The Wendy Project is a graphic novel by actor and playwright Melissa Jane Osborne, illustrated by Veronica Fish, whose clients include Nickelodeon and MARVEL. The story is a modern day twist on the Peter Pan story, and features 16-year-old Wendy Davies who crashes her car into a lake with her two younger brothers in the backseat. Upon awaking in the hospital, she learns that her youngest brother, Michael, is dead. Wendy, who prior to this tragedy, was a rational teenager, shocks her family by insisting that Michael is alive and in the custody of a mysterious flying boy. Wendy is moved to a new school, where she tries to navigate between fantasy and reality. In Wendy’s eyes, the students and adults around her begin to resemble characters from Neverland. She is given a sketchbook by her therapist, and she starts to draw. But is The Wendy Project just her safe space, or a portal between worlds?