly, or swim are emphasized as each family member tries to make a decision.  The artwork is large, ample, and vibrant.  The last pages provide additional facts about each dinosaur in the story.  An interesting feature is a timeline of periods from the Permian to the Cretaceous so one can see in which period each dinosaur live.  This is a great mix of fact and fiction.

Spy Next Door: Mutant Rat Attack

At first glance, I was impressed with the illustrations that accompany the text.  It’s almost a cross between a middle grades book and a graphic novel, which makes it a great option for students to bridge that gap.  The main character, Dexter Drabner, has an active imagination, and I think students will connect with him.  The story begins with a dream sequence and continues with Dexter filling in for one of his favorite superheroes, Toby Falcon, who is a skateboard-riding spy!  An accident in Dexter’s science classroom causes a large, mutant rat to be on the loose.  The only turn-off was the emphasis on “rat gas power” (flatulence) to produce electric power.  Overall, though, this is an engaging book designed for students grades 2-5.