Set in the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this latest novel by Kiersten White is sure to appeal to many different readers. Even if you have no previous exposure to the Buffy movie or TV series, this book will quickly grab your attention. Twin sisters, Artemis and Athena, have grown up in the world of Watchers – those who help advise and protect Slayers. Nina (Athena) has always felt like an outcast among her peers and family. This “weak” character soon finds herself thrown into the power of becoming the very last Slayer. Adventure ensues to try and take down demons that threaten the world. New found Slayer powers cause Nina to have to make quick decisions for the first time in her life – decisions that will have great impact upon those she loves. Deceit among characters is an underlying factor that helps drive the plot. There are many descriptive fighting scenes, fueled by strong female characters and minimal, secondary male characters. Readers of Fantasy will delight in the characters, setting, and plot of this novel.