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Life after death.  Only a very few get to go to the underworld and see make it back to the real world.  Pierce did.  Prolific author Meg Cabot begins her new Abandon trilogy with Pierce Oliveria as a real world Persephone, who is being tracked by John Hayden, organizer of the underworld, aka Hades.  None of Pierce’s meetings with John were by chance, for when she was seven years old, John fell in love with her and gave her the gift of a color-changing diamond necklace. But when he had his opportunity to keep her in the underworld, out of fear she ran back through the door to the real world, still wearing the diamond necklace.  Parental divorce and issues at her previous school land her back to the island where she first met John.  Though he comes in and out of her life, both scaring her and kindling her love, he has told her the diamond will protect her from those who will want to harm her.  But Pierce is more head strong than heart weary and the battle of head over heart will drive this grinding love story because at the age of 17, Pierce is more flattered than enamored by his fondness for her.  This twisting tale always has more coming, and by the end of this installment, readers know it’s not over.  This cleverly crafted connection to mythology will definitely be a hit with those who are kin to such stories.  Strongly recommended for all libraries.