Reviewed by OHS Staff M. Debuse-Losh
This high-adventure novel takes place in the frigid Antarctic in the early 1900’s. It has a gripping storyline but I felt the narrative was somewhat too elementary and I didn’t care for the diary format.
Clara has just come from the front lines of the violent suffragist movement in England, where women were being beaten for their demand that women have the same rights as men. She signs up for an Antarctic expedition just as WWI is starting, and encounters many challenges with the tortuous expedition itself and the all-male crew.
History buffs may enjoy the rendition of the famous Shackleton expedition told from a strong female protagonist’s point of view. Trigger warning: there is an attempted sexual assault in the story.
I enjoyed the extreme adventure depictions, and the descriptions of surviving in the Antarctic. I disliked the diary format spoken in a peculiarly juvenile voice (I imagine even an 18-year-old in 1914 would be a tad more sophisticated).