Uncovering Ancient Artifacts is a very informational book by Rachael L. Thomas about the ancient artifacts that archaeologists have discovered over the years. Thomas starts out by putting in you in a scenario that engages you with the book. “You’ve poured over maps and ancient writing for many months…Your research brought you here.” Throughout the book, different ancient artifacts as well as describe different archaeological terms and processes, such as how archaeologists preserve artifacts. The book includes many interesting features and has a timeline that leads up to modern day archaeology where it talks about new laws around archaeology. The extra features and additions like the timeline, make it easy to understand and more interesting. The pictures really add a lot as there is less text so a lot of the space is filled with pictures. Uncovering Ancient Artifacts is really good for beginning information on the subject. I enjoyed learning about artifacts that I had heard about before but not gone in depth with yet. It was very fun and informative. If you want more specific and in-depth information, this is probably not the book you are looking for. All around, this book is a collection of some of the most famous archaeological advancements in uncovering ancient artifacts and an introduction to archaeology. Recommended.
Review by Viveka