Trike is reminiscing over all the fun he’s had with he’s had with Lulu, when the arrival of a shiny new bike shows up and makes him conscious of all his own scratches and patches. Bike is a bit of a show-off, who likes speed, and he challenges Trike to a race. Recognizing the advantage that he’d have because of his familiarity with the route, Trike agrees, on the stipulation that if he wins, Bike has to promise to let Lulu ride at her own pace. Mid-race, when Bike’s risky behavior gives Trike an opportunity to take the lead, Trike goes after Bike to keep him save, rather than take advantage of the opening. They end up friends, and though Lulu gets presented with the shiny new Bike at her birthday, her baby brother takes over Trike, so the two get to keep riding together.