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Grandma’s Garden by Hillary & Chelsea Clinton, illus. Carme Lemniscates

Three generations of gardeners work side-by-side to care for the grandmother’s garden. First the small child gives her view of her grandmother and grandmother’s garden, then the view of the child’s mother, followed by a key bit of wisdom having to do with gardens, such as, “Gardens help teach responsibility.”

When the reader turns the page, the child is a little bit older, as is the mother, and grandmother, but they again give their impressions of the garden. The child’s impression always comes first followed by her mother’s. This continues until the child is now a mother herself with her own two children helping in the garden with their grandmother. “Gardens connect us across generations.”

The little girl’s words are always in blue ink, her mother’s words are always in green ink, and the words of wisdom are always in an orangey ink.

Children who help with gardening will identify with the passages, whether they garden at home, in a school garden, or with a grandparent.

Carme Lemniscates’ illustrations make each garden in the book come to life just like Grandmother Dorothy would want them to grow.

Also available in a well translated Spanish version: Los Jardines de la Abuela.