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The DARK KNIGHT: Batman Undercover

DC Comics author, Paul Weissburg, weaves a story without using the graphic novel format in five short chapters. Weissburg’s story does team up with DC Comics, Luciano Vecchio, to include ten full-color comic illustrations intermingled throughout the story. These illustrations will NOT disappoint comic officiandoes.

In disguise, Batman has been tailing villain Matches Malone on the subway of Gotham City. BUT before Batman can apprehend Matches, he and Robin save two children from a burning building. Then, Batman captures Matches and disguises himself as Matches so he can infiltrate the First Annual Super-Villain Crime Convention.

Batman’s disguise is working, but he forgets to make Match Malone’s annoying small talk as he circulates through the villains at the convention. Batman pushes the Penguin out of harms way from a falling display blowing his cover. Batman is catch and placed inside the Death Trap with water bubbling up to his head as the crowd of convention villains watch. Robin helps save the day by turning off the city’s power grid, thus releasing Batman from the Death Trap. In the dark Batman was able to out smart the super villains and leave “with the Cosmic Annihilator in Tow.” Mission accomplished.